Search Results for: climate change – Page 9


Learn about the damage from lawsuit abuse

Tort Abuses Threat To Innovation And Product Availability

Not only is continued invention necessary for expanding our prosperity, but it is also key for mitigating problems such as global climate change or finding new technologies and treatments for troubling health conditions. Take the state and municipal lawsuits being filed against energy companies as an example. When announcing his ...

Read the latest from PRI's Free Cities Center

States right to ‘pre-empt’ cities that violate citizens’ liberty

Conservatives and right-of-center types tend to believe in the Jeffersonian principle that “​​the government closest to the people serves the people best.” As brilliant as Thomas Jefferson was, he couldn’t possibly get everything right, and on this count, he’s only about half correct. Sure, it’s easier to march down to ...

Broccoli does not occur in nature, we should still eat it

“I only eat things that are natural.” “This color doesn’t occur in nature.” These are common arguments for why people should eat produce grown and labeled as “non-GMO” or “organic.” While there is certainly room in the market for these forms of agriculture, we should be careful about believing they ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Undermines the Social Responsibility of Businesses and Investment Managers

The concepts behind Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing and management are the latest theory trying to address a long-standing question: What is the appropriate social function of a business? This question predates Milton Friedman’s 1970 New York Times piece “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,” ...

Green Vs. Green

Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

Read the latest on energy reliability

Energy Transition Or Not, Permitting Reform Is Essential

A reliable energy infrastructure that embraces innovation is essential. Without it, U.S. consumers may lose the capacity to cool our homes when needed, run our appliances on demand, and even earn a living. Ensuring continued energy reliability requires reforms that lessen the burdens associated with federal energy, environmental, and permitting ...

Sonoma County Measure Would Put Animal Lives at Risk

There are nearly three times as many laying hens in Sonoma County as there are people. In a testament to the care area poultry farmers give to their livestock, many of the farms are multi-generational members of the county community. Yet, a ballot measure largely funded by animal activist group ...

Girding For The Cost Of A Grid Upgrade

Demand will be roughly 336,000 gigawatt hours while supply will reach only about 280,000 gigawatt hours without a miracle. But even if somehow supply satisfies demand, the infrastructure that carries electrons is so creaky that there is no guarantee that the power will arrive where it’s needed. A pair of ...

Read latest on BART's push for higher taxes

BART pushes to raise taxes to subsidize falling ridership

The pandemic is well behind us, yet transit ridership levels nationwide – and in the San Francisco Bay Area in particular – have only recovered somewhat from pre-pandemic levels. In fact, those pre-pandemic levels weren’t particularly great as transit ridership has been falling for years. Despite California’s reluctance to invest ...

Insurance crisis moves from hinterlands to big cities

Insurance crisis moves from hinterlands to big cities By John Seiler | May 3, 2024 The home-insurance crisis hitting California and other states is now thwarting cities’ efforts to house the homeless. All mortgages require insurance up front. No insurance, no homes for the homeless, or anybody. That directly will ...

Learn about the damage from lawsuit abuse

Tort Abuses Threat To Innovation And Product Availability

Not only is continued invention necessary for expanding our prosperity, but it is also key for mitigating problems such as global climate change or finding new technologies and treatments for troubling health conditions. Take the state and municipal lawsuits being filed against energy companies as an example. When announcing his ...

Read the latest from PRI's Free Cities Center

States right to ‘pre-empt’ cities that violate citizens’ liberty

Conservatives and right-of-center types tend to believe in the Jeffersonian principle that “​​the government closest to the people serves the people best.” As brilliant as Thomas Jefferson was, he couldn’t possibly get everything right, and on this count, he’s only about half correct. Sure, it’s easier to march down to ...

Broccoli does not occur in nature, we should still eat it

“I only eat things that are natural.” “This color doesn’t occur in nature.” These are common arguments for why people should eat produce grown and labeled as “non-GMO” or “organic.” While there is certainly room in the market for these forms of agriculture, we should be careful about believing they ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Undermines the Social Responsibility of Businesses and Investment Managers

The concepts behind Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing and management are the latest theory trying to address a long-standing question: What is the appropriate social function of a business? This question predates Milton Friedman’s 1970 New York Times piece “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,” ...

Green Vs. Green

Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

Read the latest on energy reliability

Energy Transition Or Not, Permitting Reform Is Essential

A reliable energy infrastructure that embraces innovation is essential. Without it, U.S. consumers may lose the capacity to cool our homes when needed, run our appliances on demand, and even earn a living. Ensuring continued energy reliability requires reforms that lessen the burdens associated with federal energy, environmental, and permitting ...

Sonoma County Measure Would Put Animal Lives at Risk

There are nearly three times as many laying hens in Sonoma County as there are people. In a testament to the care area poultry farmers give to their livestock, many of the farms are multi-generational members of the county community. Yet, a ballot measure largely funded by animal activist group ...

Girding For The Cost Of A Grid Upgrade

Demand will be roughly 336,000 gigawatt hours while supply will reach only about 280,000 gigawatt hours without a miracle. But even if somehow supply satisfies demand, the infrastructure that carries electrons is so creaky that there is no guarantee that the power will arrive where it’s needed. A pair of ...

Read latest on BART's push for higher taxes

BART pushes to raise taxes to subsidize falling ridership

The pandemic is well behind us, yet transit ridership levels nationwide – and in the San Francisco Bay Area in particular – have only recovered somewhat from pre-pandemic levels. In fact, those pre-pandemic levels weren’t particularly great as transit ridership has been falling for years. Despite California’s reluctance to invest ...

Insurance crisis moves from hinterlands to big cities

Insurance crisis moves from hinterlands to big cities By John Seiler | May 3, 2024 The home-insurance crisis hitting California and other states is now thwarting cities’ efforts to house the homeless. All mortgages require insurance up front. No insurance, no homes for the homeless, or anybody. That directly will ...
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