Search Results for: climate change – Page 37


Rooftop Solar Panels Stacking Up in Landfills

Rooftop solar panels, those co-saviors of the planet along with windmills, are stacking up in toxic heaps in California landfills. But maybe things aren’t so bad. The real, rather than subsidized, cost of these green darlings is about to hit the market, making them too expensive for many to afford. ...

‘Build Back Better’ would tear down patients’ hope for better medicines

Congressional Democrats are working to revive the multi-trillion-dollar spending package once dubbed “Build Back Better.” They intend to finance this wave of spending in part by siphoning money away from life-saving research on diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. That would be the chief consequence of a widely-discussed provision ...

Health Care

NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilar Competition Lowers Patient Drug Costs, New Competition Will Bring Even More Savings Wayne Winegarden June 11, 2024 Health Care A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute provides the latest evidence that biosimilar competition is ...

What does the SEC have to do with farming anyway?

The Securities and Exchange Commission isn’t usually associated with a discussion of agriculture or greenhouse gas emissions. A recent proposal might change that. The SEC has proposed businesses begin disclosing their “climate-related risks” by tracking greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) throughout their value chain to investors. Writing that “investors will . ...

Elon Musk is Right – California is Now the Land of Taxes, Overregulation and Litigation

A trio of troubles, says Elon Musk, is ruining California. He didn’t reveal anything new. He didn’t have to. Much of the world understands. Only those blinded by their blue-tinted glasses don’t know what’s wrong in this state. Speaking virtually earlier this month for a conference in Miami, Musk, an ...

Canada poised to join expanding number of countries endorsing crop gene editing. That’s encouraging – but global reform remains elusive

Gene editing, which allows precise edits to the genome, has been widely used for a variety of applications in laboratories worldwide since its discovery a decade ago. It has tremendous potential: Researchers hope to use it to alter human genes to eliminate diseases; improve the characteristics of plants; resist pathogens; ...

Is California Turning on Outdoor Dining?

In July, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to make the city’s emergency outdoor dining ordinance permanent. Adopted in the heat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program empowered restaurant owners to convert adjacent on-street parking spaces into “parklets” where they could serve pandemic-weary patrons. The city’s parklet initiative, and ...

Separating Out Food Waste Another California Green Waste of Time

Is it possible that there is a state more fixated on climate than California? An ever-lengthening series of state- and local-government prohibitions in an effort to cool Earth are both famous and infamous. But enough is never enough. Starting in the new year, food waste will be banned from black ...

Growing a Tree Infrastructure Makes Sense

In Pres. Biden’s $3.5 trillion pork reconciliation package, there’s a line item that even we limited government-types can get behind — planting trees. The question is, should the Federal government really be taking the lead? The New York Post article recently uncovered that Biden’s mega-spending bill provides for $3 billion ...

How to slow, reverse the California exodus

An unwritten rule of journalism says, “if it bleeds, it leads.” When it comes to the exodus from the Golden State, this rule isn’t being applied. California had been the dream destination for generations and became the most populous state in 1964. But California’s share of the U.S. population peaked ...

Rooftop Solar Panels Stacking Up in Landfills

Rooftop solar panels, those co-saviors of the planet along with windmills, are stacking up in toxic heaps in California landfills. But maybe things aren’t so bad. The real, rather than subsidized, cost of these green darlings is about to hit the market, making them too expensive for many to afford. ...

‘Build Back Better’ would tear down patients’ hope for better medicines

Congressional Democrats are working to revive the multi-trillion-dollar spending package once dubbed “Build Back Better.” They intend to finance this wave of spending in part by siphoning money away from life-saving research on diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. That would be the chief consequence of a widely-discussed provision ...

Health Care

NEW ISSUE BRIEF: Biosimilar Competition Lowers Patient Drug Costs, New Competition Will Bring Even More Savings Wayne Winegarden June 11, 2024 Health Care A new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute provides the latest evidence that biosimilar competition is ...

What does the SEC have to do with farming anyway?

The Securities and Exchange Commission isn’t usually associated with a discussion of agriculture or greenhouse gas emissions. A recent proposal might change that. The SEC has proposed businesses begin disclosing their “climate-related risks” by tracking greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) throughout their value chain to investors. Writing that “investors will . ...

Elon Musk is Right – California is Now the Land of Taxes, Overregulation and Litigation

A trio of troubles, says Elon Musk, is ruining California. He didn’t reveal anything new. He didn’t have to. Much of the world understands. Only those blinded by their blue-tinted glasses don’t know what’s wrong in this state. Speaking virtually earlier this month for a conference in Miami, Musk, an ...

Canada poised to join expanding number of countries endorsing crop gene editing. That’s encouraging – but global reform remains elusive

Gene editing, which allows precise edits to the genome, has been widely used for a variety of applications in laboratories worldwide since its discovery a decade ago. It has tremendous potential: Researchers hope to use it to alter human genes to eliminate diseases; improve the characteristics of plants; resist pathogens; ...

Is California Turning on Outdoor Dining?

In July, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to make the city’s emergency outdoor dining ordinance permanent. Adopted in the heat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program empowered restaurant owners to convert adjacent on-street parking spaces into “parklets” where they could serve pandemic-weary patrons. The city’s parklet initiative, and ...

Separating Out Food Waste Another California Green Waste of Time

Is it possible that there is a state more fixated on climate than California? An ever-lengthening series of state- and local-government prohibitions in an effort to cool Earth are both famous and infamous. But enough is never enough. Starting in the new year, food waste will be banned from black ...

Growing a Tree Infrastructure Makes Sense

In Pres. Biden’s $3.5 trillion pork reconciliation package, there’s a line item that even we limited government-types can get behind — planting trees. The question is, should the Federal government really be taking the lead? The New York Post article recently uncovered that Biden’s mega-spending bill provides for $3 billion ...

How to slow, reverse the California exodus

An unwritten rule of journalism says, “if it bleeds, it leads.” When it comes to the exodus from the Golden State, this rule isn’t being applied. California had been the dream destination for generations and became the most populous state in 1964. But California’s share of the U.S. population peaked ...
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