Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 38


Back to School: Higher miseducation

Is your wealthy neighborhood school on the wrong side of the education tracks? It’s an idea that’s evolved over time but the core principle of the American Dream remains the same: to live well and prosper. And so we do our best to go to a good school, get a ...
Business & Economics

How California Can Avoid a Sequel of the Budget Crisis

At long last Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the budget, but Californians may want to hold off on any celebration. The blockbuster $84.6 billion deal is packed with accounting tricks that virtually guarantee a sequel of the crisis. A long-term solution could be at hand, but only if legislators come ...

Mass Disaster, July 29, 2009 The Bay State shows how not to reform health care. “Will Commonwealth care cost taxpayers more? No!” So wrote Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in November 2004, the economy then still in full bloom. “Neither the state nor the taxpayers can afford to pay more.” It’s worth ...
Climate Change

Climate Economics 101 and Policy Activism

(1) The Discount Rate. Economists give wildly different estimates of the “social cost of carbon” and hence the “optimal” tax on an additional unit of emissions. These differences are not primarily due to the assumptions about climate systems or human vulnerabilities to warming. On the contrary, the main difference between, ...
Business & Economics

Staggering Statistics Scream for Dramatic Policy Changes

New unemployment statistics are the latest in a seemingly endless series of reminders of Michigan’s economic woes and policy miscalculations. The state’s unemployment rate leapt to 15.2 percent in June, the 40th consecutive month Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. To put things in even greater ...
Health Care

Commissioner Dan Weighs In On Health Care Reform

First, I am concerned because of the reason why this reform is supposedly needed. The reason why many people believe we need this reform is the fact that we have 45-50 million uninsured people in America. I do not believe this is a good reason because: 12-18 million of the ...

Reformers’ Claims Just Don’t Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care “reforms” now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government’s possible takeover of ...

A Devastating Attack on Prosperity

The brightest, most productive, most skilled, most entrepreneurial men and women in this country are in the financial crosshairs of the House Democrats’ healthcare “reform” plan. This proposal would have a devastating negative impact on job creation and wealth creation, creating a bold disincentive to work, create, and innovate. If ...

Why We Must Ration Health Care

You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much? If you ...
Health Care

In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft

The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...

Back to School: Higher miseducation

Is your wealthy neighborhood school on the wrong side of the education tracks? It’s an idea that’s evolved over time but the core principle of the American Dream remains the same: to live well and prosper. And so we do our best to go to a good school, get a ...
Business & Economics

How California Can Avoid a Sequel of the Budget Crisis

At long last Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed the budget, but Californians may want to hold off on any celebration. The blockbuster $84.6 billion deal is packed with accounting tricks that virtually guarantee a sequel of the crisis. A long-term solution could be at hand, but only if legislators come ...

Mass Disaster, July 29, 2009 The Bay State shows how not to reform health care. “Will Commonwealth care cost taxpayers more? No!” So wrote Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in November 2004, the economy then still in full bloom. “Neither the state nor the taxpayers can afford to pay more.” It’s worth ...
Climate Change

Climate Economics 101 and Policy Activism

(1) The Discount Rate. Economists give wildly different estimates of the “social cost of carbon” and hence the “optimal” tax on an additional unit of emissions. These differences are not primarily due to the assumptions about climate systems or human vulnerabilities to warming. On the contrary, the main difference between, ...
Business & Economics

Staggering Statistics Scream for Dramatic Policy Changes

New unemployment statistics are the latest in a seemingly endless series of reminders of Michigan’s economic woes and policy miscalculations. The state’s unemployment rate leapt to 15.2 percent in June, the 40th consecutive month Michigan has had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. To put things in even greater ...
Health Care

Commissioner Dan Weighs In On Health Care Reform

First, I am concerned because of the reason why this reform is supposedly needed. The reason why many people believe we need this reform is the fact that we have 45-50 million uninsured people in America. I do not believe this is a good reason because: 12-18 million of the ...

Reformers’ Claims Just Don’t Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care “reforms” now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government’s possible takeover of ...

A Devastating Attack on Prosperity

The brightest, most productive, most skilled, most entrepreneurial men and women in this country are in the financial crosshairs of the House Democrats’ healthcare “reform” plan. This proposal would have a devastating negative impact on job creation and wealth creation, creating a bold disincentive to work, create, and innovate. If ...

Why We Must Ration Health Care

You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much? If you ...
Health Care

In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft

The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...
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