Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 5

Business & Economics

Lower mortgage interest tax break: “All-out assault” or glancing blow?

By Jeff Ostrowski If there’s one thing that’s certain to mobilize the nation’s largest trade group, it’s any talk of reining in tax breaks for homeowners with mortgages. House Republicans on Thursday passed a tax plan that caps at $500,000 the amount of debt eligible for the mortgage interest deduction. ...
Business & Economics

How the GOP Tax Plan Will Affect Small Business

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur economic growth across the United States by adjusting tax structures for small businesses and corporations. Though the bill is still being debated, amended and adjusted, if it passes, it may have serious implications for you and your business. It can be ...

Let’s Cut California’s Tax Burden to Help the Giants Win the Pennant in 2018

To say that I am a fan of the San Francisco Giants is an understatement. 24 Willie Mays Plaza is perhaps my favorite place on Earth.  I make the trek down to AT&T Park at least half a dozen times each year.  Visit my den at home and you’ll see ...

GOP Can Improve Health Care And Lower Taxes

Congressional Republicans are gearing up for a battle over tax reform. Nearly everyone in the caucus would like to slash corporate and individual taxes. But they will need to close some loopholes in the tax code if they hope to offset the revenue they will lose by lowering rates. One ...
Business & Economics

Lack Of Transparency In Public Contract Negotiations Would Lead To Higher Taxpayer Costs

No state needs to reform the relationship that governments have with public-employee unions more than California. Yet lawmakers keep going in the wrong direction. Contract negotiations between government and the labor unions who represent the public employees should be transparent. Too often, both sides are working toward a common goal ...
Business & Economics

Brown’s Budget Underscores Need For Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown released his budget Tuesday amid what the media called an “uncertainty” in Washington that will could an effect on the state’s finances. The fear is that the Republican White House and Congress will punish California for its political rejection of Donald Trump by holding back federal funds. ...
Business & Economics

In California Pension Casino, Taxpayers Going Bust

California has a state pension problem that defies partisan politics. It’s not about Hillary vs. Donald, it’s about math. Past pension promises may exceed the potential for pension asset growth. Whether we are currently or were former California residents, as I am, we all want California to prosper. We want ...

Temporary Taxes Become Permanent in Prop. 55

Economist Milton Friedman said, and was proved right many times over, that nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. The same could be said for temporary taxes. They’re about as eternal as death. It’s actually a ghost we are considering here, though, tax hikes authorized by Proposition 30 ...
Business & Economics

Tax Increases Diminish Economic Opportunities

As Ronald Reagan might say upon hearing Hillary Clinton’s latest tax proposal, “there she goes again.” Secretary Clinton wants to impose a 4 percent “fair share surcharge” on people earning more than $5 million annually in order to get the “wealthy and the corporations to pay their fair share.” While ...

2013: The Year of Obamacare Tax Hikes

Although Obamacare was signed into law in 2010, very few of its rules and regulations have gone into law. This was by design: the Obama Administration wanted to give executive departments time to set definitions, insurance companies time to adjust to the new reality, and didn’t want Americans shocked – ...
Business & Economics

Lower mortgage interest tax break: “All-out assault” or glancing blow?

By Jeff Ostrowski If there’s one thing that’s certain to mobilize the nation’s largest trade group, it’s any talk of reining in tax breaks for homeowners with mortgages. House Republicans on Thursday passed a tax plan that caps at $500,000 the amount of debt eligible for the mortgage interest deduction. ...
Business & Economics

How the GOP Tax Plan Will Affect Small Business

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur economic growth across the United States by adjusting tax structures for small businesses and corporations. Though the bill is still being debated, amended and adjusted, if it passes, it may have serious implications for you and your business. It can be ...

Let’s Cut California’s Tax Burden to Help the Giants Win the Pennant in 2018

To say that I am a fan of the San Francisco Giants is an understatement. 24 Willie Mays Plaza is perhaps my favorite place on Earth.  I make the trek down to AT&T Park at least half a dozen times each year.  Visit my den at home and you’ll see ...

GOP Can Improve Health Care And Lower Taxes

Congressional Republicans are gearing up for a battle over tax reform. Nearly everyone in the caucus would like to slash corporate and individual taxes. But they will need to close some loopholes in the tax code if they hope to offset the revenue they will lose by lowering rates. One ...
Business & Economics

Lack Of Transparency In Public Contract Negotiations Would Lead To Higher Taxpayer Costs

No state needs to reform the relationship that governments have with public-employee unions more than California. Yet lawmakers keep going in the wrong direction. Contract negotiations between government and the labor unions who represent the public employees should be transparent. Too often, both sides are working toward a common goal ...
Business & Economics

Brown’s Budget Underscores Need For Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown released his budget Tuesday amid what the media called an “uncertainty” in Washington that will could an effect on the state’s finances. The fear is that the Republican White House and Congress will punish California for its political rejection of Donald Trump by holding back federal funds. ...
Business & Economics

In California Pension Casino, Taxpayers Going Bust

California has a state pension problem that defies partisan politics. It’s not about Hillary vs. Donald, it’s about math. Past pension promises may exceed the potential for pension asset growth. Whether we are currently or were former California residents, as I am, we all want California to prosper. We want ...

Temporary Taxes Become Permanent in Prop. 55

Economist Milton Friedman said, and was proved right many times over, that nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. The same could be said for temporary taxes. They’re about as eternal as death. It’s actually a ghost we are considering here, though, tax hikes authorized by Proposition 30 ...
Business & Economics

Tax Increases Diminish Economic Opportunities

As Ronald Reagan might say upon hearing Hillary Clinton’s latest tax proposal, “there she goes again.” Secretary Clinton wants to impose a 4 percent “fair share surcharge” on people earning more than $5 million annually in order to get the “wealthy and the corporations to pay their fair share.” While ...

2013: The Year of Obamacare Tax Hikes

Although Obamacare was signed into law in 2010, very few of its rules and regulations have gone into law. This was by design: the Obama Administration wanted to give executive departments time to set definitions, insurance companies time to adjust to the new reality, and didn’t want Americans shocked – ...
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