Search Results for: climate change – Page 8


Western Climate Initiative: Here’s the rest of the story

Michael Gibbs, the Governor’s point man on regional climate initiatives, has provided commentary on the Western Climate Initiative and the Capital Panel Discussion held on May 15, arranged at the request of Assemblyman Niello. I was one of the panel members, yet feel I must have been at a different ...
Climate Change

CA Nightmare: Worsening State’s Fiscal Crisis Through Bad Climate Policy

I have spent my entire 35 year professional life developing and implementing energy policies vital to our state. So it pains me to now see California taking an unfortunate misstep: embracing participation in the Western Climate Initiative. WCI, developed by seven U.S. states (California is joined by Oregon, Washington, Utah, ...

Does Climate Regulation Help the Economy?

Sacramento Union, November 6, 2008 A new study, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California, claims that California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007. The Oct. 20 study, which examined only household spending, comes as the regulatory regime has gained momentum. At the same ...
Business & Economics

Group Says Illinois Has Worst Litigation Climate

Among the 50 states, Illinois has the worst litigation climate for business and the highest risk for lawsuits, according to a non-profit business coalition. The rankings for best and worst states were produced by the American Justice Partnership Foundation (AJP), in collaboration with the Directorship publication. According to the group’s ...
Climate Change

Politics, Not Climate

If you think global warming is about climate, think again. It’s all about politics and, if you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Fred Krupp, the president of the Environmental Defense Fund. An April 16 news release from the EDF was titled “President’s Remarks Recognize Political Reality of Coming ...

Green Vs. Green

Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

Read the latest on energy reliability

Energy Transition Or Not, Permitting Reform Is Essential

A reliable energy infrastructure that embraces innovation is essential. Without it, U.S. consumers may lose the capacity to cool our homes when needed, run our appliances on demand, and even earn a living. Ensuring continued energy reliability requires reforms that lessen the burdens associated with federal energy, environmental, and permitting ...

Sonoma County Measure Would Put Animal Lives at Risk

There are nearly three times as many laying hens in Sonoma County as there are people. In a testament to the care area poultry farmers give to their livestock, many of the farms are multi-generational members of the county community. Yet, a ballot measure largely funded by animal activist group ...

Girding For The Cost Of A Grid Upgrade

Demand will be roughly 336,000 gigawatt hours while supply will reach only about 280,000 gigawatt hours without a miracle. But even if somehow supply satisfies demand, the infrastructure that carries electrons is so creaky that there is no guarantee that the power will arrive where it’s needed. A pair of ...

Read latest on BART's push for higher taxes

BART pushes to raise taxes to subsidize falling ridership

The pandemic is well behind us, yet transit ridership levels nationwide – and in the San Francisco Bay Area in particular – have only recovered somewhat from pre-pandemic levels. In fact, those pre-pandemic levels weren’t particularly great as transit ridership has been falling for years. Despite California’s reluctance to invest ...

Western Climate Initiative: Here’s the rest of the story

Michael Gibbs, the Governor’s point man on regional climate initiatives, has provided commentary on the Western Climate Initiative and the Capital Panel Discussion held on May 15, arranged at the request of Assemblyman Niello. I was one of the panel members, yet feel I must have been at a different ...
Climate Change

CA Nightmare: Worsening State’s Fiscal Crisis Through Bad Climate Policy

I have spent my entire 35 year professional life developing and implementing energy policies vital to our state. So it pains me to now see California taking an unfortunate misstep: embracing participation in the Western Climate Initiative. WCI, developed by seven U.S. states (California is joined by Oregon, Washington, Utah, ...

Does Climate Regulation Help the Economy?

Sacramento Union, November 6, 2008 A new study, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California, claims that California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007. The Oct. 20 study, which examined only household spending, comes as the regulatory regime has gained momentum. At the same ...
Business & Economics

Group Says Illinois Has Worst Litigation Climate

Among the 50 states, Illinois has the worst litigation climate for business and the highest risk for lawsuits, according to a non-profit business coalition. The rankings for best and worst states were produced by the American Justice Partnership Foundation (AJP), in collaboration with the Directorship publication. According to the group’s ...
Climate Change

Politics, Not Climate

If you think global warming is about climate, think again. It’s all about politics and, if you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Fred Krupp, the president of the Environmental Defense Fund. An April 16 news release from the EDF was titled “President’s Remarks Recognize Political Reality of Coming ...

Green Vs. Green

Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

Read the latest on energy reliability

Energy Transition Or Not, Permitting Reform Is Essential

A reliable energy infrastructure that embraces innovation is essential. Without it, U.S. consumers may lose the capacity to cool our homes when needed, run our appliances on demand, and even earn a living. Ensuring continued energy reliability requires reforms that lessen the burdens associated with federal energy, environmental, and permitting ...

Sonoma County Measure Would Put Animal Lives at Risk

There are nearly three times as many laying hens in Sonoma County as there are people. In a testament to the care area poultry farmers give to their livestock, many of the farms are multi-generational members of the county community. Yet, a ballot measure largely funded by animal activist group ...

Girding For The Cost Of A Grid Upgrade

Demand will be roughly 336,000 gigawatt hours while supply will reach only about 280,000 gigawatt hours without a miracle. But even if somehow supply satisfies demand, the infrastructure that carries electrons is so creaky that there is no guarantee that the power will arrive where it’s needed. A pair of ...

Read latest on BART's push for higher taxes

BART pushes to raise taxes to subsidize falling ridership

The pandemic is well behind us, yet transit ridership levels nationwide – and in the San Francisco Bay Area in particular – have only recovered somewhat from pre-pandemic levels. In fact, those pre-pandemic levels weren’t particularly great as transit ridership has been falling for years. Despite California’s reluctance to invest ...
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