

Read about new local tax & bond measures

Local voters face 77 tax increases on California’s March ballot

According to its calculation, if all pass the combined hit would be $350 million in direct tax increases and $3.6 billion in bonded indebtedness. The group notes the new debt includes “36 school bonds, 16 transactions and use taxes, 19 parcel taxes, two general obligation bonds, one business license tax, ...
Business & Economics

Jeff Anderson – Kicking off the Election Cycle

  Our guest this week is Jeff Anderson, president of the American Main Street Initiative, which publishes political and public policy research by scholars and writers.  Jeff has held many prominent positions in presidential administrations, including director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the Justice Department.  Jeff was also ...

Read latest on debate over changing CA election laws

Are Proposed Election Law Changes Defending ‘Fair and Open Elections’ or ‘Shenanigans’?

You may have missed it during the holiday season, but there was a big political dustup in California over the race to replace Kevin McCarthy in Congress. Assemblyman Vince Fong filed to replace his former boss in Congress, but he had previously filed for re-election.  Democratic Secretary of State Shirley ...
Business & Economics

The PRI All Stars – 2023 Year End Awards

PRI’s All Stars – Rowena Itchon, Tim Anaya, Lance Izumi, and Kerry Jackson – are back with their choices for 2023’s biggest winners and losers, in our annual tribute to the McLaughlin Group.  We hand out our choices for best and worst ideas of the year, the bummest wraps, and ...

Read latest from Free Cities Center

Can district elections provide better city representation?

I was born in Detroit in 1955 and grew up in the nearby suburb of Wayne. So I had a front-row seat for Motown’s decline in the 1960s. One reason I’ve heard over the decades is Detroit from 1918 until 2013 elected council members at large. That was contrasted to ...

Read about proposed ballot measure

‘Transparency’ Measure Would Paint False Picture of What’s Happening at State Capitol

Consumer Watchdog, the self-appointed group with a history of waging controversial ballot measure fights, announced this week that it was launching a 2024 ballot initiative campaign aiming to, according to Politico, “forc(e) unprecedented scrutiny into lobbying activities at the Capitol.” The proposed “Government Transparency Act”, according to a campaign press ...

US should avoid Gov. Newsom’s ‘California model’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is touted as the Democrat of the future, the man who could step up if Joe Biden decided not to run again. He has the hair, the teeth, the Hollywood aura, the raspy voice that shows he means business. But if his pitch is that he ...

President Newsom? God Help The United States Of America

Not a week had gone by after the midterm elections before California governor Gavin Newsom’s presidential possibilities were being talked up. A Republican consultant even suggested Joe Biden ask for Kamala Harris’ resignation and appoint Newsom as his vice-president. Biden could then either resign himself, leaving Newsom president, or position ...

PRI All-Star Election Preview

PRI’s All-Star panelists gather again to preview the mid-term elections. 

Sparking an urban revival by empowering the people

California is in trouble. Nowhere is this more evident than in its cities. Once bustling centers of commerce and culture now are showcases for dirty streets, empty storefronts and the homeless encampments. Many people would blame the present circumstance on the pandemic or our current economic woes, but these are ...

Read about new local tax & bond measures

Local voters face 77 tax increases on California’s March ballot

According to its calculation, if all pass the combined hit would be $350 million in direct tax increases and $3.6 billion in bonded indebtedness. The group notes the new debt includes “36 school bonds, 16 transactions and use taxes, 19 parcel taxes, two general obligation bonds, one business license tax, ...
Business & Economics

Jeff Anderson – Kicking off the Election Cycle

  Our guest this week is Jeff Anderson, president of the American Main Street Initiative, which publishes political and public policy research by scholars and writers.  Jeff has held many prominent positions in presidential administrations, including director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the Justice Department.  Jeff was also ...

Read latest on debate over changing CA election laws

Are Proposed Election Law Changes Defending ‘Fair and Open Elections’ or ‘Shenanigans’?

You may have missed it during the holiday season, but there was a big political dustup in California over the race to replace Kevin McCarthy in Congress. Assemblyman Vince Fong filed to replace his former boss in Congress, but he had previously filed for re-election.  Democratic Secretary of State Shirley ...
Business & Economics

The PRI All Stars – 2023 Year End Awards

PRI’s All Stars – Rowena Itchon, Tim Anaya, Lance Izumi, and Kerry Jackson – are back with their choices for 2023’s biggest winners and losers, in our annual tribute to the McLaughlin Group.  We hand out our choices for best and worst ideas of the year, the bummest wraps, and ...

Read latest from Free Cities Center

Can district elections provide better city representation?

I was born in Detroit in 1955 and grew up in the nearby suburb of Wayne. So I had a front-row seat for Motown’s decline in the 1960s. One reason I’ve heard over the decades is Detroit from 1918 until 2013 elected council members at large. That was contrasted to ...

Read about proposed ballot measure

‘Transparency’ Measure Would Paint False Picture of What’s Happening at State Capitol

Consumer Watchdog, the self-appointed group with a history of waging controversial ballot measure fights, announced this week that it was launching a 2024 ballot initiative campaign aiming to, according to Politico, “forc(e) unprecedented scrutiny into lobbying activities at the Capitol.” The proposed “Government Transparency Act”, according to a campaign press ...

US should avoid Gov. Newsom’s ‘California model’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is touted as the Democrat of the future, the man who could step up if Joe Biden decided not to run again. He has the hair, the teeth, the Hollywood aura, the raspy voice that shows he means business. But if his pitch is that he ...

President Newsom? God Help The United States Of America

Not a week had gone by after the midterm elections before California governor Gavin Newsom’s presidential possibilities were being talked up. A Republican consultant even suggested Joe Biden ask for Kamala Harris’ resignation and appoint Newsom as his vice-president. Biden could then either resign himself, leaving Newsom president, or position ...

PRI All-Star Election Preview

PRI’s All-Star panelists gather again to preview the mid-term elections. 

Sparking an urban revival by empowering the people

California is in trouble. Nowhere is this more evident than in its cities. Once bustling centers of commerce and culture now are showcases for dirty streets, empty storefronts and the homeless encampments. Many people would blame the present circumstance on the pandemic or our current economic woes, but these are ...
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