Senator Barbara Boxer Calls PRI A “Sham” Group In Senate Floor Remarks

July 12, 2016, San Francisco – Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today on the Senate floor denounced PRI as a “sham” group involved in undermining climate science. Senator Boxer said: “The Pacific Research Institute, which is a free-market think tank, published a number of anti-climate materials, including the Almanac of Environmental Trends.”

Her remarks followed a Senate resolution introduced this week targeting private companies, trade associations, foundations, and organizations that disagree with a group of Senators’ views on climate policy. PRI President and CEO Sally Pipes responded:

PRI will not be intimidated by this enemies list, and indeed, it only strengthens our resolve. We believe that market-based reforms are the best means of protecting and preserving our environment, and a blacklist will not silence our efforts in offering new and innovative solutions to the nation’s environmental issues. PRI, our supporters, and all Americans have the right to support ideas that we believe in without fear of threats from government officials.

Founded in 1979, the Pacific Research Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan free-market think tank headquartered in San Francisco. Its Center on the Environment produced the film An Inconvenient Truth … Or Convenient Fiction in 2008 and the Almanac of Environmental Trends in 2011. More recently, it has released the following publications and video productions: “The 50-State Index of Energy Regulation”, “The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from the EPA’s Proposed Regulations”, “Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry”, and “Hysteria’s History: Why Haven’t We Run Out of Oil?”

Watch Barbara Boxer

To arrange an interview with Sally Pipes or PRI’s environmental scholars, contact PRI’s press office at 415-955-6110 or email Laura Dannerbeck at[email protected] or Rowena Itchon at [email protected].

Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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