Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 43


Brokeback Mountain: Are Health Costs Killing Ranchers, Farmers?

One of America’s health care zombies that refuses to die is the notion (created by the Commonwealth Fund) that millions of people who have health insurance are “underinsured”, largely due to policies with high co-payments and high deductibles. This results in “medical bankruptcy”, another exaggeration. The Commonwealth Fund’s conclusions have ...
Business & Economics

Let the markets find their own recovery

The takeover of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, yet another expansion in government intervention from the Bush administration, could end up costing hundreds of billions of dollars and in the long run will only make the U.S. financial crisis worse. The costs of the takeover are scary. By ...

Why McCain needs to read Goldwater

Those who aspire to elected office, and all those who hold office, would do well to heed the advice of Barry Goldwater, former Arizona senator and presidential candidate. None would benefit more than presidential nominee John McCain, Goldwater’s Arizona successor in the U.S. Senate. Goldwater’s ideas, and the principles upon ...

New York State Investigates Wind Companies for Improper Business and Political Dealings

Environment & Climate News (Heartland Institute), September 1, 2008 New York State Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo (D) has opened an investigation into two companies developing and operating wind farms in the state. Cuomo, who announced the investigation July 15, said the focus will be on allegations of anti-competitive business ...

‘RomneyCare’ should keep Mitt off McCain ticket

Scripps News Service, August 26, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 26, 2008 Socialized Medicine Blog (Australia), September 2, 2008 Just as most folks maintain a healthy distance from those with contagious diseases, John McCain would be wise to keep Willard Mitt Romney at arm’s length. Choosing him for vice president would ...

Massachusetts Businesses Joining Health Care Coalition to Deal With Costs of Connector

Olympia Business Watch, August 13, 2008 Washington lawmakers need to take a real close look at what is happening in Massachusetts on health care. With the cost over runs for the “Connector”, Massachusetts businesses are joining a national coalition to slow premium growth and ease the financial burden on employers. ...
Business & Economics

California’s Spending Binge Breaks Budget

California’s budget deficit has ballooned to more than $15 billion. Recently Democratic lawmakers proposed to close the gap by – you guessed it – hiking taxes on the wealthy. Yet a quick review of the facts suggests that spending cuts are a much more sensible solution. On the tax side, ...

A fight to the finish: McCain vs. Obama on health care

If you’re a member of Congress, you get exceptional health care coverage. In fact, Barack Obama likes his Senate plan so much he’d like everyone to have it. The only catch is, if we all had the generous coverage Congress enjoys, the American economy would have an instant heart attack. ...

Wonder why Universal Health Care is Nothing but Smoke and Mirrors?

American Alliance Training Network Corp., July 27, 2008 MASSACHUSETTS’S UNIVERSAL health care law turned one in April. To survive, its guardians have had to make many changes, each of which has increased current and future government spending, increased the government’s role in regulating the healthcare market, decreased individual responsibility to ...

Massachusetts Health Reform: More Money, Please

…..but it’s a pretty good bet. One can never really be sure one’s right on public policy until the New York Times weighs in on the issue. And so it has, giving the thumbs up to Massachusetts’ two-year old health reform, which largely consisted of ordering its residents to buy ...

Brokeback Mountain: Are Health Costs Killing Ranchers, Farmers?

One of America’s health care zombies that refuses to die is the notion (created by the Commonwealth Fund) that millions of people who have health insurance are “underinsured”, largely due to policies with high co-payments and high deductibles. This results in “medical bankruptcy”, another exaggeration. The Commonwealth Fund’s conclusions have ...
Business & Economics

Let the markets find their own recovery

The takeover of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, yet another expansion in government intervention from the Bush administration, could end up costing hundreds of billions of dollars and in the long run will only make the U.S. financial crisis worse. The costs of the takeover are scary. By ...

Why McCain needs to read Goldwater

Those who aspire to elected office, and all those who hold office, would do well to heed the advice of Barry Goldwater, former Arizona senator and presidential candidate. None would benefit more than presidential nominee John McCain, Goldwater’s Arizona successor in the U.S. Senate. Goldwater’s ideas, and the principles upon ...

New York State Investigates Wind Companies for Improper Business and Political Dealings

Environment & Climate News (Heartland Institute), September 1, 2008 New York State Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo (D) has opened an investigation into two companies developing and operating wind farms in the state. Cuomo, who announced the investigation July 15, said the focus will be on allegations of anti-competitive business ...

‘RomneyCare’ should keep Mitt off McCain ticket

Scripps News Service, August 26, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 26, 2008 Socialized Medicine Blog (Australia), September 2, 2008 Just as most folks maintain a healthy distance from those with contagious diseases, John McCain would be wise to keep Willard Mitt Romney at arm’s length. Choosing him for vice president would ...

Massachusetts Businesses Joining Health Care Coalition to Deal With Costs of Connector

Olympia Business Watch, August 13, 2008 Washington lawmakers need to take a real close look at what is happening in Massachusetts on health care. With the cost over runs for the “Connector”, Massachusetts businesses are joining a national coalition to slow premium growth and ease the financial burden on employers. ...
Business & Economics

California’s Spending Binge Breaks Budget

California’s budget deficit has ballooned to more than $15 billion. Recently Democratic lawmakers proposed to close the gap by – you guessed it – hiking taxes on the wealthy. Yet a quick review of the facts suggests that spending cuts are a much more sensible solution. On the tax side, ...

A fight to the finish: McCain vs. Obama on health care

If you’re a member of Congress, you get exceptional health care coverage. In fact, Barack Obama likes his Senate plan so much he’d like everyone to have it. The only catch is, if we all had the generous coverage Congress enjoys, the American economy would have an instant heart attack. ...

Wonder why Universal Health Care is Nothing but Smoke and Mirrors?

American Alliance Training Network Corp., July 27, 2008 MASSACHUSETTS’S UNIVERSAL health care law turned one in April. To survive, its guardians have had to make many changes, each of which has increased current and future government spending, increased the government’s role in regulating the healthcare market, decreased individual responsibility to ...

Massachusetts Health Reform: More Money, Please

…..but it’s a pretty good bet. One can never really be sure one’s right on public policy until the New York Times weighs in on the issue. And so it has, giving the thumbs up to Massachusetts’ two-year old health reform, which largely consisted of ordering its residents to buy ...
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