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  • Support PRI on Giving Tuesday 2023

    Giving Tuesday 2023 3

    Support PRI on Giving Tuesday by giving generously at www.pacificresearch.org/donate

    As we celebrate #GivingTuesday and the start of the holiday season, all of us at the Pacific Research Institute have a lot to be thankful for. We are particularly grateful for the generosity of our supporters across the nation who have partnered with us in 2023 to advance personal freedom and economic prosperity.

    Despite the many ongoing threats to freedom at the state and national level, the generosity of our partners powered our successes this past year—from advancing market-based solutions to improve our cities under PRI’s new Free Cities Center to exposing the failures of disastrous initiatives on health care, homelessness, and education.

    To date in 2023, PRI has reached millions of Americans through 22 books and studies, 1,300 op-ed placements, 33 television appearances, 105 radio and podcast hits, 13 speeches and debates featuring PRI experts, 197 blog posts on PRI’s Right by the Bay blog, 47 episodes of PRI’s “Next Round” podcast, and several public and virtual events and conferences.

    We hope you’ll support PRI and make a tax-deductible contribution this #GivingTuesday. Your donation will be used to advance the tried, true, and achievable freedom agenda of PRI in education, energy, health care, fighting poverty, and more. For nearly 45 years, PRI has been working to expand liberty and encourage enterprise and flourishing among all Americans—and our record of accomplishment augurs well for 2024.

    PRI’s agenda for the year ahead includes:

    • Championing Educational Freedom and Parental Choice. The Pacific Research Institute is proud to take the lead in researching, formulating, and winning public support for such essential reforms as school choice, homeschooling, charter schools, and high-quality education standards that prepare students for success in their personal and professional lives.
    • Advancing Innovative Health Care Policy Solutions. PRI will continue to research, write, and appear in the media to discuss the pernicious policy proposal of “Medicare for All” and address “stepping-stone” approaches like Senate Bill 770 that sets the stage for California to be a single-payer system. Through PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, we are focusing on research and outreach to advance policies that support medical breakthroughs and competition in the health care marketplace.
    • Exposing the True Costs of Climate Regulations. PRI’s experts will continue to sound the alarm about green energy subsidies and environmental regulations while promoting meaningful solutions to sustain the trend toward a clean environment.
    • Advance Free-Market Solutions to Improve the Quality of Life in America’s Cities. PRI’s Free Cities Center recently published the Free Cities Index, which ranks the nation’s 50 most populous cities by the extent to which they embrace pro-growth policies, encourage entrepreneurship, and efficiently provide core public services.
    • Building Coalitions to Solve California’s Major Challenges. PRI will host our annual “Ideas in Action California Policy Conference,” which will be held in Sacramento on February 13, 2024. The conference brings together a diverse audience of policymakers, journalists, business leaders, and concerned citizens to discuss market-based solutions to the Golden State’s major challenges. This year’s conference will feature a keynote address by author and political commentator Steve Hilton.

    We appreciate your partnership. Together, we can make a real difference in California and in America at large. Freedom works. Using the tools of freedom and markets, we can make the world a better place . . . not only for you and me, but for our fellow Americans living in poverty and homelessness or trapped in failed schools as well. We look forward to continuing our partnership and winning new victories for freedom in 2024.

    Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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