Climate Change


California Is Moving to Ban Disposable Plastic Statewide

More than a half-century ago, in one of the most famous movie lines of all time, Dustin Hoffman character Benjamin Braddock, fresh out of college, received some unsolicited career advice. “I want to say one word to you. Just one word,” Mr. McGuire told young Benjamin. “Plastics. There’s a great ...

Wayne Winegarden Responds to “LA Green New Deal” to Inside Sources

LA’s Own Green New Deal Requires Expensive Transportation Overhauls By Michael McGrady Following in the footsteps of New York City, the city of Los Angeles announced its own Green New Deal proposal to fight climate change. Dubbed the “pLAn” by Mayor Eric Garcetti, this proposal sets sustainability and environmental-friendliness requirements for virtually every aspect ...

Virtue Signaling at the Neighborhood Diner

The old adage goes that you should never talk about religion or politics at the dinner table. Working in a political world, I try to heed that advice whenever I leave work.  The last thing I want to face when going out for dinner with friends or family is politics.  ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...

Earth Day: Opposing Progress Trumps Protecting the Planet

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Jeff Stier Today is Earth Day, a celebration originally conceived by then-U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) and first held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience. ...

CEQA Show Hearing Gets California Nowhere

The state Senate held a joint informational hearing last month that, on the surface, looked to be a step forward for those who believe the California Environmental Quality Act needs reform, if not a top-to-bottom overhaul. But apparently the hearing was anything but an effort to fix the law that ...

Legislating Energy Poverty

Public opinion polls show that most Californians see climate change as a threat to the state’s economy and quality of life, yet the state’s approach is hurting poor, rural, inland, and minority communities. PRI’s Wayne Winegarden, Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation, and John C. Gamboa of California Community Builders ...
Climate Change

Green New Deal would cause a new Depression

Democrat firebrands Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey just unveiled their “Green New Deal,” a multi-trillion-dollar effort to overhaul the energy industry and slash America’s net greenhouse gas emissions to zero within a decade. The legislation’s title is fitting. The original New Deal failed to create jobs and actually ...

What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s CA Ideas in Action Conference

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” Conference in Sacramento.  For those of you who weren’t able to join us, below is your chance to watch 4 great panel discussions showcasing how free-market ideas are best suited to address California’s unique challenges and move the state toward ...

California’s Doomsday Clock Getting Closer to Midnight

In 1947 a group of scientists unveiled the Doomsday Clock to show how near civilization was to a man-made catastrophic end. Maybe California should have its own doomsday clock, since it seems headed for a wreck. Today’s official Doomsday Clock reads 11:58 pm, two minutes before disaster. The Bulletin of ...

California Is Moving to Ban Disposable Plastic Statewide

More than a half-century ago, in one of the most famous movie lines of all time, Dustin Hoffman character Benjamin Braddock, fresh out of college, received some unsolicited career advice. “I want to say one word to you. Just one word,” Mr. McGuire told young Benjamin. “Plastics. There’s a great ...

Wayne Winegarden Responds to “LA Green New Deal” to Inside Sources

LA’s Own Green New Deal Requires Expensive Transportation Overhauls By Michael McGrady Following in the footsteps of New York City, the city of Los Angeles announced its own Green New Deal proposal to fight climate change. Dubbed the “pLAn” by Mayor Eric Garcetti, this proposal sets sustainability and environmental-friendliness requirements for virtually every aspect ...

Virtue Signaling at the Neighborhood Diner

The old adage goes that you should never talk about religion or politics at the dinner table. Working in a political world, I try to heed that advice whenever I leave work.  The last thing I want to face when going out for dinner with friends or family is politics.  ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...

Earth Day: Opposing Progress Trumps Protecting the Planet

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Jeff Stier Today is Earth Day, a celebration originally conceived by then-U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) and first held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience. ...

CEQA Show Hearing Gets California Nowhere

The state Senate held a joint informational hearing last month that, on the surface, looked to be a step forward for those who believe the California Environmental Quality Act needs reform, if not a top-to-bottom overhaul. But apparently the hearing was anything but an effort to fix the law that ...

Legislating Energy Poverty

Public opinion polls show that most Californians see climate change as a threat to the state’s economy and quality of life, yet the state’s approach is hurting poor, rural, inland, and minority communities. PRI’s Wayne Winegarden, Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation, and John C. Gamboa of California Community Builders ...
Climate Change

Green New Deal would cause a new Depression

Democrat firebrands Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey just unveiled their “Green New Deal,” a multi-trillion-dollar effort to overhaul the energy industry and slash America’s net greenhouse gas emissions to zero within a decade. The legislation’s title is fitting. The original New Deal failed to create jobs and actually ...

What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s CA Ideas in Action Conference

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” Conference in Sacramento.  For those of you who weren’t able to join us, below is your chance to watch 4 great panel discussions showcasing how free-market ideas are best suited to address California’s unique challenges and move the state toward ...

California’s Doomsday Clock Getting Closer to Midnight

In 1947 a group of scientists unveiled the Doomsday Clock to show how near civilization was to a man-made catastrophic end. Maybe California should have its own doomsday clock, since it seems headed for a wreck. Today’s official Doomsday Clock reads 11:58 pm, two minutes before disaster. The Bulletin of ...
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