Fossil Fuels

Climate Change

Peril Policy Segment 10: It’s A Moral Issue, August 24, 2009 Today’s excerpt from CEI’s film, Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself, offers a free-market perspective on Al Gore’s proclamation, at the end of An Inconvenient Truth, that global warming is “a moral issue.” Considered in the abstract, apart from ...

Goals of bill to reduce carbon dioxide emissions impractical

The primary goal of cap-and-trade legislation is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It’s really that simple. But, as someone once said, the devil is in the details. And, that saying holds true for cap and trade, too. Steven Hayward, a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, put pencil to paper ...
Climate Change

Waxman-Markey: An Exercise in Unreality

“Waxman-Markey … seeks a first in economic history: rationing without scarcity or price inflation. [It] allows generous ‘offsets’ so that carbon-based energy does not, in fact, become scarce. The bill does, however, contain a multitude of new regulations, product-efficiency mandates, and spending programs that will require extensive managerial attention from ...
Business & Economics

The Economics of Climate Change

During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...
Business & Economics

A Move to Put the Union Label on Solar Power Plants

SACRAMENTO — When a company called Ausra filed plans for a big solar power plant in California, it was deluged with demands from a union group that it study the effect on creatures like the short-nosed kangaroo rat and the ferruginous hawk. By contrast, when a competitor, BrightSource Energy, filed ...

Analyzing the politics of climate change

San Francisco Examiner, June 9, 2009 We hear it every day. News headlines read: “Global Warming Biggest Threat of 21st Century, Experts say.” ( May 13th, 2009. Gardner, Amanda). News anchors provide us with a choice, either we believe the scientists that support global warming hypotheses, or we reject science ...

Who Pays?

“When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and lawmakers worked throughout 2006 to craft AB 32 – the state’s landmark legislation targeting the emissions that contribute to global warming – they repeatedly emphasized their intent to implement the new law with as little economic disruption as possible. Critics questioned how this would be ...
Fossil Fuels

California’s CARBon Conjecture

SAN FRANCISCO — The California Air Resources Board (CARB) last week passed the world’s first low carbon mandate for transportation fuels. Instead of treating all fuels equally, these regulations continue the state’s reliance on dubious science to pick winners and losers in the rapidly evolving and extremely complex market for ...
Climate Change

Free Market Energy Experts Doubt Effectiveness of Obama’s Green Jobs Policies, March 24, 2009 Lux Libertas, March 24, 2009 Green Being, March 24, 2009 ( – While President Barack Obama touted a greener future for America on Monday, free-market economists expressed skepticism about the prospects of green jobs and how effective government spending will be for long-term energy policy. The ...

When America becomes Obamaland

There is one certainty about the shape of things to come if President Barack Obama wins approval of his extraordinarily ambitious proposals to remake America: We won’t recognize our country when he’s finished. Perhaps the most prominent feature of Obamaland will be long lines, starting with the unemployment offices, thanks ...
Climate Change

Peril Policy Segment 10: It’s A Moral Issue, August 24, 2009 Today’s excerpt from CEI’s film, Policy Peril: Why Global Warming Policies Are More Dangerous Than Global Warming Itself, offers a free-market perspective on Al Gore’s proclamation, at the end of An Inconvenient Truth, that global warming is “a moral issue.” Considered in the abstract, apart from ...

Goals of bill to reduce carbon dioxide emissions impractical

The primary goal of cap-and-trade legislation is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It’s really that simple. But, as someone once said, the devil is in the details. And, that saying holds true for cap and trade, too. Steven Hayward, a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, put pencil to paper ...
Climate Change

Waxman-Markey: An Exercise in Unreality

“Waxman-Markey … seeks a first in economic history: rationing without scarcity or price inflation. [It] allows generous ‘offsets’ so that carbon-based energy does not, in fact, become scarce. The bill does, however, contain a multitude of new regulations, product-efficiency mandates, and spending programs that will require extensive managerial attention from ...
Business & Economics

The Economics of Climate Change

During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...
Business & Economics

A Move to Put the Union Label on Solar Power Plants

SACRAMENTO — When a company called Ausra filed plans for a big solar power plant in California, it was deluged with demands from a union group that it study the effect on creatures like the short-nosed kangaroo rat and the ferruginous hawk. By contrast, when a competitor, BrightSource Energy, filed ...

Analyzing the politics of climate change

San Francisco Examiner, June 9, 2009 We hear it every day. News headlines read: “Global Warming Biggest Threat of 21st Century, Experts say.” ( May 13th, 2009. Gardner, Amanda). News anchors provide us with a choice, either we believe the scientists that support global warming hypotheses, or we reject science ...

Who Pays?

“When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and lawmakers worked throughout 2006 to craft AB 32 – the state’s landmark legislation targeting the emissions that contribute to global warming – they repeatedly emphasized their intent to implement the new law with as little economic disruption as possible. Critics questioned how this would be ...
Fossil Fuels

California’s CARBon Conjecture

SAN FRANCISCO — The California Air Resources Board (CARB) last week passed the world’s first low carbon mandate for transportation fuels. Instead of treating all fuels equally, these regulations continue the state’s reliance on dubious science to pick winners and losers in the rapidly evolving and extremely complex market for ...
Climate Change

Free Market Energy Experts Doubt Effectiveness of Obama’s Green Jobs Policies, March 24, 2009 Lux Libertas, March 24, 2009 Green Being, March 24, 2009 ( – While President Barack Obama touted a greener future for America on Monday, free-market economists expressed skepticism about the prospects of green jobs and how effective government spending will be for long-term energy policy. The ...

When America becomes Obamaland

There is one certainty about the shape of things to come if President Barack Obama wins approval of his extraordinarily ambitious proposals to remake America: We won’t recognize our country when he’s finished. Perhaps the most prominent feature of Obamaland will be long lines, starting with the unemployment offices, thanks ...
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