Health Care Reform


HSAs bend cost curve down

AS FOLKS begin to shop for health insurance this fall, they’ll discover that insurance companies are seeking rate increases from 20 to 40 percent or more. Regulators in some states are ordering insurers to hike premiums even further to avoid going bankrupt. But according to a new study from the ...

Obamacare’s True Costs Are Finally Coming To Light

State regulators typically use their power to review health insurance premiums to limit rate hikes. But in Oregon, officials are ordering insurers to raise premiums — in many cases by double digits. The regulators pointed out that insurers spent over $100 million more than they took in last year. Any ...

Reconciliation can solve GOP’s irreconcilable differences with Obamacare

“It’s time to embrace reality.” That’s what President Obama said about Obamacare on its 5th anniversary in late March. He meant it as a warning to critics — Obamacare is here to stay, so quit “belly-aching.” But after five years of false promises, massive disruptions to the healthcare marketplace, enormous ...

A healthy alternative to Obamacare

Obamacare’s open enrollment period will close in less than a week. It’s poised to go out with a whimper rather than a bang. Only one in every seven Americans believes that Obamacare has helped them and their family. The other six may not have to put up with the law ...

A Silver Lining in the Legal Threats to Obamacare?

The battle over Obamacare has shifted to the courts. This time, the president is on the defensive. Last month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled 2-1 in Halbig v. Burwell that the federal government lacks the authority to provide subsidies to offset ...
Drug Pricing

Hospitals Making Hundreds of Millions Off Program for Poor

Affluent hospitals are ginning up hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains every year by exploiting a federal health care program intended to help poor and vulnerable Americans. That’s the conclusion of a report from the inspector general at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The hospitals ...

PIPES: The White House wants feds to bail out insurers if they lose money on Obamacare

The Obama administration has taken a red pen to its signature health care reform law again — rewriting the measure without consulting Congress. This time, the White House wants to extend Obamacare’s “risk corridors,” which require the feds to bail out insurance companies if they lose too much money in ...

The Pipes Proviso

When our oldest daughter was in second grade her best friend was a classmate who was the daughter of an ophthalmologist from Canada. He devoted much of his practice to treating Medicaid patients at the county hospital. The family moved to Ottawa at the end of the school year and ...

Senate GOP Health Reform Plan Has Room For Improvement — But Still Better Than Obamacare

In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama threw down a gauntlet for Republicans opposed to his health reform law. “If you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, increase choice, tell America what you’d do differently,” he said. “Let’s see if the numbers add up.” ...

It’s Not Just Obamacare Has A Serious Age Discrimination Problem

The Obama Administration is desperate to get young people to sign up for health insurance under the federal healthcare reform law. So they’ve enlisted a team of almost universally trusted spokespeople to lobby the youth of America — their mothers. One ad from the Obama-allied group Organizing for Action encourages ...

HSAs bend cost curve down

AS FOLKS begin to shop for health insurance this fall, they’ll discover that insurance companies are seeking rate increases from 20 to 40 percent or more. Regulators in some states are ordering insurers to hike premiums even further to avoid going bankrupt. But according to a new study from the ...

Obamacare’s True Costs Are Finally Coming To Light

State regulators typically use their power to review health insurance premiums to limit rate hikes. But in Oregon, officials are ordering insurers to raise premiums — in many cases by double digits. The regulators pointed out that insurers spent over $100 million more than they took in last year. Any ...

Reconciliation can solve GOP’s irreconcilable differences with Obamacare

“It’s time to embrace reality.” That’s what President Obama said about Obamacare on its 5th anniversary in late March. He meant it as a warning to critics — Obamacare is here to stay, so quit “belly-aching.” But after five years of false promises, massive disruptions to the healthcare marketplace, enormous ...

A healthy alternative to Obamacare

Obamacare’s open enrollment period will close in less than a week. It’s poised to go out with a whimper rather than a bang. Only one in every seven Americans believes that Obamacare has helped them and their family. The other six may not have to put up with the law ...

A Silver Lining in the Legal Threats to Obamacare?

The battle over Obamacare has shifted to the courts. This time, the president is on the defensive. Last month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled 2-1 in Halbig v. Burwell that the federal government lacks the authority to provide subsidies to offset ...
Drug Pricing

Hospitals Making Hundreds of Millions Off Program for Poor

Affluent hospitals are ginning up hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains every year by exploiting a federal health care program intended to help poor and vulnerable Americans. That’s the conclusion of a report from the inspector general at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The hospitals ...

PIPES: The White House wants feds to bail out insurers if they lose money on Obamacare

The Obama administration has taken a red pen to its signature health care reform law again — rewriting the measure without consulting Congress. This time, the White House wants to extend Obamacare’s “risk corridors,” which require the feds to bail out insurance companies if they lose too much money in ...

The Pipes Proviso

When our oldest daughter was in second grade her best friend was a classmate who was the daughter of an ophthalmologist from Canada. He devoted much of his practice to treating Medicaid patients at the county hospital. The family moved to Ottawa at the end of the school year and ...

Senate GOP Health Reform Plan Has Room For Improvement — But Still Better Than Obamacare

In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama threw down a gauntlet for Republicans opposed to his health reform law. “If you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, increase choice, tell America what you’d do differently,” he said. “Let’s see if the numbers add up.” ...

It’s Not Just Obamacare Has A Serious Age Discrimination Problem

The Obama Administration is desperate to get young people to sign up for health insurance under the federal healthcare reform law. So they’ve enlisted a team of almost universally trusted spokespeople to lobby the youth of America — their mothers. One ad from the Obama-allied group Organizing for Action encourages ...
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