Climate Change

Climate Change

When Theory and Evidence Collide

Joint computer modeling at the University of California, University of Illinois and Yale University claims that large-scale technology subsidies and heavy-handed clean energy and climate protection legislation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer income and creating jobs. According to economic models constructed by the three institutions, such wide-ranging legislation can ...
Climate Change

Changing the Climate for Peer Review

In what has come to be called “Climategate,” emails hacked from a server at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia were leaked online in November 2009. These emails among prominent climate scientists included evidence that some have been strategizing to abuse the peer-review process to keep ...
Climate Change

The EPA’s Power Grab

The climate campaigners play their trump card, but it may turn out to be a joker. Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 015, Issue 15 – 12/28/2009 – the climate campaign, built step-by-step over the last 20 years, has reached its Waterloo. the Copenhagen conference that ended Friday was an exercise ...
Climate Change

Is Malthus In Charge?

Although China’s family planning policy has received criticism over the past three decades,[not least of which is for human rights violations] Zhao said that China’s population program has made a great historic contribution to the well-being of society. As a result of the family planning policy, China has seen 400 ...
Climate Change

How Leaders Lead

Quoted in The Telegraph, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen’s biggest limousine company, said her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the “summit to save the world”, she will have 200. The airport has as many as 140 extra private jets (plus increased commercial traffic) during the ...
Climate Change

What climategate really tells us

AL Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate campaigners are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make ...
Climate Change

The Big Cutoff

Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2009 Global warmist to reporter: Save the mirth! The latest global-warmist email is revealed not by the East Anglia whistle-blower but by Steven Hayward (who by the way has a fine overview of the climate-science scandal in The Weekly Standard). The email’s author, Michael Schlesinger, ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...
Climate Change

Scientists Behaving Badly

A corrupt cabal of global warming alarmists are exposed by a massive document leak. Slowly and mostly unnoticed by the major news media, the air has been going out of the global warming balloon. Global temperatures stopped rising a few years ago, much to the dismay of the climate campaigners. ...
Climate Change

Must… Stop… Reading… Blogs… on… ClimateGate

* First you’ve got this minor IPCC contributing author arguing that big guns Michael Mann, Phil Jones, and Stefan Rahmstorf should be barred from the IPCC process. A good excerpt: I may confirm what has been written in other places: research in some areas of climate science has been and ...
Climate Change

When Theory and Evidence Collide

Joint computer modeling at the University of California, University of Illinois and Yale University claims that large-scale technology subsidies and heavy-handed clean energy and climate protection legislation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer income and creating jobs. According to economic models constructed by the three institutions, such wide-ranging legislation can ...
Climate Change

Changing the Climate for Peer Review

In what has come to be called “Climategate,” emails hacked from a server at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia were leaked online in November 2009. These emails among prominent climate scientists included evidence that some have been strategizing to abuse the peer-review process to keep ...
Climate Change

The EPA’s Power Grab

The climate campaigners play their trump card, but it may turn out to be a joker. Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 015, Issue 15 – 12/28/2009 – the climate campaign, built step-by-step over the last 20 years, has reached its Waterloo. the Copenhagen conference that ended Friday was an exercise ...
Climate Change

Is Malthus In Charge?

Although China’s family planning policy has received criticism over the past three decades,[not least of which is for human rights violations] Zhao said that China’s population program has made a great historic contribution to the well-being of society. As a result of the family planning policy, China has seen 400 ...
Climate Change

How Leaders Lead

Quoted in The Telegraph, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen’s biggest limousine company, said her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the “summit to save the world”, she will have 200. The airport has as many as 140 extra private jets (plus increased commercial traffic) during the ...
Climate Change

What climategate really tells us

AL Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate campaigners are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make ...
Climate Change

The Big Cutoff

Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2009 Global warmist to reporter: Save the mirth! The latest global-warmist email is revealed not by the East Anglia whistle-blower but by Steven Hayward (who by the way has a fine overview of the climate-science scandal in The Weekly Standard). The email’s author, Michael Schlesinger, ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...
Climate Change

Scientists Behaving Badly

A corrupt cabal of global warming alarmists are exposed by a massive document leak. Slowly and mostly unnoticed by the major news media, the air has been going out of the global warming balloon. Global temperatures stopped rising a few years ago, much to the dismay of the climate campaigners. ...
Climate Change

Must… Stop… Reading… Blogs… on… ClimateGate

* First you’ve got this minor IPCC contributing author arguing that big guns Michael Mann, Phil Jones, and Stefan Rahmstorf should be barred from the IPCC process. A good excerpt: I may confirm what has been written in other places: research in some areas of climate science has been and ...
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