Search Results for: climate change – Page 6


Living With The Climate Karens

A recent Politico headline over a story that should have never been written read: “​​Soak up the February sun? Not without climate change guilt in California.” From there, it got worse. Lead paragraph: “Californians are lounging in parks, wearing shorts to the beach and dining al fresco without heat lamps ...

Another Big Company Leaves California. What Will It Take for State Officials to Change Course?

Forgive us if we sound like a broken record, but the exodus of California businesses out of the state to more affordable and competitive economic climates grew worse last week. The Los Angeles Times reports that the latest corporate headquarters to announce their departure is AECOM, the global engineering and ...
Climate Change

The SEC Risks Misinformation If Standardized And Detailed Climate Risks Disclosures Are Adopted

Based on the well-established materiality standard, public companies must disclose any potential financial risks from global climate change. The SEC is questioning whether these disclosures are inadequate, and is considering additional more detailed and standardized disclosure standards. Imposing such standards would be costly for public companies and will lessen investors ...

New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief

Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...

California must change course to avoid water shortages

Californians have recently endured increasingly aggressive wildfires, rolling power outages, and smoke-filled air for days.  Unless the state government changes course, we can add water shortages to this list. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, California has already suffered three droughts during this century – 2001-2002, 2007-2009, and 2012-2016.  To ...

Would Newsom’s Climate Catalyst Action Fund Fuel Second Coming of Solyndra?

Last week, California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office was on a roll – releasing several, often-critical analyses of some of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s high profile budget proposals. Particularly pointed was its analysis of Newsom’s proposal to create a so-called “Climate Catalyst Action Fund.”  According to the administration’s budget documents, it “would ...

At the Intersection of Art and Climate In California

When the California Air Resources Board opens its new headquarters in two years in Riverside, it will be basking in the radiance of the “world’s largest permanent collection of artworks addressing air quality and the effects of climate change.” The cost: $2.42 million, funded by a public art alliance. And ...

California’s Business Climate Continues to Receive Poor Scores

California has lived on the trope of being the hub of technology startups and innovation for decades. California’s economic success has long been touted and celebrated, none more so than the technology gold rush in the Bay Area. But despite California’s seemingly never-ending economic growth, the Golden State is now ...

Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

The Most Surprising Result in PRI’s California Business Climate Survey

This week, PRI’s scholars are offering their perspectives on different aspects of PRI’s new survey of business executives in high-demand fields who aren’t expanding in the Golden State. Reading the survey results, a lot of the findings were what you might expect. For example, 71 percent said that the state’s ...

Living With The Climate Karens

A recent Politico headline over a story that should have never been written read: “​​Soak up the February sun? Not without climate change guilt in California.” From there, it got worse. Lead paragraph: “Californians are lounging in parks, wearing shorts to the beach and dining al fresco without heat lamps ...

Another Big Company Leaves California. What Will It Take for State Officials to Change Course?

Forgive us if we sound like a broken record, but the exodus of California businesses out of the state to more affordable and competitive economic climates grew worse last week. The Los Angeles Times reports that the latest corporate headquarters to announce their departure is AECOM, the global engineering and ...
Climate Change

The SEC Risks Misinformation If Standardized And Detailed Climate Risks Disclosures Are Adopted

Based on the well-established materiality standard, public companies must disclose any potential financial risks from global climate change. The SEC is questioning whether these disclosures are inadequate, and is considering additional more detailed and standardized disclosure standards. Imposing such standards would be costly for public companies and will lessen investors ...

New Caltrans Report Latest Reminders That Sacramento Continues to Shortchange Congestion Relief

Caltrans last week released a draft of its 2021 “State Highway System Maintenance Plan,” which is a biannual report estimating the state’s highway repair needs, available funding, and strategies for keeping the state’s roadways running efficiently over the next decade. The Sacramento Bee’s headline on the report’s release says it ...

California must change course to avoid water shortages

Californians have recently endured increasingly aggressive wildfires, rolling power outages, and smoke-filled air for days.  Unless the state government changes course, we can add water shortages to this list. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, California has already suffered three droughts during this century – 2001-2002, 2007-2009, and 2012-2016.  To ...

Would Newsom’s Climate Catalyst Action Fund Fuel Second Coming of Solyndra?

Last week, California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office was on a roll – releasing several, often-critical analyses of some of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s high profile budget proposals. Particularly pointed was its analysis of Newsom’s proposal to create a so-called “Climate Catalyst Action Fund.”  According to the administration’s budget documents, it “would ...

At the Intersection of Art and Climate In California

When the California Air Resources Board opens its new headquarters in two years in Riverside, it will be basking in the radiance of the “world’s largest permanent collection of artworks addressing air quality and the effects of climate change.” The cost: $2.42 million, funded by a public art alliance. And ...

California’s Business Climate Continues to Receive Poor Scores

California has lived on the trope of being the hub of technology startups and innovation for decades. California’s economic success has long been touted and celebrated, none more so than the technology gold rush in the Bay Area. But despite California’s seemingly never-ending economic growth, the Golden State is now ...

Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

The Most Surprising Result in PRI’s California Business Climate Survey

This week, PRI’s scholars are offering their perspectives on different aspects of PRI’s new survey of business executives in high-demand fields who aren’t expanding in the Golden State. Reading the survey results, a lot of the findings were what you might expect. For example, 71 percent said that the state’s ...
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