Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 9


Stimulus Plan a Bailout Bonanza for California

With Congress on Wednesday giving final approval to President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, who is the biggest winner from Washington’s biggest ever spending spree?  State and local governments in California. In music to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ears, a virtual Brink’s truck is about deliver a mountain of cash from ...

California’s Unexpected Surplus Further Proof Bailout for States Unnecessary

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office (LAO) released its fiscal outlook for 2021, which is traditionally the start of the debate over next year’s state budget. Unexpectedly, California finds itself sitting on a $26 billion windfall according to the LAO, attributed to “results from revisions in prior- and current-year ...

How Election Results Will Impact Next Year’s State Budget

Gov. Gavin Newsom had a lot riding on the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  How the presidential and congressional elections and one key statewide ballot measure shake out will have a significant impact on how he crafts his upcoming 2021-22 state budget plan, to be released on Jan. 10. Newsom bet ...

Assembly’s Festivus-Style ‘Airing of Grievances’ Does Not Disappoint

In my last blog post, I previewed the Assembly’s unusual “Committee of the Whole” hearing on the state budget, comparing it to Seinfeld’s Festivus “Airing of Grievances.” Little did I know how clairvoyant I really was. Last Tuesday’s five hour session could charitably be called a “gripe fest” as lawmakers ...

Bernie’s Math Problem

Anyone in earshot of a television set, or a smart phone, is undoubtedly aware that the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic Primary wants to spend more money – a lot of it. And, while these policies are economically flawed, Senator Sanders also has a fundamental math problem. Reviewing his website, there ...

Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...

Democratic 2020 Hopefuls: All Roads Lead To Single-Payer

The Democratic Party’s presidential hopefuls are diverse in all ways but one — their stance on healthcare reform. The front-runners want to eliminate private insurance and put everyone on a government-run plan. But that’s not something they’ve been enthusiastic about revealing to voters. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently refused to say whether she would ...
Business & Economics

How Free Markets Can Address Income Inequality

We support free markets not because some 18th- or 19th-century European philosopher said they’re great. Rather, we support a free market system because experience has shown it delivers more opportunity and prosperity to Americans than any other economic system. That’s not to say that we are blind to the current ...

Stimulus Plan a Bailout Bonanza for California

With Congress on Wednesday giving final approval to President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, who is the biggest winner from Washington’s biggest ever spending spree?  State and local governments in California. In music to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ears, a virtual Brink’s truck is about deliver a mountain of cash from ...

California’s Unexpected Surplus Further Proof Bailout for States Unnecessary

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office (LAO) released its fiscal outlook for 2021, which is traditionally the start of the debate over next year’s state budget. Unexpectedly, California finds itself sitting on a $26 billion windfall according to the LAO, attributed to “results from revisions in prior- and current-year ...

How Election Results Will Impact Next Year’s State Budget

Gov. Gavin Newsom had a lot riding on the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  How the presidential and congressional elections and one key statewide ballot measure shake out will have a significant impact on how he crafts his upcoming 2021-22 state budget plan, to be released on Jan. 10. Newsom bet ...

Assembly’s Festivus-Style ‘Airing of Grievances’ Does Not Disappoint

In my last blog post, I previewed the Assembly’s unusual “Committee of the Whole” hearing on the state budget, comparing it to Seinfeld’s Festivus “Airing of Grievances.” Little did I know how clairvoyant I really was. Last Tuesday’s five hour session could charitably be called a “gripe fest” as lawmakers ...

Bernie’s Math Problem

Anyone in earshot of a television set, or a smart phone, is undoubtedly aware that the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic Primary wants to spend more money – a lot of it. And, while these policies are economically flawed, Senator Sanders also has a fundamental math problem. Reviewing his website, there ...

Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...

Democratic 2020 Hopefuls: All Roads Lead To Single-Payer

The Democratic Party’s presidential hopefuls are diverse in all ways but one — their stance on healthcare reform. The front-runners want to eliminate private insurance and put everyone on a government-run plan. But that’s not something they’ve been enthusiastic about revealing to voters. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently refused to say whether she would ...
Business & Economics

How Free Markets Can Address Income Inequality

We support free markets not because some 18th- or 19th-century European philosopher said they’re great. Rather, we support a free market system because experience has shown it delivers more opportunity and prosperity to Americans than any other economic system. That’s not to say that we are blind to the current ...
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