Climate Change

Climate Change

Watermelon Environmentalism, Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside

President Obama, who wants to emphasize science, has chosen Carol Browner for his “Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change,” a new post being dubbed the “Climate Czar.” Browner’s recent career will be of interest to Americans struggling with a weak economy and cold weather. Carol Browner is ...
Climate Change

California Board Approves Anti-Global Warming Plan

The California Air Resources Board has set a powerful regulatory force in motion by approving an outline for meeting the carbon dioxide reductions required by a state law aimed at combating global warming. The outline, known as a “scoping plan,” is required by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. ...

Exposed: Activists’ Attacks on Meat Production Intensify

Advocates for Agriculture, December 19, 2008 By: Alan Caruba In 2006 the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) issued a report, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” that was so full of absurd claims, dressed up to look like science, that I made a mental note to revisit the issue. An ominous ...
Climate Change

With substantial costs coming to light, CARB should delay any action on further implementation of AB32

There is a consensus. No, not the one about the science of climate change being “settled.” There’s a consensus that the Air Resources Board has fouled up its plan to regulate greenhouse gasses. The California Air Resources Board intentionally skewed its analysis of the economic effects of its proposed climate ...
Climate Change

James Hansen Goes Extreme

NASA’s James Hansen, head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, is no stranger to controversy. But in September, Dr. Hansen took his activism to another level by endorsing “ecovandalism” in a British court. Dr. Hansen, who holds an M.S. in astronomy and a Ph.D. in physics, comes billed as ...
Business & Economics

How has the state’s legal climate changed since tort reform was enacted?

This feature contains responses from industry professionals to questions posed by Business First. Warren M. Enders – Partner, Reminger Co. LPA Ohio’s recent tort reform legislation imposes “caps” on the amount of damages a medical malpractice plaintiff can recover for “noneconomic damages,” i.e., pain and suffering. In cases involving catastrophic ...
Climate Change

The Media Should Report What the Vatican Really Says about the Environment

Listening to the news over the past year, one would think the Vatican was reinventing Catholicism in an effort to go green. First there was the story that the Vatican was sponsoring a forest to offset the carbon emissions of Vatican City. Then we found out that the Vatican had ...
Climate Change

Brown Blocks Bottled Water Over Global Warming

On July 29, California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown said he will sue to block a proposed water-bottling operation in Northern California, unless its effects on global warming are evaluated. Nestlé Waters North America wants to pump 200 million gallons of water a year from three natural springs that supply McCloud, ...
Climate Change

Environmentalists Oppose New CO2 Scrubber Idea

Environment and Climate News, August 1, 2008 Live Journal, July 23, 2008 Greenie Watch, August 26, 2008 Scientists at Columbia University are developing a carbon dioxide (CO2) scrubber device that removes one ton of CO2 from the air every day. While some see the scrubber as an efficient and economical ...
Climate Change

Be Careful What You Wish For: Hardship of high gasoline prices previews the impact of emission controls

In 2006, at the end of his movie An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore offered a number of things that the average person could do to decrease their impact on global climate change. They could ride a bike or take mass transit, the former vice-president advised. They could drive a fuel-efficient ...
Climate Change

Watermelon Environmentalism, Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside

President Obama, who wants to emphasize science, has chosen Carol Browner for his “Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change,” a new post being dubbed the “Climate Czar.” Browner’s recent career will be of interest to Americans struggling with a weak economy and cold weather. Carol Browner is ...
Climate Change

California Board Approves Anti-Global Warming Plan

The California Air Resources Board has set a powerful regulatory force in motion by approving an outline for meeting the carbon dioxide reductions required by a state law aimed at combating global warming. The outline, known as a “scoping plan,” is required by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. ...

Exposed: Activists’ Attacks on Meat Production Intensify

Advocates for Agriculture, December 19, 2008 By: Alan Caruba In 2006 the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) issued a report, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” that was so full of absurd claims, dressed up to look like science, that I made a mental note to revisit the issue. An ominous ...
Climate Change

With substantial costs coming to light, CARB should delay any action on further implementation of AB32

There is a consensus. No, not the one about the science of climate change being “settled.” There’s a consensus that the Air Resources Board has fouled up its plan to regulate greenhouse gasses. The California Air Resources Board intentionally skewed its analysis of the economic effects of its proposed climate ...
Climate Change

James Hansen Goes Extreme

NASA’s James Hansen, head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, is no stranger to controversy. But in September, Dr. Hansen took his activism to another level by endorsing “ecovandalism” in a British court. Dr. Hansen, who holds an M.S. in astronomy and a Ph.D. in physics, comes billed as ...
Business & Economics

How has the state’s legal climate changed since tort reform was enacted?

This feature contains responses from industry professionals to questions posed by Business First. Warren M. Enders – Partner, Reminger Co. LPA Ohio’s recent tort reform legislation imposes “caps” on the amount of damages a medical malpractice plaintiff can recover for “noneconomic damages,” i.e., pain and suffering. In cases involving catastrophic ...
Climate Change

The Media Should Report What the Vatican Really Says about the Environment

Listening to the news over the past year, one would think the Vatican was reinventing Catholicism in an effort to go green. First there was the story that the Vatican was sponsoring a forest to offset the carbon emissions of Vatican City. Then we found out that the Vatican had ...
Climate Change

Brown Blocks Bottled Water Over Global Warming

On July 29, California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown said he will sue to block a proposed water-bottling operation in Northern California, unless its effects on global warming are evaluated. Nestlé Waters North America wants to pump 200 million gallons of water a year from three natural springs that supply McCloud, ...
Climate Change

Environmentalists Oppose New CO2 Scrubber Idea

Environment and Climate News, August 1, 2008 Live Journal, July 23, 2008 Greenie Watch, August 26, 2008 Scientists at Columbia University are developing a carbon dioxide (CO2) scrubber device that removes one ton of CO2 from the air every day. While some see the scrubber as an efficient and economical ...
Climate Change

Be Careful What You Wish For: Hardship of high gasoline prices previews the impact of emission controls

In 2006, at the end of his movie An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore offered a number of things that the average person could do to decrease their impact on global climate change. They could ride a bike or take mass transit, the former vice-president advised. They could drive a fuel-efficient ...
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