Green Energy
The Dark Side Of California’s Solar System
The city of Los Angeles has a Department of Water and Power, the largest of its kind in the U.S. From this we are to understand that there is a synergistic connection between the two commodities. Yet one is crowding out the other in California’s race to an all-renewables electrical ...
Kerry Jackson
July 21, 2023
Biden’s Cash Is Merely A Drop in the Bucket of What an All-Renewable Future Needs
President Biden headlined a Palo Alto event this week touting what Gov. Newsom’s office called “new investments in climate action and clean energy.” In between a series of high-priced Bay Area fundraisers for his re-election campaign, Biden, with Newsom by his side, announced “$67 million (in federal funds) to help ...
Wayne Winegarden and Tim Anaya
June 22, 2023
California: Green For Me But Not For Thee
Unsurprisingly, Californians are also using other states as junkyards. CalMatters recently reported that “California regulations may stop at the border, but its waste does not.” “Since 2010, about 43 percent of California-only hazardous waste has been transported out of state – much of it to Arizona and Utah landfills,” the ...
Kerry Jackson
June 12, 2023
Learn About Latest Costly Green Mandate
California Emphasizes The ‘DIE’ In Diesel
The state Air Resources Board has approved new rules that says, “all Class I line haul locomotives” that have “an original engine build date of 2035 and beyond” can operate in California only if they have “a zero-emissions configuration.” That’s also the last year that new diesel big rigs can ...
Kerry Jackson
May 30, 2023
Energy Reality Coming at California Fast
“Life comes at you fast,” said the insurance company ad campaign earlier this century. In California, energy reality is coming fast and it doesn’t inspire confidence in the future. With a few exceptions, official Sacramento, its groupthink mélange of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats who wield great political power, have ...
Kerry Jackson
May 17, 2023
New Green Mandate Would Increase Electricity Costs
The EPA’s California Dreamin’ would be a nightmare for the country
By Rea S. Hederman Jr. and Wayne Winegarden The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released new emissions rules for coal- and natural gas-fired powerplants. Again. The new rules target greenhouse gases and requires electric utility companies to cut emissions “by 90 percent — or shut down.” The Biden Administration, eager ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 15, 2023
CA banking on offshore wind for energy goals
Gavin Newsom’s Carbon-Neutral Grid Plan Looks To Be Going The Way Of The Bullet Train To Nowhere
California’s planned transition to a carbon-neutral electricity grid by 2045 relies heavily on offshore wind power. It might take a miracle to get there. The growth of offshore wind will have to accelerate faster than a Tesla Model S, which goes from zero to 60 in less than two seconds. ...
Kerry Jackson
May 6, 2023
How Are We Going to Build New Transmission Lines for Renewable Energy Transition?
The California Independent System Operator recently released its 2022-23 transmission plan, in which it outlines “new transmission infrastructure needed to reliably and efficiently meet California’s clean-energy objectives over the next decade.” It “identifies additional transmission and resource capacity” and “recommends 46 transmission projects costing an estimated $9.3 billion.” “But getting ...
Kerry Jackson
May 3, 2023
Read about latest Sacramento overspending
State Budget Update: Lawmakers Propose ‘Old Fashioned Tax and Spend Budget’
With the turning of the page on the calendar to May comes the anticipated arrival of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “May Revise” budget plan, which should be released around May 10. The May Revise is the governor’s updated budget plan taking into account the state’s latest economic forecasts and cash receipts. ...
Tim Anaya
May 1, 2023
U.S. Progressives Would Be Wise to Learn from Europe’s Shift Away from Socialism
The political progressives in the U.S. look to Europe for much if not most of their policy ideas. Be more like the Europeans, they say, adopt their welfare state models and their green energy programs, push the masses into cramped housing and set taxes and regulation so that they consume ...
Kerry Jackson
April 25, 2023
The Dark Side Of California’s Solar System
The city of Los Angeles has a Department of Water and Power, the largest of its kind in the U.S. From this we are to understand that there is a synergistic connection between the two commodities. Yet one is crowding out the other in California’s race to an all-renewables electrical ...
Biden’s Cash Is Merely A Drop in the Bucket of What an All-Renewable Future Needs
President Biden headlined a Palo Alto event this week touting what Gov. Newsom’s office called “new investments in climate action and clean energy.” In between a series of high-priced Bay Area fundraisers for his re-election campaign, Biden, with Newsom by his side, announced “$67 million (in federal funds) to help ...
California: Green For Me But Not For Thee
Unsurprisingly, Californians are also using other states as junkyards. CalMatters recently reported that “California regulations may stop at the border, but its waste does not.” “Since 2010, about 43 percent of California-only hazardous waste has been transported out of state – much of it to Arizona and Utah landfills,” the ...
Learn About Latest Costly Green Mandate
California Emphasizes The ‘DIE’ In Diesel
The state Air Resources Board has approved new rules that says, “all Class I line haul locomotives” that have “an original engine build date of 2035 and beyond” can operate in California only if they have “a zero-emissions configuration.” That’s also the last year that new diesel big rigs can ...
Energy Reality Coming at California Fast
“Life comes at you fast,” said the insurance company ad campaign earlier this century. In California, energy reality is coming fast and it doesn’t inspire confidence in the future. With a few exceptions, official Sacramento, its groupthink mélange of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats who wield great political power, have ...
New Green Mandate Would Increase Electricity Costs
The EPA’s California Dreamin’ would be a nightmare for the country
By Rea S. Hederman Jr. and Wayne Winegarden The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released new emissions rules for coal- and natural gas-fired powerplants. Again. The new rules target greenhouse gases and requires electric utility companies to cut emissions “by 90 percent — or shut down.” The Biden Administration, eager ...
CA banking on offshore wind for energy goals
Gavin Newsom’s Carbon-Neutral Grid Plan Looks To Be Going The Way Of The Bullet Train To Nowhere
California’s planned transition to a carbon-neutral electricity grid by 2045 relies heavily on offshore wind power. It might take a miracle to get there. The growth of offshore wind will have to accelerate faster than a Tesla Model S, which goes from zero to 60 in less than two seconds. ...
How Are We Going to Build New Transmission Lines for Renewable Energy Transition?
The California Independent System Operator recently released its 2022-23 transmission plan, in which it outlines “new transmission infrastructure needed to reliably and efficiently meet California’s clean-energy objectives over the next decade.” It “identifies additional transmission and resource capacity” and “recommends 46 transmission projects costing an estimated $9.3 billion.” “But getting ...
Read about latest Sacramento overspending
State Budget Update: Lawmakers Propose ‘Old Fashioned Tax and Spend Budget’
With the turning of the page on the calendar to May comes the anticipated arrival of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “May Revise” budget plan, which should be released around May 10. The May Revise is the governor’s updated budget plan taking into account the state’s latest economic forecasts and cash receipts. ...
U.S. Progressives Would Be Wise to Learn from Europe’s Shift Away from Socialism
The political progressives in the U.S. look to Europe for much if not most of their policy ideas. Be more like the Europeans, they say, adopt their welfare state models and their green energy programs, push the masses into cramped housing and set taxes and regulation so that they consume ...