Fossil Fuels


California’s Energy Policy Risks Tilting at Windmills as Electric Car Sales Grow

A cosmic policy convergence is brewing a nasty storm that will hit California hard in a few years. With deadlines for an all-renewable electricity grid as well as the end of sales of new gasoline-powered cars bearing down on the state, we’re facing a future of commonplace blackouts and energy ...

Green Jobs Demonstrate The Perils Of Government-Directed Economic Growth

Part of President Biden’s Build Back Better initiative promises to “create good-paying union jobs and train Americans for jobs of the future.” The unspoken theory behind this initiative is that green jobs will offer a pay premium to workers compared to jobs in the fossil fuel industry. It also reflects the Administration’s ...

California’s Tomorrowland Of Energy Won’t Be Arriving On Time

California’s mandate to transition to an all-renewables electricity portfolio has always seemed like a fantasy. A just-released report “charting” the path to 100% clean power does nothing but confirm those suspicions. A joint summary released March 15 by the California Energy Commission, the California Public Utilities Commission and the California ...

Lessons from New Mexico Show How Fracking Moratorium Could Harm California’s Economy

During the heated Vice-Presidential Debate, Vice President Mike Pence charged that a Biden-Harris Administration planned to ban the practice of fracking altogether. Then-Senator Kamala Harris said in response that no such plans existed. At stake were thousands of key votes of gas and oil workers from the heartland and key ...

A California Energy Lesson From Europe

Days before Joe Biden and former Sen. Kamala Harris took the oath of office, the Los Angeles Times said California was “emerging as the de facto policy think tank” of a Democrat-controlled Washington. This doesn’t inspire confidence in those who see up close that the best California can offer is an example ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...
Business & Economics

If ESG Enhances Profits, Then Why All The Fuss?

The Department of Labor finalized a rule last month that, as the Wall Street Journal editorial page noted, should not be controversial. The rule states that private pensions cannot let ancillary issues distract them from their primary mission of securing their beneficiaries’ retirement.  Failure to achieve this mission jeopardizes the financial ...

What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?

During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...

California Wildfires Being Used by Greens to Promote Global Warming Agenda

What does it say when members of Congress from elsewhere are more serious about saving the state from future wildfire disasters than many of California’s own politically connected activists? More than 4 million acres have burned so far in this year’s fire season, surpassing the 2018 total that had previously ...

California’s Energy Policy Risks Tilting at Windmills as Electric Car Sales Grow

A cosmic policy convergence is brewing a nasty storm that will hit California hard in a few years. With deadlines for an all-renewable electricity grid as well as the end of sales of new gasoline-powered cars bearing down on the state, we’re facing a future of commonplace blackouts and energy ...

Green Jobs Demonstrate The Perils Of Government-Directed Economic Growth

Part of President Biden’s Build Back Better initiative promises to “create good-paying union jobs and train Americans for jobs of the future.” The unspoken theory behind this initiative is that green jobs will offer a pay premium to workers compared to jobs in the fossil fuel industry. It also reflects the Administration’s ...

California’s Tomorrowland Of Energy Won’t Be Arriving On Time

California’s mandate to transition to an all-renewables electricity portfolio has always seemed like a fantasy. A just-released report “charting” the path to 100% clean power does nothing but confirm those suspicions. A joint summary released March 15 by the California Energy Commission, the California Public Utilities Commission and the California ...

Lessons from New Mexico Show How Fracking Moratorium Could Harm California’s Economy

During the heated Vice-Presidential Debate, Vice President Mike Pence charged that a Biden-Harris Administration planned to ban the practice of fracking altogether. Then-Senator Kamala Harris said in response that no such plans existed. At stake were thousands of key votes of gas and oil workers from the heartland and key ...

A California Energy Lesson From Europe

Days before Joe Biden and former Sen. Kamala Harris took the oath of office, the Los Angeles Times said California was “emerging as the de facto policy think tank” of a Democrat-controlled Washington. This doesn’t inspire confidence in those who see up close that the best California can offer is an example ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...
Business & Economics

If ESG Enhances Profits, Then Why All The Fuss?

The Department of Labor finalized a rule last month that, as the Wall Street Journal editorial page noted, should not be controversial. The rule states that private pensions cannot let ancillary issues distract them from their primary mission of securing their beneficiaries’ retirement.  Failure to achieve this mission jeopardizes the financial ...

What is Joe Biden’s Economic Plan?

During the first presidential debate in September, both candidates answered where they think the economy is headed. Trump believes in a V-shaped recovery, basically a quick rebound, while Biden prefers a K-shaped recovery, with the rich recovering while the rest of the country moves slower. Biden’s theory on where the ...

California Wildfires Being Used by Greens to Promote Global Warming Agenda

What does it say when members of Congress from elsewhere are more serious about saving the state from future wildfire disasters than many of California’s own politically connected activists? More than 4 million acres have burned so far in this year’s fire season, surpassing the 2018 total that had previously ...
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