Drug Prices
Democrats’ Price Controls Undermine Biden’s Cancer Moonshot
Last night’s State of the Union address was a festival of cognitive dissonance. President Biden proudly lauded the price controls that Democrats have begun implementing on prescription drugs as part of last August’s Inflation Reduction Act. He also touted his administration’s Cancer Moonshot, which aims to halve the cancer death rate ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 8, 2023
Drug Prices
NEW STUDY: 340B Providers Reap Big Profits, Should Be Reformed to Ensure At-Risk Patients Receive Affordable Care
SACRAMENTO – The broken 340B program, designed to provide affordable care for at-risk patients, creates massive profits for providers without necessarily improving patient health outcomes and should be reformed, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute. ...
Wayne H Winegarden
November 16, 2022
Drug Innovation
NEW BRIEF: Promoting Transparency and Competition in the Drug Market
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF BY WAYNE WINEGARDEN AND CELINE BOOKIN In addition to the reforms to the health insurance system, which will help address the problems of drug affordability, reforms tailored to the pharmaceutical sector are necessary. These reforms should eliminate drug supply chain inefficiencies and include: fostering a ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 10, 2022
Drug Prices
Sally Pipes Discusses Prescription Drugs and Inflation Reduction Act on Eric Bolling: The Balance
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss prescription drug costs and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act on “Eric Bolling: The Balance” on Newsmax TV.
Sally C. Pipes
September 20, 2022
Drug price controls would limit new medicines
The Democrats’ budget reconciliation bill is winding its way through the Senate. Last week, Republican and Democratic senators met with the chamber’s parliamentarian to discuss whether the bill’s proposal for Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs with manufacturers has a direct impact on government spending or tax revenue, as reconciliation ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 26, 2022
Drug Prices
NEW STUDY: Creating Two-Part Drug Pricing System Would Ensure Prices More Accurately Reflect How Patients
Establishing a two-part drug pricing system quantifying separate values for a drug’s innovation and production would create an efficient market and a more accurate reflection of how patients value a drug compared to those produced by centralized organizations, argues a new report released today by the Center for Medical Economics ...
Wayne H Winegarden
February 3, 2022
Democrats’ Price Controls Undermine Biden’s Cancer Moonshot
Last night’s State of the Union address was a festival of cognitive dissonance. President Biden proudly lauded the price controls that Democrats have begun implementing on prescription drugs as part of last August’s Inflation Reduction Act. He also touted his administration’s Cancer Moonshot, which aims to halve the cancer death rate ...
NEW STUDY: 340B Providers Reap Big Profits, Should Be Reformed to Ensure At-Risk Patients Receive Affordable Care
SACRAMENTO – The broken 340B program, designed to provide affordable care for at-risk patients, creates massive profits for providers without necessarily improving patient health outcomes and should be reformed, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute. ...
NEW BRIEF: Promoting Transparency and Competition in the Drug Market
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF BY WAYNE WINEGARDEN AND CELINE BOOKIN In addition to the reforms to the health insurance system, which will help address the problems of drug affordability, reforms tailored to the pharmaceutical sector are necessary. These reforms should eliminate drug supply chain inefficiencies and include: fostering a ...
Sally Pipes Discusses Prescription Drugs and Inflation Reduction Act on Eric Bolling: The Balance
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy discuss prescription drug costs and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act on “Eric Bolling: The Balance” on Newsmax TV.
Drug price controls would limit new medicines
The Democrats’ budget reconciliation bill is winding its way through the Senate. Last week, Republican and Democratic senators met with the chamber’s parliamentarian to discuss whether the bill’s proposal for Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs with manufacturers has a direct impact on government spending or tax revenue, as reconciliation ...
NEW STUDY: Creating Two-Part Drug Pricing System Would Ensure Prices More Accurately Reflect How Patients
Establishing a two-part drug pricing system quantifying separate values for a drug’s innovation and production would create an efficient market and a more accurate reflection of how patients value a drug compared to those produced by centralized organizations, argues a new report released today by the Center for Medical Economics ...