Search Results for: climate change – Page 12


Read excerpt from new Free Cities Center book

Providing us with the transportation that planners want

One need only spend a little time on a transit-oriented social-media page or reading the thoughts of urban-focused writers to detect a certain disdain toward the automobile, suburbia and the construction of road and freeway lanes. Such attitudes are not outliers, as any quick search of New Urbanist and pro-transit ...


State Will Fall 21.1 Percent Short of Power Needed to Meet 2045 EV Mandate

California will fall 21.1 percent short of the electricity required to meet the state’s 100 percent electric vehicle mandates, finds a new report from the nonpartisan California free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute.   Download the study here “California’s green energy mandates will require families and businesses to consume ...

New Green Mandate Would Increase Electricity Costs

The EPA’s California Dreamin’ would be a nightmare for the country

By Rea S. Hederman Jr. and Wayne Winegarden The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released new emissions rules for coal- and natural gas-fired powerplants. Again. The new rules target greenhouse gases and requires electric utility companies to cut emissions “by 90 percent — or shut down.” The Biden Administration, eager ...

Read about Biden electric vehicle mandates

Biden Administration Takes California’s Electric Vehicle Mandate National

The Biden Administration has announced new automobile emission limits that amount to the government forcing a massive increase in U.S. electric vehicle sales.  By 2032, at least two of every three cars sold would be required to be electric vehicles. As the New York Times reports, “experts say the proposed ...
Business & Economics

The ITC Empowers Special Interests To The Detriment Of U.S. Prosperity

Policies have consequences, both good and bad. The right policy environment improves our living standards and makes it easier to address the many problems facing the country – from underfunded public pensions to global climate change. The opposite is also true. Anti-growth policies decrease our well-being, impoverishes families, and turns ...

Public Employee Unions Are Obstacle to Urban Progress

Public Employee Unions Are Obstacle to Urban Progress A Free Cities Center Interview One of the key ways to improve urban life is to improve the level of public services offered in cities. People who flee some premier city for the suburbs or rural life will typically point to their ...

Bullet train won’t improve urban transportation

(image courtesy California High-Speed Rail Commission) Even on its best day, California’s high-speed rail project was always going to struggle to deliver on its grandiose promises – a best day that was unfortunately Nov. 4, 2008. That was the day California voters approved a modest and fantastical version of what ...

Lack of Transmission Lines Could Slow State’s Renewable Energy Transformation

Connecting wind and solar farms to the grid is going to require a massive construction binge. The ​​California Independent System Operator isn’t saying how many miles of power line will have to be built, but reports the Sacramento Bee, “several agencies project the grid will need to roughly triple its ...

‘Urban growth boundaries’ make cities less affordable

‘Urban growth boundaries’ make cities less affordable by John Seiler At a time when many Western officials are reducing housing restrictions to promote building and thereby ease the affordable-housing crisis, they also are embracing a policy that runs contrary to these goals. Most Western states continue to create Urban Growth ...

Reclaiming Liberty on Giving Tuesday

Standing together, we are spreading the message of limited government, free enterprise, and personal responsibility far and wide throughout our state and nation. Our supporters powered our successes in 2022— from blocking single-payer health care in California to exposing the failures of disastrous initiatives on homelessness and climate change. Today ...

Read excerpt from new Free Cities Center book

Providing us with the transportation that planners want

One need only spend a little time on a transit-oriented social-media page or reading the thoughts of urban-focused writers to detect a certain disdain toward the automobile, suburbia and the construction of road and freeway lanes. Such attitudes are not outliers, as any quick search of New Urbanist and pro-transit ...


State Will Fall 21.1 Percent Short of Power Needed to Meet 2045 EV Mandate

California will fall 21.1 percent short of the electricity required to meet the state’s 100 percent electric vehicle mandates, finds a new report from the nonpartisan California free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute.   Download the study here “California’s green energy mandates will require families and businesses to consume ...

New Green Mandate Would Increase Electricity Costs

The EPA’s California Dreamin’ would be a nightmare for the country

By Rea S. Hederman Jr. and Wayne Winegarden The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released new emissions rules for coal- and natural gas-fired powerplants. Again. The new rules target greenhouse gases and requires electric utility companies to cut emissions “by 90 percent — or shut down.” The Biden Administration, eager ...

Read about Biden electric vehicle mandates

Biden Administration Takes California’s Electric Vehicle Mandate National

The Biden Administration has announced new automobile emission limits that amount to the government forcing a massive increase in U.S. electric vehicle sales.  By 2032, at least two of every three cars sold would be required to be electric vehicles. As the New York Times reports, “experts say the proposed ...
Business & Economics

The ITC Empowers Special Interests To The Detriment Of U.S. Prosperity

Policies have consequences, both good and bad. The right policy environment improves our living standards and makes it easier to address the many problems facing the country – from underfunded public pensions to global climate change. The opposite is also true. Anti-growth policies decrease our well-being, impoverishes families, and turns ...

Public Employee Unions Are Obstacle to Urban Progress

Public Employee Unions Are Obstacle to Urban Progress A Free Cities Center Interview One of the key ways to improve urban life is to improve the level of public services offered in cities. People who flee some premier city for the suburbs or rural life will typically point to their ...

Bullet train won’t improve urban transportation

(image courtesy California High-Speed Rail Commission) Even on its best day, California’s high-speed rail project was always going to struggle to deliver on its grandiose promises – a best day that was unfortunately Nov. 4, 2008. That was the day California voters approved a modest and fantastical version of what ...

Lack of Transmission Lines Could Slow State’s Renewable Energy Transformation

Connecting wind and solar farms to the grid is going to require a massive construction binge. The ​​California Independent System Operator isn’t saying how many miles of power line will have to be built, but reports the Sacramento Bee, “several agencies project the grid will need to roughly triple its ...

‘Urban growth boundaries’ make cities less affordable

‘Urban growth boundaries’ make cities less affordable by John Seiler At a time when many Western officials are reducing housing restrictions to promote building and thereby ease the affordable-housing crisis, they also are embracing a policy that runs contrary to these goals. Most Western states continue to create Urban Growth ...

Reclaiming Liberty on Giving Tuesday

Standing together, we are spreading the message of limited government, free enterprise, and personal responsibility far and wide throughout our state and nation. Our supporters powered our successes in 2022— from blocking single-payer health care in California to exposing the failures of disastrous initiatives on homelessness and climate change. Today ...
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