Electric Vehicles


Here Come the Jetsons: Cities Developing in Futuristic Ways

Every since humans invented the built environment, and cities developed along major crossroads and on the forks of navigable rivers, meeting the challenge of providing adequate transportation has been a nonnegotiable prerequisite to continued growth and prosperity.

Lack of Transmission Lines Could Slow State’s Renewable Energy Transformation

Connecting wind and solar farms to the grid is going to require a massive construction binge. The ​​California Independent System Operator isn’t saying how many miles of power line will have to be built, but reports the Sacramento Bee, “several agencies project the grid will need to roughly triple its ...

Tax The Rich To Pay For The EV Scam

On the ballot this fall is a measure that, if passed, would hike taxes on California’s richest residents to fund electric vehicle and charging station subsidies. Gov. Gavin Newsom doesn’t like it, calling it “​​one company’s cynical scheme to grab a huge taxpayer subsidy.” He’s referring to Lyft, the top ...

The Electric Car Snow Job

By Andrew Fillat & Henry Miller The United States is being taken for a very expensive ride by an unholy alliance between climate ideologues and business opportunists, who have exerted undue influence over public opinion and government institutions in the name of climate change. The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, signed ...

Nothing Curative About Dems Inflation, Higher Taxes and Prices

Congressional Democrats are one step closer to passing their trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” spending package. On July 6 U.S. Senate leaders hashed out a key proposal that would allow Medicare to “negotiate” with pharmaceutical companies over prescription drug prices. The effort is part of Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer’s, D- N.Y., drive ...

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities Inspired by California’s “green energy” agenda, the Biden Administration is pushing a #Justice40 agenda, which aims to improve minority communities, but will actually impose huge new mandates, costs, and taxes on the very communities they aim to help. ...

California Is Trying to Force An Automobile Outcome

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden California is getting serious about killing off cars and trucks that burn gasoline and diesel. The governor has ordered it so and an unelected bureaucracy is putting together a schedule for the transition. But no matter how determined they might be, they can’t squeeze ...

Public trust, safety, and genetic engineering

By Henry Miller & Drew L. Kershen Although the public is almost completely unaware, today, more than three-quarters of all food crops have been directly and dramatically altered by humans using various processes, some relatively crude, by random experimentation, taking decades and even centuries, others extremely precise. Irrationally, and unrelated ...

State Budget Update: Senate Democrats Want to Spend More as Analyst Warns About Higher Spending

While Democrats fought amongst themselves over gas tax relief last week, attention is now shifting to next week’s release of Gov. Newsom’s “May Revise” updated budget plan. In advance, Senate Democrats put down their marker, unveiling their gas tax relief plan called the “Better for Families Rebate” as part of ...

To Give Californians Real Relief from High Gas Prices, Sacramento Must Legislate Energy Prosperity

By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden As of April 5, average state gas prices in California were $5.84 per gallon for regular, according to AAA, which were the nation’s highest average gas prices. Previously on Right by the Bay, we wrote about the one-upmanship between Democrats and Republicans in the ...

Here Come the Jetsons: Cities Developing in Futuristic Ways

Every since humans invented the built environment, and cities developed along major crossroads and on the forks of navigable rivers, meeting the challenge of providing adequate transportation has been a nonnegotiable prerequisite to continued growth and prosperity.

Lack of Transmission Lines Could Slow State’s Renewable Energy Transformation

Connecting wind and solar farms to the grid is going to require a massive construction binge. The ​​California Independent System Operator isn’t saying how many miles of power line will have to be built, but reports the Sacramento Bee, “several agencies project the grid will need to roughly triple its ...

Tax The Rich To Pay For The EV Scam

On the ballot this fall is a measure that, if passed, would hike taxes on California’s richest residents to fund electric vehicle and charging station subsidies. Gov. Gavin Newsom doesn’t like it, calling it “​​one company’s cynical scheme to grab a huge taxpayer subsidy.” He’s referring to Lyft, the top ...

The Electric Car Snow Job

By Andrew Fillat & Henry Miller The United States is being taken for a very expensive ride by an unholy alliance between climate ideologues and business opportunists, who have exerted undue influence over public opinion and government institutions in the name of climate change. The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, signed ...

Nothing Curative About Dems Inflation, Higher Taxes and Prices

Congressional Democrats are one step closer to passing their trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” spending package. On July 6 U.S. Senate leaders hashed out a key proposal that would allow Medicare to “negotiate” with pharmaceutical companies over prescription drug prices. The effort is part of Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer’s, D- N.Y., drive ...

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities Inspired by California’s “green energy” agenda, the Biden Administration is pushing a #Justice40 agenda, which aims to improve minority communities, but will actually impose huge new mandates, costs, and taxes on the very communities they aim to help. ...

California Is Trying to Force An Automobile Outcome

By Kerry Jackson & Wayne Winegarden California is getting serious about killing off cars and trucks that burn gasoline and diesel. The governor has ordered it so and an unelected bureaucracy is putting together a schedule for the transition. But no matter how determined they might be, they can’t squeeze ...

Public trust, safety, and genetic engineering

By Henry Miller & Drew L. Kershen Although the public is almost completely unaware, today, more than three-quarters of all food crops have been directly and dramatically altered by humans using various processes, some relatively crude, by random experimentation, taking decades and even centuries, others extremely precise. Irrationally, and unrelated ...

State Budget Update: Senate Democrats Want to Spend More as Analyst Warns About Higher Spending

While Democrats fought amongst themselves over gas tax relief last week, attention is now shifting to next week’s release of Gov. Newsom’s “May Revise” updated budget plan. In advance, Senate Democrats put down their marker, unveiling their gas tax relief plan called the “Better for Families Rebate” as part of ...

To Give Californians Real Relief from High Gas Prices, Sacramento Must Legislate Energy Prosperity

By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden As of April 5, average state gas prices in California were $5.84 per gallon for regular, according to AAA, which were the nation’s highest average gas prices. Previously on Right by the Bay, we wrote about the one-upmanship between Democrats and Republicans in the ...
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