Search Results for: climate change – Page 4
Climate Change
A changing political climate on climate change
Despite intense, sometimes contentious negotiations — most recently at a meeting of world leaders in Denmark — the likelihood of a binding deal on global carbon emissions appears remote. Virtually all nations agree about the potential severity of climate change, but tremendous apprehension remains about how best to fight global ...
Robert P. Murphy
March 13, 2010
Climate Change
Scholar discusses ‘crisis’ of pro-climate change campaign at property rights forum
Bozeman Daily Chronicle (MT), February 19, 2010 Policy scholar Steven Hayward told attendees of a property rights forum in Bozeman Thursday that proposals to drastically cut greenhouse gasses emitted by the United States are economically insensible and undemocratic and are facing a crisis in public support. Hayward, a senior fellow ...
Lauren Russell
February 19, 2010
California Counts the Cost on Climate Change Legislation
Last week, an investment management and advisory firm comprised of professors from California State University, Sacramento, released a report attempting to estimate the costs to small businesses – and therefore to California’s economy – of implementing Assembly Bill 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. While the Varshney & ...
Amy Kaleita
July 21, 2009
Business & Economics
The Economics of Climate Change
During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...
Robert P. Murphy
July 6, 2009
Analyzing the politics of climate change
San Francisco Examiner, June 9, 2009 We hear it every day. News headlines read: “Global Warming Biggest Threat of 21st Century, Experts say.” ( May 13th, 2009. Gardner, Amanda). News anchors provide us with a choice, either we believe the scientists that support global warming hypotheses, or we reject science ...
Blake Yount
June 9, 2009
Business & Economics
How has the state’s legal climate changed since tort reform was enacted?
This feature contains responses from industry professionals to questions posed by Business First. Warren M. Enders – Partner, Reminger Co. LPA Ohio’s recent tort reform legislation imposes “caps” on the amount of damages a medical malpractice plaintiff can recover for “noneconomic damages,” i.e., pain and suffering. In cases involving catastrophic ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 22, 2008
Cap and Trade for Climate Change
Rightly or wrongly, Global Warming offers disaster for our planet. Countering it has become a consuming concern. Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) focus on carbon dioxide. “A reduction in carbon emissions has become an end in itself,” observes Bjorn Lomborg, whose Copenhagen Consensus found 36 better ways to accomplish the ...
Natalie Sirkin
July 1, 2008
Climate Change
How Should California Schools Teach Climate Change?
One California lawmaker is gaining momentum with a bill that would include “climate change” among the science topics in public schools. Senate Bill 908, authored by Joe Simitian, a Palo Alto Democrat, would include climate change in science textbooks approved for California public schools. “You can’t have a science curriculum ...
Thomas Tanton
June 18, 2008
Climate Change
Climate change contrarian: How green hysteria will hit the US
If the ‘progressives’ get their way on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it will be ordinary Americans who suffer, says John Entine Let’s call it the black box syndrome: making revolutionary changes or new products without any real handle on what has actually been created or the potential impact. No-one really ...
Jon Entine
May 16, 2008
Climate Change
The Real Cost of Tackling Climate Change
The usual chorus of environmentalists and editorial writers has chimed in to attack President Bush’s recent speech on climate change. In his address of April 23, he put forth a goal of stopping the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025. “Way too little and way too ...
Steven F. Hayward
April 28, 2008
A changing political climate on climate change
Despite intense, sometimes contentious negotiations — most recently at a meeting of world leaders in Denmark — the likelihood of a binding deal on global carbon emissions appears remote. Virtually all nations agree about the potential severity of climate change, but tremendous apprehension remains about how best to fight global ...
Scholar discusses ‘crisis’ of pro-climate change campaign at property rights forum
Bozeman Daily Chronicle (MT), February 19, 2010 Policy scholar Steven Hayward told attendees of a property rights forum in Bozeman Thursday that proposals to drastically cut greenhouse gasses emitted by the United States are economically insensible and undemocratic and are facing a crisis in public support. Hayward, a senior fellow ...
California Counts the Cost on Climate Change Legislation
Last week, an investment management and advisory firm comprised of professors from California State University, Sacramento, released a report attempting to estimate the costs to small businesses – and therefore to California’s economy – of implementing Assembly Bill 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. While the Varshney & ...
The Economics of Climate Change
During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...
Analyzing the politics of climate change
San Francisco Examiner, June 9, 2009 We hear it every day. News headlines read: “Global Warming Biggest Threat of 21st Century, Experts say.” ( May 13th, 2009. Gardner, Amanda). News anchors provide us with a choice, either we believe the scientists that support global warming hypotheses, or we reject science ...
How has the state’s legal climate changed since tort reform was enacted?
This feature contains responses from industry professionals to questions posed by Business First. Warren M. Enders – Partner, Reminger Co. LPA Ohio’s recent tort reform legislation imposes “caps” on the amount of damages a medical malpractice plaintiff can recover for “noneconomic damages,” i.e., pain and suffering. In cases involving catastrophic ...
Cap and Trade for Climate Change
Rightly or wrongly, Global Warming offers disaster for our planet. Countering it has become a consuming concern. Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) focus on carbon dioxide. “A reduction in carbon emissions has become an end in itself,” observes Bjorn Lomborg, whose Copenhagen Consensus found 36 better ways to accomplish the ...
How Should California Schools Teach Climate Change?
One California lawmaker is gaining momentum with a bill that would include “climate change” among the science topics in public schools. Senate Bill 908, authored by Joe Simitian, a Palo Alto Democrat, would include climate change in science textbooks approved for California public schools. “You can’t have a science curriculum ...
Climate change contrarian: How green hysteria will hit the US
If the ‘progressives’ get their way on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it will be ordinary Americans who suffer, says John Entine Let’s call it the black box syndrome: making revolutionary changes or new products without any real handle on what has actually been created or the potential impact. No-one really ...
The Real Cost of Tackling Climate Change
The usual chorus of environmentalists and editorial writers has chimed in to attack President Bush’s recent speech on climate change. In his address of April 23, he put forth a goal of stopping the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025. “Way too little and way too ...