Climate Change

Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Electricity, Environment, and the Economy

Next Round’s guest is economist Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in Business and Economics.  Dr. Winegarden discusses some of the key issues being debated in Washington and Sacramento, from the infrastructure bill to the $3.5 trillion budget resolution package to California and the nation’s climate change policies.  As director of ...

Olympic Fashion: Red, White, Blue . . . and Green

These days, many of us have been glued to the screen, watching unfold the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.  However, there is one human drama that’s getting little attention – Olympic fashion.  I don’t mean the gold lamé cape worn by Angola flag bearer and handball player ...
Climate Change

History Repeats as Solar Power Oversold, Underperforms

Some stories in the world of energy are perennial. Pretty much every year, we read new advances in energy production or use that are going to revolutionize the world. And every year, that prediction doesn’t pan out. Other stories are decadal. Every 10 years or so, we hear about radical ...
Business & Economics

Glenn Reynolds – America’s New Destiny in Space

University of Tennessee law professor and Instapundit founder Glenn Reynolds – author of an Encounter Intelligence book on space policy – joins us for a fascinating conversation about America’s future in space, which will be dominated by the private sector rather than the work of government space agencies.  We discuss ...
Climate Change

The SEC Risks Misinformation If Standardized And Detailed Climate Risks Disclosures Are Adopted

Based on the well-established materiality standard, public companies must disclose any potential financial risks from global climate change. The SEC is questioning whether these disclosures are inadequate, and is considering additional more detailed and standardized disclosure standards. Imposing such standards would be costly for public companies and will lessen investors ...

NorCal Record Covers Launch of Electricity Reliability Report

As electricity demands increase this summer, The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) has launched a new website to encourage energy competition that leads to more affordability, innovation and climate change solutions. The initiative is prompted by issues facing the nation overall, but California exemplifies the issues, Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in ...
Climate Change

PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition

Increased Energy Competition Will Lower Costs, Increase Innovation, Better Address Climate Change Aiming to provide market-based analyses and perspective to educate policymakers and the public about policies impacting competitive electricity markets, the Pacific Research Institute – a California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, today launched the “Electricity Reality Report.” The new ...
Climate Change

President Biden’s 50% Emissions Reduction Target Is Political Theater, Not Serious Policy

At the 2021 global climate summit, President Biden committed the U.S. to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. Cutting emissions in half is a great talking point and a satisfying sounding goal. Unfortunately, the 50% – 52% reduction goal is more of a political statement than an achievable policy. ...

New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief

Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...

Facing Down Fear of a Mega-Drought

Four years ago, then-Gov. Jerry Brown announced the end of California’s historically severe drought by lifting various emergency restrictions. “This drought emergency is over, but the next drought could be around the corner,” the governor intoned. “Conservation must remain a way of life.” Brown was right about the next drought now ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Electricity, Environment, and the Economy

Next Round’s guest is economist Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in Business and Economics.  Dr. Winegarden discusses some of the key issues being debated in Washington and Sacramento, from the infrastructure bill to the $3.5 trillion budget resolution package to California and the nation’s climate change policies.  As director of ...

Olympic Fashion: Red, White, Blue . . . and Green

These days, many of us have been glued to the screen, watching unfold the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.  However, there is one human drama that’s getting little attention – Olympic fashion.  I don’t mean the gold lamé cape worn by Angola flag bearer and handball player ...
Climate Change

History Repeats as Solar Power Oversold, Underperforms

Some stories in the world of energy are perennial. Pretty much every year, we read new advances in energy production or use that are going to revolutionize the world. And every year, that prediction doesn’t pan out. Other stories are decadal. Every 10 years or so, we hear about radical ...
Business & Economics

Glenn Reynolds – America’s New Destiny in Space

University of Tennessee law professor and Instapundit founder Glenn Reynolds – author of an Encounter Intelligence book on space policy – joins us for a fascinating conversation about America’s future in space, which will be dominated by the private sector rather than the work of government space agencies.  We discuss ...
Climate Change

The SEC Risks Misinformation If Standardized And Detailed Climate Risks Disclosures Are Adopted

Based on the well-established materiality standard, public companies must disclose any potential financial risks from global climate change. The SEC is questioning whether these disclosures are inadequate, and is considering additional more detailed and standardized disclosure standards. Imposing such standards would be costly for public companies and will lessen investors ...

NorCal Record Covers Launch of Electricity Reliability Report

As electricity demands increase this summer, The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) has launched a new website to encourage energy competition that leads to more affordability, innovation and climate change solutions. The initiative is prompted by issues facing the nation overall, but California exemplifies the issues, Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in ...
Climate Change

PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition

Increased Energy Competition Will Lower Costs, Increase Innovation, Better Address Climate Change Aiming to provide market-based analyses and perspective to educate policymakers and the public about policies impacting competitive electricity markets, the Pacific Research Institute – a California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, today launched the “Electricity Reality Report.” The new ...
Climate Change

President Biden’s 50% Emissions Reduction Target Is Political Theater, Not Serious Policy

At the 2021 global climate summit, President Biden committed the U.S. to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. Cutting emissions in half is a great talking point and a satisfying sounding goal. Unfortunately, the 50% – 52% reduction goal is more of a political statement than an achievable policy. ...

New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief

Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...

Facing Down Fear of a Mega-Drought

Four years ago, then-Gov. Jerry Brown announced the end of California’s historically severe drought by lifting various emergency restrictions. “This drought emergency is over, but the next drought could be around the corner,” the governor intoned. “Conservation must remain a way of life.” Brown was right about the next drought now ...
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