Search Results for: climate change – Page 44

Business & Economics

Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax credits, according ...
Business & Economics

Study: Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

Bloomberg News It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax ...
Business & Economics

Hillary’s Wrong: California’s Paid Family Leave Mandate Hurting Small Business, State

Regulation: Hillary Clinton claimed that California’s paid family leave mandate hasn’t hurt business and job growth, and ought to be expanded nationwide. But a recent study shows that she’s living in a statist dream world. Clinton made the ill-informed remark at Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate during an exchange with CNN’s ...

Water markets would alleviate shortages

We’ve all read the daily stories highlighting the drought’s impact on California’s economy and environment. Wells have run dry, forcing some Central Valley communities to shower in church parking lots. Farmers are fallowing land. In many areas of the state, over-pumping groundwater is causing the ground to sink. California faces ...

Scrooge-like predictions for the New Year

The United States and California in particular are continuing down a dangerous path where more decisions about almost everything in life are made by government officials rather than by individual citizens. That’s a fancy way of saying that we are losing our freedoms, slowly but surely. Maybe it’s not so ...

California workers could suffer under Obamacare

A coalition of 26 states filed a petition recently asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. California should have been the 27th. That’s because no state stands to take a bigger economic hit when and if Obamacare ...
Business & Economics

Give A Convict A Job

Never has it been more evident that California is in a downward spiral on the verge of economic, social and political collapse — San Francisco is now pushing to make convicted criminals a protected class so that prospective employers cannot inquire about criminal records. An already precarious business climate in ...
Business & Economics

Budget battle a bad movie we’ve seen before

Have you ever watched one of those predictable, boring movies where you wish you could just skip the obligatory chase and romance scenes and get to the “I see it coming” ending already? That’s what I feel like as I watch the unfolding drama – and I use the term ...
Business & Economics

Bankruptcy one of state’s few options

SACRAMENTO – Congressional Republicans “should be ashamed of themselves for even suggesting” bankruptcy as an option for California and other debt-plagued states, according to Sacramento Bee Capitol columnist Dan Walters. Unlike municipalities, states aren’t allowed to go bankrupt, but some conservatives have talked openly about changing the law. Walters, reflecting ...
Business & Economics

Brown ignores state’s competitiveness

Gov. Jerry Brown’s fiscal 2011-12 budget aims to close the state’s projected $26.4 billion deficit with a combination of tax measures and targeted spending cuts. While a welcome change from gimmicks that only defer the problem, the budget ignores long-term competitiveness problems that plague the Golden State. Gov. Brown proposes ...
Business & Economics

Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax credits, according ...
Business & Economics

Study: Indiana’s Friendly To Small Business But Not With Incentives

Bloomberg News It’s a mixed bag for small businesses in Indiana. On one hand, there’s very little red tape, which experts say enables small businesses to get off the ground, expand and thrive. The rub, however, is that those businesses don’t receive the lion’s share of state-backed grants and tax ...
Business & Economics

Hillary’s Wrong: California’s Paid Family Leave Mandate Hurting Small Business, State

Regulation: Hillary Clinton claimed that California’s paid family leave mandate hasn’t hurt business and job growth, and ought to be expanded nationwide. But a recent study shows that she’s living in a statist dream world. Clinton made the ill-informed remark at Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate during an exchange with CNN’s ...

Water markets would alleviate shortages

We’ve all read the daily stories highlighting the drought’s impact on California’s economy and environment. Wells have run dry, forcing some Central Valley communities to shower in church parking lots. Farmers are fallowing land. In many areas of the state, over-pumping groundwater is causing the ground to sink. California faces ...

Scrooge-like predictions for the New Year

The United States and California in particular are continuing down a dangerous path where more decisions about almost everything in life are made by government officials rather than by individual citizens. That’s a fancy way of saying that we are losing our freedoms, slowly but surely. Maybe it’s not so ...

California workers could suffer under Obamacare

A coalition of 26 states filed a petition recently asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. California should have been the 27th. That’s because no state stands to take a bigger economic hit when and if Obamacare ...
Business & Economics

Give A Convict A Job

Never has it been more evident that California is in a downward spiral on the verge of economic, social and political collapse — San Francisco is now pushing to make convicted criminals a protected class so that prospective employers cannot inquire about criminal records. An already precarious business climate in ...
Business & Economics

Budget battle a bad movie we’ve seen before

Have you ever watched one of those predictable, boring movies where you wish you could just skip the obligatory chase and romance scenes and get to the “I see it coming” ending already? That’s what I feel like as I watch the unfolding drama – and I use the term ...
Business & Economics

Bankruptcy one of state’s few options

SACRAMENTO – Congressional Republicans “should be ashamed of themselves for even suggesting” bankruptcy as an option for California and other debt-plagued states, according to Sacramento Bee Capitol columnist Dan Walters. Unlike municipalities, states aren’t allowed to go bankrupt, but some conservatives have talked openly about changing the law. Walters, reflecting ...
Business & Economics

Brown ignores state’s competitiveness

Gov. Jerry Brown’s fiscal 2011-12 budget aims to close the state’s projected $26.4 billion deficit with a combination of tax measures and targeted spending cuts. While a welcome change from gimmicks that only defer the problem, the budget ignores long-term competitiveness problems that plague the Golden State. Gov. Brown proposes ...
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