Health Care Reform


A Big Week on Health Care in Washington

The health care debate continues to heat up this week. A big vote in Congress on the Graham-Cassidy health care reform legislation is expected before Saturday, September 30. This is the deadline to pass repeal and replace legislation with just 50 votes (and Vice President Pence breaking the tie) under ...

The New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Lead to Single Payer Health Care

This week, a group of Republican senators is scrambling to pick up enough votes for a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. The senators have until Sept. 30 to act. But the Graham-Cassidy plan—named for its two leading proponents, Sen. Lindsey ...
Business & Economics

Enriching Lawyers Is Not the Solution to the Opioid Crisis

Effective health care reforms must reduce the excessive costs imposed by frivolous lawsuits. Studies have shown that medical tort reform could reduce total health care premiums between 1 and 3 percent. As estimated by the American Action Forum, this could mean “roughly $15 billion” in savings from effective (but partial) ...

Reforms Should Improve the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Market

The refrain that pharmaceuticals are driving the health care affordability problem has been repeated so often that it is becoming an illusory truth – people believe it to be true simply because they have heard it repeated so often. Obviously, repeating the same incorrect statement over and over again does ...

Piecemeal Repeal Is The Least Bad Obamacare Option

The demise of the Senate’s “skinny” repeal of Obamacare may be a blessing in disguise. Nobody should have mistaken that measure for genuine repeal of the Affordable Care Act — much less for the free-market healthcare reform that most of the GOP has long clamored for. Yet the collapse of ...
Business & Economics

Market Reforms To Improve Pharmaceutical Outcomes

The drama of “repeal and replace” resembled an unfunny version of a Monty Python skit, continuously claiming that it was “not dead yet”, and even that it was “getting better” only to be put out of its misery in the end. The end of repeal and replace will not end ...

The Tragic Demise Of Repeal And Replace

Anyone committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare will not mourn the death of the Senate’s “skinny repeal” bill this past Friday morning. It retreated from nearly every health policy goal — from rolling back premium-inflating insurance regulations to modernizing Medicaid — that conservatives have championed since ObamaCare became law over ...

Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform

The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...

Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead

Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Health Care

Health Care Policy Expert: Future GOP Health Care Reform Efforts Must Address The Tax Code

The Senate did not pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Monday, leaving the Affordable Care Act instituted under former President Barack Obama in place — for now. Various Republican senators vociferously opposed the plan for a variety of reasons, with some stating it did not do enough to repeal ...

A Big Week on Health Care in Washington

The health care debate continues to heat up this week. A big vote in Congress on the Graham-Cassidy health care reform legislation is expected before Saturday, September 30. This is the deadline to pass repeal and replace legislation with just 50 votes (and Vice President Pence breaking the tie) under ...

The New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Lead to Single Payer Health Care

This week, a group of Republican senators is scrambling to pick up enough votes for a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. The senators have until Sept. 30 to act. But the Graham-Cassidy plan—named for its two leading proponents, Sen. Lindsey ...
Business & Economics

Enriching Lawyers Is Not the Solution to the Opioid Crisis

Effective health care reforms must reduce the excessive costs imposed by frivolous lawsuits. Studies have shown that medical tort reform could reduce total health care premiums between 1 and 3 percent. As estimated by the American Action Forum, this could mean “roughly $15 billion” in savings from effective (but partial) ...

Reforms Should Improve the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Market

The refrain that pharmaceuticals are driving the health care affordability problem has been repeated so often that it is becoming an illusory truth – people believe it to be true simply because they have heard it repeated so often. Obviously, repeating the same incorrect statement over and over again does ...

Piecemeal Repeal Is The Least Bad Obamacare Option

The demise of the Senate’s “skinny” repeal of Obamacare may be a blessing in disguise. Nobody should have mistaken that measure for genuine repeal of the Affordable Care Act — much less for the free-market healthcare reform that most of the GOP has long clamored for. Yet the collapse of ...
Business & Economics

Market Reforms To Improve Pharmaceutical Outcomes

The drama of “repeal and replace” resembled an unfunny version of a Monty Python skit, continuously claiming that it was “not dead yet”, and even that it was “getting better” only to be put out of its misery in the end. The end of repeal and replace will not end ...

The Tragic Demise Of Repeal And Replace

Anyone committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare will not mourn the death of the Senate’s “skinny repeal” bill this past Friday morning. It retreated from nearly every health policy goal — from rolling back premium-inflating insurance regulations to modernizing Medicaid — that conservatives have championed since ObamaCare became law over ...

Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform

The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...

Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead

Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Health Care

Health Care Policy Expert: Future GOP Health Care Reform Efforts Must Address The Tax Code

The Senate did not pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Monday, leaving the Affordable Care Act instituted under former President Barack Obama in place — for now. Various Republican senators vociferously opposed the plan for a variety of reasons, with some stating it did not do enough to repeal ...
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