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Read latest from Free Cities Center

New cities offer unpredictable but exciting urban future

Although it was thoroughly lost amid his travails as the most prosecuted ex-president in American history, on March 4, in a video released on his campaign website, Donald Trump proposed a national contest for urban developers to submit designs for new “Freedom Cities,” with 10 winning designs to be allocated federal land ...

Newsom’s housing bonds: Another failed-policy redux

According to the governor’s announcement, among other things the initiative would, “Amend the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), leading to at least $1 billion every year in local assistance for housing and residential services for people experiencing mental illness and substance use disorders, and allowing MHSA funds to serve people with ...

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Population trends prove people prefer pro-growth cities

The movement away from large cities is not universal, however. People may be leaving Los Angeles, but they are moving to Fort Worth, Atlanta and Las Vegas. Figure 1 presents the diverse five-year percentage change in population for the 50 largest cities in the United States. The vast differences in ...

Costly union-only agreements result in fewer city projects

From street repairs to building construction, municipal infrastructure projects are costly, but often necessary, endeavors. To get them done in the most cost-effective manner possible, city taxpayers are best served by having open, competitive markets for contracts to complete such projects efficiently and at the best price. This might sound like ...

Water fines for farmers will not keep the wells from running dry

When a profoundly important resource like water is no longer abundant, prioritizing where water goes becomes challenging. The California Assembly is considering legislation that would punish people for over-using water during droughts. The bill, however, does not differentiate between water “needs” and water “wants.” Specifically, food producers and municipalities would ...

Future cities could be beacons of innovation and hope

Futurist imaginings of what sort of world awaits humanity often embrace extreme scenarios, ranging from George Jetson’s utopia to George Orwell’s nightmare. They also tend to be wildly inaccurate. With that in mind – and not to stray too far into the territory of unrealistic optimism or excessive pessimism – ...

CA’s Housing Crisis is So Bad That Families Are Now Taking in Their Child’s Teacher

“Do you have a room for rent?” asks the Rooms For Rent For MUSD Educators online form. “Please fill out this form and our MUSD educators who are seeking a room to rent will be notified. The rest is up to you.” “​​The continued loss of staff is what led ...

Taking The Bread Out Of California’s Breadbasket

Extremism in the pursuit of environmental policy might not be a vice, but it’s never a virtue. See: California’s plan to convert 20 percent of its agricultural operations to organic practices by 2045. The transition is part of the California Air Resources Board’s Scoping Plan To Achieve Carbon Neutrality. Apparently, ...

Tax The Rich To Pay For The EV Scam

On the ballot this fall is a measure that, if passed, would hike taxes on California’s richest residents to fund electric vehicle and charging station subsidies. Gov. Gavin Newsom doesn’t like it, calling it “​​one company’s cynical scheme to grab a huge taxpayer subsidy.” He’s referring to Lyft, the top ...

Anaheim’s freedom experiment still offers lessons to cities

It’s a distant and largely forgotten memory, but in the mid-2000s the city of Anaheim pursued a novel idea for bigger cities. Instead of pursuing development policies based on the usual array of central planning tools, the city decided to “pursue a market-oriented, freedom-friendly agenda that would create an atmosphere ...

Read latest from Free Cities Center

New cities offer unpredictable but exciting urban future

Although it was thoroughly lost amid his travails as the most prosecuted ex-president in American history, on March 4, in a video released on his campaign website, Donald Trump proposed a national contest for urban developers to submit designs for new “Freedom Cities,” with 10 winning designs to be allocated federal land ...

Newsom’s housing bonds: Another failed-policy redux

According to the governor’s announcement, among other things the initiative would, “Amend the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), leading to at least $1 billion every year in local assistance for housing and residential services for people experiencing mental illness and substance use disorders, and allowing MHSA funds to serve people with ...

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Population trends prove people prefer pro-growth cities

The movement away from large cities is not universal, however. People may be leaving Los Angeles, but they are moving to Fort Worth, Atlanta and Las Vegas. Figure 1 presents the diverse five-year percentage change in population for the 50 largest cities in the United States. The vast differences in ...

Costly union-only agreements result in fewer city projects

From street repairs to building construction, municipal infrastructure projects are costly, but often necessary, endeavors. To get them done in the most cost-effective manner possible, city taxpayers are best served by having open, competitive markets for contracts to complete such projects efficiently and at the best price. This might sound like ...

Water fines for farmers will not keep the wells from running dry

When a profoundly important resource like water is no longer abundant, prioritizing where water goes becomes challenging. The California Assembly is considering legislation that would punish people for over-using water during droughts. The bill, however, does not differentiate between water “needs” and water “wants.” Specifically, food producers and municipalities would ...

Future cities could be beacons of innovation and hope

Futurist imaginings of what sort of world awaits humanity often embrace extreme scenarios, ranging from George Jetson’s utopia to George Orwell’s nightmare. They also tend to be wildly inaccurate. With that in mind – and not to stray too far into the territory of unrealistic optimism or excessive pessimism – ...

CA’s Housing Crisis is So Bad That Families Are Now Taking in Their Child’s Teacher

“Do you have a room for rent?” asks the Rooms For Rent For MUSD Educators online form. “Please fill out this form and our MUSD educators who are seeking a room to rent will be notified. The rest is up to you.” “​​The continued loss of staff is what led ...

Taking The Bread Out Of California’s Breadbasket

Extremism in the pursuit of environmental policy might not be a vice, but it’s never a virtue. See: California’s plan to convert 20 percent of its agricultural operations to organic practices by 2045. The transition is part of the California Air Resources Board’s Scoping Plan To Achieve Carbon Neutrality. Apparently, ...

Tax The Rich To Pay For The EV Scam

On the ballot this fall is a measure that, if passed, would hike taxes on California’s richest residents to fund electric vehicle and charging station subsidies. Gov. Gavin Newsom doesn’t like it, calling it “​​one company’s cynical scheme to grab a huge taxpayer subsidy.” He’s referring to Lyft, the top ...

Anaheim’s freedom experiment still offers lessons to cities

It’s a distant and largely forgotten memory, but in the mid-2000s the city of Anaheim pursued a novel idea for bigger cities. Instead of pursuing development policies based on the usual array of central planning tools, the city decided to “pursue a market-oriented, freedom-friendly agenda that would create an atmosphere ...
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