Common Core


Against The Evidence Obama And Liberal Media Push For More Government Preschool

In his State of the Union speech, Barack Obama made a renewed push for his Preschool for All plan, which would increase federal funding for government preschool programs. With congressional Democrats pushing legislation to implement the plan, the liberal media has dubbed universal government preschool as the new “in” thing ...

Obama the populist?

From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...

Opposing Common Core

When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thought wrong. Parents and teachers from across the political spectrum are joining ...
Common Core

Lance Izumi Podcast

Lance Izumi’s recent interview on Choice Media TV regarding the Common Core Standards, Governor Jerry Brown’s education decisions, and what’s next in education reform… Listen here…

Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control

Pacific Research Institute Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control San Francisco – A just-published study by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute and co-sponsored by the California-based Pacific Research Institute, the American Principles Project and the Civitas Institute concludes that the Common ...

In Debates Romney Passes Education Test that Obama Fails

In the presidential debates and in recent interviews, it’s clear that Mitt Romney realizes something that President Obama can’t seem to fathom: the federal government is not the nation’s school board. In the recent third presidential debate, President Obama alluded to his support for national Common Core education standards that ...

An Ominous Political Trend for Common Core’ites

When it comes to the Common Core, I see great potential value in states choosing to embrace common, high-caliber reading and math standards, if these are implemented with conviction and attention to how they will interact with current reforms. That said, seems to me there’s a huge chance that the ...

Two sides of Obama’s federal takeover of education

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive ...

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. I was having a cup of inflation-stricken chili that looked a few ounces smaller than before—the Michelle food-police with her holier-than-thou dictates of nutrition must have convinced the ...

How Much Will Implementing the Common Core State Standards Cost South Carolina?

The Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute released a study of how much it will cost the 45 states and the District of Columbia to implement the Common Core State Standards. President Obama offered up $4.35 billion in stimulus money through his Race to the Top program. ...

Against The Evidence Obama And Liberal Media Push For More Government Preschool

In his State of the Union speech, Barack Obama made a renewed push for his Preschool for All plan, which would increase federal funding for government preschool programs. With congressional Democrats pushing legislation to implement the plan, the liberal media has dubbed universal government preschool as the new “in” thing ...

Obama the populist?

From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...

Opposing Common Core

When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thought wrong. Parents and teachers from across the political spectrum are joining ...
Common Core

Lance Izumi Podcast

Lance Izumi’s recent interview on Choice Media TV regarding the Common Core Standards, Governor Jerry Brown’s education decisions, and what’s next in education reform… Listen here…

Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control

Pacific Research Institute Co-Sponsored Study Says Common Core National Education Standards are Expensive and Undermine State and Local Control San Francisco – A just-published study by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute and co-sponsored by the California-based Pacific Research Institute, the American Principles Project and the Civitas Institute concludes that the Common ...

In Debates Romney Passes Education Test that Obama Fails

In the presidential debates and in recent interviews, it’s clear that Mitt Romney realizes something that President Obama can’t seem to fathom: the federal government is not the nation’s school board. In the recent third presidential debate, President Obama alluded to his support for national Common Core education standards that ...

An Ominous Political Trend for Common Core’ites

When it comes to the Common Core, I see great potential value in states choosing to embrace common, high-caliber reading and math standards, if these are implemented with conviction and attention to how they will interact with current reforms. That said, seems to me there’s a huge chance that the ...

Two sides of Obama’s federal takeover of education

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. Waivers recently granted by President Obama to 10 states allowing them to escape the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act are themselves filled with prescriptive ...

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. I was having a cup of inflation-stricken chili that looked a few ounces smaller than before—the Michelle food-police with her holier-than-thou dictates of nutrition must have convinced the ...

How Much Will Implementing the Common Core State Standards Cost South Carolina?

The Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute released a study of how much it will cost the 45 states and the District of Columbia to implement the Common Core State Standards. President Obama offered up $4.35 billion in stimulus money through his Race to the Top program. ...
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