Reclaiming Liberty on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday 2022 Web Site

Today marks Giving Tuesday—a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. The generosity of our donors is crucial to the continued success of the Pacific Research Institute.

Standing together, we are spreading the message of limited government, free enterprise, and personal responsibility far and wide throughout our state and nation. Our supporters powered our successes in 2022— from blocking single-payer health care in California to exposing the failures of disastrous initiatives on homelessness and climate change.

Today also marks the launch of PRI’s Reclaiming Liberty Campaign, our annual year-end fundraising effort. As we prepare to launch bold new efforts for liberty and opportunity in 2023, we hope that you will consider partnering with us and making an end-of-year, tax-deductible contribution to PRI. Click here to make a gift online.

PRI is engaged in an energetic, multifront effort to advance free-market policies. We’re working in a variety of areas—health care, education, environment, homelessness, and more—to expand liberty and encourage enterprise and flourishing among all Americans.

With 14 published books and studies, 30 television appearances, nearly 1,600 published op-eds, 39 podcasts, 117 radio hits, and over 1 million website visits, PRI has reached millions of Americans to date in 2022.

PRI was the recipient of State Policy Network’s 2022 Communications Excellence Award for its projects highlighting the negative consequences from California’s environmental regulations and The Homeschool Boom, a book on the promise of homeschooling. Sally Pipes, PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy was nominated for SPN’s prestigious Bob Williams Award for her work to stop single-payer health care in California.

Our agenda for 2023 includes:

  • Training for school board members. Local school boards play a critical role in our nation’s education system. Yet school board members are often outgunned by special interests such as the teachers’ unions and entrenched education bureaucracies. PRI aims to even the playing field with our School Board Training Program. Conferences will instruct school board members in such key areas as freedom of speech, charter school formation, improving student achievement, reforming woke curriculum, and much more.
  • National survey on education freedom. We also will be conducting a series of national surveys of parents of school-aged children on their satisfaction with their child’s education. The surveys will cover other issues, including educational freedom and curriculum. The reports will include recommendations for policymakers at the state and federal level to give parents the freedom to choose the best educational option for their children.
  • Advancing market-based health policy solutions. Sally Pipes will continue her work to expose the false promise of “Medicare for All” and other misguided health care ideas through research, op-eds in leading media publications, speeches and debates, and appearances on radio, television, and podcast programs. In early 2023, Pipes will author a chapter for The State of Black America, a book that brings clarity to America’s race debates. Her chapter will examine the impact of government policies on the ability of black Americans to get timely, quality health care. She recommends workable, market-oriented reforms that will help black Americans get their health care more efficiently.
  • Free Cities Center. Under the leadership of PRI Fellow Steven Greenhut, we will expand our newly established Free Cities Center to address challenges facing cities throughout the American West: rising crime, soaring housing costs, a sprawling homelessness crisis, and underperforming public schools. Our goal with the project is to incubate and promote free-market ideas that will improve our cities.
  • Been There, Done That. We Californians have negative lessons to teach the nation about restricting worker freedom, encouraging homelessness, trapping kids in failing schools, fueling energy poverty, and more. We will teach those lessons— and explore doable, market-based solutions in our research publications, media appearances, legislative outreach, and at our 5th annual “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento.

PRI has a huge plate in front of us going into 2023—and we can’t wait to get to work. A promising year awaits, and together, we have a chance to make a real difference.

We hope that you will stand with us as the year draws to a close. For information on how to support PRI’s mission, please visit or email




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