PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda

California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the squeezing of family incomes and budgets, the dearth of jobs, and the flight of employers to other states.

Pacific Research Institute’s recently launched the California Prosperity Agenda—a 12-point, multi-year plan that reflects the best thinking of PRI researchers and think tanks nationwide on how to restore freedom and opportunity to Californians.

  1. A single flat tax for all Californians
  2. Increase online learning opportunities for California’s children
  3. Create more charter schools
  4. Remove red tape and legal barriers on California’s water resources
  5. Reform public pension systems to restore the fiscal health of communities
  6. Modify or eliminate electricity regulations that drive up costs
  7. Open up the Monterey Shale for development
  8. Require a two-thirds majority vote for new regulations
  9. End frivolous lawsuits that are hurting small businesses
  10. Establish same-day approval for setting up a new business
  11. Strengthen property rights for Californians
  12. Give Californians the “right to work”

Nothing contained in this blog is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Pacific Research Institute or as an attempt to thwart or aid the passage of any legislation.

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