Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 44


Will Romneycare Hurt Mitt’s VP Bid?

As I was glassing over the news that I have missed over the last week, I came across this item from May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal: The New Big DigMay 21, 2008; Page A18 Mitt Romney’s presidential run is history, but it looks as if the taxpayers ...

CNN – The Glenn Beck Show

Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...

Is the Answer Blowing in the Wind? Or in Government Energy Subsidies?

Over the last decade, wind energy capacity in the United States has been increasing at a rapid rate. This surge is partly influenced by the attractive “green” aspects of wind energy, namely that it is carbon-free and nearly limitless. Something else, however, is also driving the surge in capacity – ...
Business & Economics

New speaker’s agenda

SACRAMENTO — Assembly Speaker-elect Karen Bass, D-Los Angeles, sounds as if she wants to continue the good working relationship with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger forged by outgoing Speaker Fabian Nunez, also a Los Angeles Democrat. Bass, who takes office Tuesday, said at a news conference today that Schwarzenegger has talked to ...
Business & Economics

Mississippi’s Tort Reform Triumph

For most of the past 30 years, Mississippi has ranked as one of the poorest as well as one of the most litigious states. The two statistics are related. I met with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently, and this politician, best known for helping his state rebuild after Hurricane Katrina ...

San Francisco’s Health Access Plan Has Raised $6 Million

Thrilling news from my fair town: San Francisco’s Health Access Plan has managed to rope in 743 businesses, with 12,900 employees, before their deadline for enrolment in the City & County’s new mandatory health care scheme. The San Francisco Health Access Plan promises to bring “universal” health care to our ...
Business & Economics

Study: Pa.’s Tort System Nearly The Worst

A policy institute yesterday released a report that ranked Pennsylvania’s legal climate the sixth worst in the nation in terms of both state policy and cost of litigation. The San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute compared the scope and impact of litigiousness on each state and determined that, judging by the ...

Massachusetts Hospital Association’s New Recipe for Fudge

An amazing story in the usually reliable Boston Globe by Steve LeBlanc made me gulp: might I have to recant my position on the ineffective and expensive Massachusetts health reform? Luckily, no: a report by the Massachusetts Hospital Association on the reform’s “success” manages to fudge the numbers just enough ...

The Hidden Dangers of Government Health Care

Child and Family Protection Association, February 21, 2008 “Socialized health care” is the term we are using to describe various forms of government-controlled health care delivery and funding programs. This topic continues to spark a great deal of debate. We have already addressed a critical part of this issue from ...

Economic Outlook Still Bad from Green Energy

To pay for it, the bill’s authors would use the same resource they tried to take in HR 6: rescinding tax incentives for the oil and natural gas industry. That could raise almost $18 billion over 10 years. But the renewable-energy lobby is trying to focus attention on the bill’s ...

Will Romneycare Hurt Mitt’s VP Bid?

As I was glassing over the news that I have missed over the last week, I came across this item from May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal: The New Big DigMay 21, 2008; Page A18 Mitt Romney’s presidential run is history, but it looks as if the taxpayers ...

CNN – The Glenn Beck Show

Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...

Is the Answer Blowing in the Wind? Or in Government Energy Subsidies?

Over the last decade, wind energy capacity in the United States has been increasing at a rapid rate. This surge is partly influenced by the attractive “green” aspects of wind energy, namely that it is carbon-free and nearly limitless. Something else, however, is also driving the surge in capacity – ...
Business & Economics

New speaker’s agenda

SACRAMENTO — Assembly Speaker-elect Karen Bass, D-Los Angeles, sounds as if she wants to continue the good working relationship with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger forged by outgoing Speaker Fabian Nunez, also a Los Angeles Democrat. Bass, who takes office Tuesday, said at a news conference today that Schwarzenegger has talked to ...
Business & Economics

Mississippi’s Tort Reform Triumph

For most of the past 30 years, Mississippi has ranked as one of the poorest as well as one of the most litigious states. The two statistics are related. I met with Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently, and this politician, best known for helping his state rebuild after Hurricane Katrina ...

San Francisco’s Health Access Plan Has Raised $6 Million

Thrilling news from my fair town: San Francisco’s Health Access Plan has managed to rope in 743 businesses, with 12,900 employees, before their deadline for enrolment in the City & County’s new mandatory health care scheme. The San Francisco Health Access Plan promises to bring “universal” health care to our ...
Business & Economics

Study: Pa.’s Tort System Nearly The Worst

A policy institute yesterday released a report that ranked Pennsylvania’s legal climate the sixth worst in the nation in terms of both state policy and cost of litigation. The San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute compared the scope and impact of litigiousness on each state and determined that, judging by the ...

Massachusetts Hospital Association’s New Recipe for Fudge

An amazing story in the usually reliable Boston Globe by Steve LeBlanc made me gulp: might I have to recant my position on the ineffective and expensive Massachusetts health reform? Luckily, no: a report by the Massachusetts Hospital Association on the reform’s “success” manages to fudge the numbers just enough ...

The Hidden Dangers of Government Health Care

Child and Family Protection Association, February 21, 2008 “Socialized health care” is the term we are using to describe various forms of government-controlled health care delivery and funding programs. This topic continues to spark a great deal of debate. We have already addressed a critical part of this issue from ...

Economic Outlook Still Bad from Green Energy

To pay for it, the bill’s authors would use the same resource they tried to take in HR 6: rescinding tax incentives for the oil and natural gas industry. That could raise almost $18 billion over 10 years. But the renewable-energy lobby is trying to focus attention on the bill’s ...
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