Electric Vehicles


Read the latest about green mandates

Yet Again, Less Power To The People

Does anyone in the California Capitol subscribe to the Washington Post? Maybe someone on the governor’s staff, or an aide to an influential legislator? Because the Post published on March 7 an informative story that should be passed around to every lawmaker in Sacramento. Start with the headline (and a ...

The EV Buzz Is Muted

As fads go, electric vehicles are probably not best compared to pet rocks. EVs are more useful. Somewhat. But much like sales of pet rocks falling just a few months after booming during the 1975 Christmas season, it seems EVs have reached the peak of their popularity. More than a ...

Read latest on electric vehicles

The Wreck of The Electric Vehicles

Newsom led the stampede to outlaw automobiles that burn gasoline and diesel when in 2020 he issued an executive order “requiring sales of all new passenger vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035.” Other governors, all of them as blind as Newsom, followed, including Lamont, who copied the California plan. But ...

The EV Short Circuit: What Is California Going To Do?

Here are a few examples: Akio Toyoda Says Slowing EV Demand Proves He Was Right All Along Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM ​​Electric Vehicles No Longer the Focus at GM Ford Lost $62,016 For Every EV It Sold In 3Q: Electric vehicles ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Autonomous Vehicles Continue to Drive in California Fast Lane Despite Union Opposition

“Devil wagons” and “untamable beasts” that reveal the “carelessness” of their owners. Visible intrusions, nuisances, agents of injury that cause “road battles” and should “be classed with ferocious animals.” Vehicles to be avoided, feared and if possible banned. “To those who occupy or drive them, they are undoubtedly a fascinating ...

Kerry Jackson – Climate Change and Big Oil

Our guest this week is Kerry Jackson, PRI’s senior fellow on California Reform.  Kerry has been following Gov. Newsom’s and Attorney General Bonta’s lawsuit on oil companies and its implications.  He also discusses SB 253, a corporate climate change disclosure bill; the federal and state push for electric busses including ...

Read latest on California's ill fated hydrogen push

California’s Hydrogen Bomb

CalMatters reported in August that even “as California steers away from the internal combustion engine, the rapid transition is fueling a fight in the Capitol over how large a role hydrogen fuel cells will play in powering the clean cars of the future.” The only question, then, is how much ...

Read about latest green mandate failure

Failure of Electric Bus Maker Latest Sign of Trouble in Path to State’s All-EV Future

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round but it’s not a smooth ride when the powerplant is a battery. Proterra, the Burlingame, California, company that makes electric buses as well as large trucks, vans and components for other manufacturers, has filed for bankruptcy. Just as Barack Obama hyped ...

Read latest on California's green mandates

Here’s Another Reason Why Electric Cars Will Cost You More: Repair Costs

Because they have a history of self-arson, EVs are an “insurance concern,” says Duggan Flanakin of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. But when they’re not burning on the street, in garages, setting homes ablaze, or making cargo ship fires far worse than they otherwise would have been (and sometimes ...

Learn what California needs to do on renewable energy

California Energy Lessons Waiting To Be Learned

California’s headlong rush toward an all-EV, zero-carbon-power-grid Camelot shows no signs of abating. It’s as if there are no possible alternatives. Of course, there are, but the signs can be hard to read while traveling at full speed. As so many of the planet’s 8 billion people know, because California ...

Read the latest about green mandates

Yet Again, Less Power To The People

Does anyone in the California Capitol subscribe to the Washington Post? Maybe someone on the governor’s staff, or an aide to an influential legislator? Because the Post published on March 7 an informative story that should be passed around to every lawmaker in Sacramento. Start with the headline (and a ...

The EV Buzz Is Muted

As fads go, electric vehicles are probably not best compared to pet rocks. EVs are more useful. Somewhat. But much like sales of pet rocks falling just a few months after booming during the 1975 Christmas season, it seems EVs have reached the peak of their popularity. More than a ...

Read latest on electric vehicles

The Wreck of The Electric Vehicles

Newsom led the stampede to outlaw automobiles that burn gasoline and diesel when in 2020 he issued an executive order “requiring sales of all new passenger vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035.” Other governors, all of them as blind as Newsom, followed, including Lamont, who copied the California plan. But ...

The EV Short Circuit: What Is California Going To Do?

Here are a few examples: Akio Toyoda Says Slowing EV Demand Proves He Was Right All Along Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM ​​Electric Vehicles No Longer the Focus at GM Ford Lost $62,016 For Every EV It Sold In 3Q: Electric vehicles ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Autonomous Vehicles Continue to Drive in California Fast Lane Despite Union Opposition

“Devil wagons” and “untamable beasts” that reveal the “carelessness” of their owners. Visible intrusions, nuisances, agents of injury that cause “road battles” and should “be classed with ferocious animals.” Vehicles to be avoided, feared and if possible banned. “To those who occupy or drive them, they are undoubtedly a fascinating ...

Kerry Jackson – Climate Change and Big Oil

Our guest this week is Kerry Jackson, PRI’s senior fellow on California Reform.  Kerry has been following Gov. Newsom’s and Attorney General Bonta’s lawsuit on oil companies and its implications.  He also discusses SB 253, a corporate climate change disclosure bill; the federal and state push for electric busses including ...

Read latest on California's ill fated hydrogen push

California’s Hydrogen Bomb

CalMatters reported in August that even “as California steers away from the internal combustion engine, the rapid transition is fueling a fight in the Capitol over how large a role hydrogen fuel cells will play in powering the clean cars of the future.” The only question, then, is how much ...

Read about latest green mandate failure

Failure of Electric Bus Maker Latest Sign of Trouble in Path to State’s All-EV Future

The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round but it’s not a smooth ride when the powerplant is a battery. Proterra, the Burlingame, California, company that makes electric buses as well as large trucks, vans and components for other manufacturers, has filed for bankruptcy. Just as Barack Obama hyped ...

Read latest on California's green mandates

Here’s Another Reason Why Electric Cars Will Cost You More: Repair Costs

Because they have a history of self-arson, EVs are an “insurance concern,” says Duggan Flanakin of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. But when they’re not burning on the street, in garages, setting homes ablaze, or making cargo ship fires far worse than they otherwise would have been (and sometimes ...

Learn what California needs to do on renewable energy

California Energy Lessons Waiting To Be Learned

California’s headlong rush toward an all-EV, zero-carbon-power-grid Camelot shows no signs of abating. It’s as if there are no possible alternatives. Of course, there are, but the signs can be hard to read while traveling at full speed. As so many of the planet’s 8 billion people know, because California ...
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