Green Energy


California doesn’t have to be like Texas – following Florida’s lead will work

Texas, it’s been said recent years, should inspire California to recapture its lost promise, to polish its fading luster. While the Golden State grapples with a host of Blue State struggles, housing is more affordable in the Lone Star state, taxes are lower, business is welcomed rather than handcuffed, and ...
Climate Change

Green New Deal would cause a new Depression

Democrat firebrands Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey just unveiled their “Green New Deal,” a multi-trillion-dollar effort to overhaul the energy industry and slash America’s net greenhouse gas emissions to zero within a decade. The legislation’s title is fitting. The original New Deal failed to create jobs and actually ...

Free-market Environmentalism

Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...

Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...

Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish

Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...

You Should’ve Been There – On PRI’s Vancouver Conference on Free-Market Environmentalism

Whenever you hear about efforts to preserve our environment, it always involves ill-conceived policy prescriptions, taxpayer-funded subsidies, or heavy-handed government mandates. Take, for example, the work by PRI’s Wayne Winegarden on electric car subsidies.  While noble in intent, the subsidies amount to government playing car salesman.  Using your money, government ...

Investors and Taxpayers: Beware of Corporate Welfare

Last week, Tesla analysts at Goldman Sachs reiterated their sell rating of the stock, citing decreased delivery projections of its Models S and X, and slower production of its mass market Model 3 (see: that’s what I want!).  Goldman analyst David Tamberrino believes that the slowdown may mean that the ...

Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra

California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
Business & Economics

Despite Budget Action, Much Work Remains to Solve State’s Pension Crisis

Anyone worried about an earthquake plunging California into the sea should be more concerned about what is really sinking the state: the cost of public-employee pensions. In the just-enacted 2017-18 state budget, about $8 billion of the state government’s $183 billion spending package will go to the California Public Employees’ Retirement ...

California doesn’t have to be like Texas – following Florida’s lead will work

Texas, it’s been said recent years, should inspire California to recapture its lost promise, to polish its fading luster. While the Golden State grapples with a host of Blue State struggles, housing is more affordable in the Lone Star state, taxes are lower, business is welcomed rather than handcuffed, and ...
Climate Change

Green New Deal would cause a new Depression

Democrat firebrands Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey just unveiled their “Green New Deal,” a multi-trillion-dollar effort to overhaul the energy industry and slash America’s net greenhouse gas emissions to zero within a decade. The legislation’s title is fitting. The original New Deal failed to create jobs and actually ...

Free-market Environmentalism

Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...

Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...

Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish

Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...

You Should’ve Been There – On PRI’s Vancouver Conference on Free-Market Environmentalism

Whenever you hear about efforts to preserve our environment, it always involves ill-conceived policy prescriptions, taxpayer-funded subsidies, or heavy-handed government mandates. Take, for example, the work by PRI’s Wayne Winegarden on electric car subsidies.  While noble in intent, the subsidies amount to government playing car salesman.  Using your money, government ...

Investors and Taxpayers: Beware of Corporate Welfare

Last week, Tesla analysts at Goldman Sachs reiterated their sell rating of the stock, citing decreased delivery projections of its Models S and X, and slower production of its mass market Model 3 (see: that’s what I want!).  Goldman analyst David Tamberrino believes that the slowdown may mean that the ...

Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra

California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
Business & Economics

Despite Budget Action, Much Work Remains to Solve State’s Pension Crisis

Anyone worried about an earthquake plunging California into the sea should be more concerned about what is really sinking the state: the cost of public-employee pensions. In the just-enacted 2017-18 state budget, about $8 billion of the state government’s $183 billion spending package will go to the California Public Employees’ Retirement ...
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