Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 32

Business & Economics

The Policy Value Gap, Part 1: A Fiscal Perspective

In the spirit of Jimmy Carter, “an economic malaise plagues the country”. Rather than being the product of a fundamental flaw in our economic system, though, the current stagnation is mainly the result of the nation’s misguided economic policies. The federal government’s response to the financial crisis of 2008 was ...

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. I was having a cup of inflation-stricken chili that looked a few ounces smaller than before—the Michelle food-police with her holier-than-thou dictates of nutrition must have convinced the ...
Health Care

Health Care Expert Sally Pipes on Repealing, Replacing Obamacare

As a Canadian and firsthand witness of Canada’s government-run health care system, Sally Pipes is warning that Obamacare will exacerbate the existing problems of rising costs and lack of access in the American health care system. At a recent Heritage event, Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, ...

The road ahead on Obamacare repeal

There’s a case to be made that President Obama’s reform package is not just bad policy, it’s also of questionable constitutionality. As of this writing, 30 legal challenges to the health law have been launched involving states. Most notably, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ...

Forget The Doctor Fix, We Need A Medicare Fix

Just before they jetted off for the holidays, Congress and the president brokered a $33-billion deal that extends the payroll tax cut, provides additional unemployment benefits, and spares physicians from steep cuts in Medicare reimbursements. Unfortunately, the compromise simply postpones the day of reckoning for all three issues until March. ...

Real meaning of Brown’s ‘open letter’

Gov. Jerry Brown last Monday released “An Open Letter to the People of California,” in which he called for the state’s taxpayers to approve tax-raising initiatives to “fix” the state’s structural deficit. Here is the letter and my interpretation of what Brown really meant to say: Brown: When I became ...

Professors at legislative hearing push more government

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing wealth. This phenomenon supposedly would justify more aggressive government policies redistributing wealth. At an Assembly hearing Wednesday about whether the state of California should be actively pursuing additional wealth redistribution policies, Legislators and academics said that the highest degree of ...
Health Care

Medicare Is Increasingly A Benefit Enjoyed By The “One Percenters”

The Congressional Budget Office just released a major new investigation into household income trends over the last three decades. Researchers found that while the total amount of benefits paid out by government social safety-net programs rose between 1979 and 2007, the share going to the poor actually shrank. In other ...

‘Think Long’ report short on serious ideas

Would California be in better shape if former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger or Gray Davis, or former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, were back in power? That’s an odd question given the fiscal mess that those politicians helped create, or at least were powerless to fix. These politicos had their chance at ...
Business & Economics

Pension funds should get real on rate of returns

When the taxpayer is backing up the entire liability for the pensions received by members of the California Public Employees Retirement System, then CalPERS officials are exuberant about the stock market. They insist that a predicted rate of return of 7.75 percent is perfectly realistic. When their own funds are ...
Business & Economics

The Policy Value Gap, Part 1: A Fiscal Perspective

In the spirit of Jimmy Carter, “an economic malaise plagues the country”. Rather than being the product of a fundamental flaw in our economic system, though, the current stagnation is mainly the result of the nation’s misguided economic policies. The federal government’s response to the financial crisis of 2008 was ...

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

If states adopt his Common Core standards, they will be exempt from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandates. I was having a cup of inflation-stricken chili that looked a few ounces smaller than before—the Michelle food-police with her holier-than-thou dictates of nutrition must have convinced the ...
Health Care

Health Care Expert Sally Pipes on Repealing, Replacing Obamacare

As a Canadian and firsthand witness of Canada’s government-run health care system, Sally Pipes is warning that Obamacare will exacerbate the existing problems of rising costs and lack of access in the American health care system. At a recent Heritage event, Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, ...

The road ahead on Obamacare repeal

There’s a case to be made that President Obama’s reform package is not just bad policy, it’s also of questionable constitutionality. As of this writing, 30 legal challenges to the health law have been launched involving states. Most notably, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta ...

Forget The Doctor Fix, We Need A Medicare Fix

Just before they jetted off for the holidays, Congress and the president brokered a $33-billion deal that extends the payroll tax cut, provides additional unemployment benefits, and spares physicians from steep cuts in Medicare reimbursements. Unfortunately, the compromise simply postpones the day of reckoning for all three issues until March. ...

Real meaning of Brown’s ‘open letter’

Gov. Jerry Brown last Monday released “An Open Letter to the People of California,” in which he called for the state’s taxpayers to approve tax-raising initiatives to “fix” the state’s structural deficit. Here is the letter and my interpretation of what Brown really meant to say: Brown: When I became ...

Professors at legislative hearing push more government

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing wealth. This phenomenon supposedly would justify more aggressive government policies redistributing wealth. At an Assembly hearing Wednesday about whether the state of California should be actively pursuing additional wealth redistribution policies, Legislators and academics said that the highest degree of ...
Health Care

Medicare Is Increasingly A Benefit Enjoyed By The “One Percenters”

The Congressional Budget Office just released a major new investigation into household income trends over the last three decades. Researchers found that while the total amount of benefits paid out by government social safety-net programs rose between 1979 and 2007, the share going to the poor actually shrank. In other ...

‘Think Long’ report short on serious ideas

Would California be in better shape if former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger or Gray Davis, or former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, were back in power? That’s an odd question given the fiscal mess that those politicians helped create, or at least were powerless to fix. These politicos had their chance at ...
Business & Economics

Pension funds should get real on rate of returns

When the taxpayer is backing up the entire liability for the pensions received by members of the California Public Employees Retirement System, then CalPERS officials are exuberant about the stock market. They insist that a predicted rate of return of 7.75 percent is perfectly realistic. When their own funds are ...
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