Search Results for: climate change – Page 7

Business & Economics

Joel Fox on PRI’s California Business Climate Survey

Survey:  Biz Execs Down on CA A survey of business executives in highly sought after industries such as clean tech and research & development conclude that California has a number of problems that prevent businesses from locating or expanding in the state. The Pacific Research Institute survey discovered that housing and real ...
Business & Economics

New Climate Disclosure Would Add No Value For Investors

With only a few months left in office, President Barack Obama’s administration seeks to step up climate change disclosure, raising implications for corporations and asset owners. National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients and White House senior adviser Brian Deese unveiled in August a proposal to require public companies to disclose ...
Climate Change

Senate Climate Vote Usurps Authority, Endangers Democracy

Last week, the senate refused to take true responsibility for climate change legislation by letting the Environmental Protection Agency essentially usurp that authority. In a 53-47 vote, senators struck down Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s resolution of disapproval to overturn the EPA’s power grab to set climate policy. In a controversial ...
Climate Change

The crackup of the climate ‘consensus’

The climate-change campaign is in catastrophic free fall. Nearly every day brings a new embarrassment or retraction for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the supposed gold standard for “consensus” science. The withdrawal this week of BP, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar from the main US business lobby for greenhouse-gas controls ...
Climate Change

Changing the Climate for Peer Review

In what has come to be called “Climategate,” emails hacked from a server at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia were leaked online in November 2009. These emails among prominent climate scientists included evidence that some have been strategizing to abuse the peer-review process to keep ...
Climate Change

What climategate really tells us

AL Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate campaigners are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make ...
Climate Change

Must… Stop… Reading… Blogs… on… ClimateGate

* First you’ve got this minor IPCC contributing author arguing that big guns Michael Mann, Phil Jones, and Stefan Rahmstorf should be barred from the IPCC process. A good excerpt: I may confirm what has been written in other places: research in some areas of climate science has been and ...
Climate Change

Climate Modeling is Far From a Precise Science

A recent study of paleoclimate, the results of which appear in the August issue of Nature Geoscience, finds that today’s climate models do not accurately predict the most similar previous episode of climate warming in the geologic record. California Republic, August 21, 2009 A recent study of paleoclimate, the results ...
Climate Change

Climate Economics 101 and Policy Activism

(1) The Discount Rate. Economists give wildly different estimates of the “social cost of carbon” and hence the “optimal” tax on an additional unit of emissions. These differences are not primarily due to the assumptions about climate systems or human vulnerabilities to warming. On the contrary, the main difference between, ...
Business & Economics

Staggering Statistics Scream for Dramatic Policy Changes

New unemployment statistics are the latest in a seemingly endless series of reminders of Michigan’s economic woes and policy miscalculations. The state’s unemployment rate leapt to 15.2 percent in June, the 40th consecutive month Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. To put things in even greater ...
Business & Economics

Joel Fox on PRI’s California Business Climate Survey

Survey:  Biz Execs Down on CA A survey of business executives in highly sought after industries such as clean tech and research & development conclude that California has a number of problems that prevent businesses from locating or expanding in the state. The Pacific Research Institute survey discovered that housing and real ...
Business & Economics

New Climate Disclosure Would Add No Value For Investors

With only a few months left in office, President Barack Obama’s administration seeks to step up climate change disclosure, raising implications for corporations and asset owners. National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients and White House senior adviser Brian Deese unveiled in August a proposal to require public companies to disclose ...
Climate Change

Senate Climate Vote Usurps Authority, Endangers Democracy

Last week, the senate refused to take true responsibility for climate change legislation by letting the Environmental Protection Agency essentially usurp that authority. In a 53-47 vote, senators struck down Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s resolution of disapproval to overturn the EPA’s power grab to set climate policy. In a controversial ...
Climate Change

The crackup of the climate ‘consensus’

The climate-change campaign is in catastrophic free fall. Nearly every day brings a new embarrassment or retraction for the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the supposed gold standard for “consensus” science. The withdrawal this week of BP, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar from the main US business lobby for greenhouse-gas controls ...
Climate Change

Changing the Climate for Peer Review

In what has come to be called “Climategate,” emails hacked from a server at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia were leaked online in November 2009. These emails among prominent climate scientists included evidence that some have been strategizing to abuse the peer-review process to keep ...
Climate Change

What climategate really tells us

AL Gore and the rest of the die-hard climate campaigners are huffing and puffing that nothing in the e-mails and documents that were hacked or leaked from the Climate Research Unit in England have any bearing on what we know about climate change or the political response we should make ...
Climate Change

Must… Stop… Reading… Blogs… on… ClimateGate

* First you’ve got this minor IPCC contributing author arguing that big guns Michael Mann, Phil Jones, and Stefan Rahmstorf should be barred from the IPCC process. A good excerpt: I may confirm what has been written in other places: research in some areas of climate science has been and ...
Climate Change

Climate Modeling is Far From a Precise Science

A recent study of paleoclimate, the results of which appear in the August issue of Nature Geoscience, finds that today’s climate models do not accurately predict the most similar previous episode of climate warming in the geologic record. California Republic, August 21, 2009 A recent study of paleoclimate, the results ...
Climate Change

Climate Economics 101 and Policy Activism

(1) The Discount Rate. Economists give wildly different estimates of the “social cost of carbon” and hence the “optimal” tax on an additional unit of emissions. These differences are not primarily due to the assumptions about climate systems or human vulnerabilities to warming. On the contrary, the main difference between, ...
Business & Economics

Staggering Statistics Scream for Dramatic Policy Changes

New unemployment statistics are the latest in a seemingly endless series of reminders of Michigan’s economic woes and policy miscalculations. The state’s unemployment rate leapt to 15.2 percent in June, the 40th consecutive month Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. To put things in even greater ...
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