Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 31


Tough times for health care insurers — and patients

It’s been a tough year for some of America’s favorite health care boogeymen: insurers. U.S. insurers had to absorb nearly $2.9 billion in unexpected medical expenses from their customers in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2014, according to new data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But don’t shed too many ...

Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare For All’ Would Be A Disaster For All

This month, Bernie Sanders took his vision for the future of American health care to a national television audience in the first Democratic presidential debate. “We should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway and learn from what they have accomplished,” Sanders said. He wants the United States ...

EV mandates giving Californians déjà vu all over again

Twenty years ago, I had my first op-ed published in a major newspaper, the Los Angeles Times. The title was “Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Mandate.” In that column, I pointed out that battery-powered (non-hybrid) electric vehicles were not ready for wide-scale adoption for a variety of reasons, ...

PIPES: The White House wants feds to bail out insurers if they lose money on Obamacare

The Obama administration has taken a red pen to its signature health care reform law again — rewriting the measure without consulting Congress. This time, the White House wants to extend Obamacare’s “risk corridors,” which require the feds to bail out insurance companies if they lose too much money in ...

Senate GOP Health Reform Plan Has Room For Improvement — But Still Better Than Obamacare

In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama threw down a gauntlet for Republicans opposed to his health reform law. “If you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, increase choice, tell America what you’d do differently,” he said. “Let’s see if the numbers add up.” ...

Ronald Reagan’s Education Legacy

SACRAMENTO, CA – While Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy changed the face of the world, it shouldn’t be forgotten that his leadership also dramatically changed the face of issues at home. Top among those was education. In 1983, the Reagan administration released the groundbreaking report “A Nation at Risk.” Using a ...

The Lifesaving Promise Of The Pharmaceutical Drug Pipeline

There was a time not long ago when patients suffering from rare diseases had little hope of finding a medicine that could cure their ills. But in the 30 years since Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act, research into “orphan drugs” — defined as those treating diseases that affect fewer ...

Those Misleading World Health Rankings

The federally chartered Institute of Medicine issued a comprehensive report last month on the state of American health. Saying that “Other high-income countries outrank the United States on most measures of health,” the report concluded that the U.S. “is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far ...
Business & Economics

Charity’s Unseen Benefit: It Protects Civil Society From The State

Charities and other nonprofit institutions perform a vast array of altruistic works yielding benefits for both the direct beneficiaries and for society writ large. Most such activities are obvious: medical services for the indigent, educational services for the disadvantaged, support for the arts, and the like. But such organizations serve ...
Business & Economics


Facebook’s stock price is currently hovering just above its all-time low. Shares have lost nearly half their value since they hit the market in May. The social network’s executives, employees and investors aren’t the only ones disappointed by the stock’s underperformance. The state of California was hoping for roughly $2 ...

Tough times for health care insurers — and patients

It’s been a tough year for some of America’s favorite health care boogeymen: insurers. U.S. insurers had to absorb nearly $2.9 billion in unexpected medical expenses from their customers in Obamacare’s exchanges in 2014, according to new data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But don’t shed too many ...

Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare For All’ Would Be A Disaster For All

This month, Bernie Sanders took his vision for the future of American health care to a national television audience in the first Democratic presidential debate. “We should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway and learn from what they have accomplished,” Sanders said. He wants the United States ...

EV mandates giving Californians déjà vu all over again

Twenty years ago, I had my first op-ed published in a major newspaper, the Los Angeles Times. The title was “Pull the Plug on the Electric Car Mandate.” In that column, I pointed out that battery-powered (non-hybrid) electric vehicles were not ready for wide-scale adoption for a variety of reasons, ...

PIPES: The White House wants feds to bail out insurers if they lose money on Obamacare

The Obama administration has taken a red pen to its signature health care reform law again — rewriting the measure without consulting Congress. This time, the White House wants to extend Obamacare’s “risk corridors,” which require the feds to bail out insurance companies if they lose too much money in ...

Senate GOP Health Reform Plan Has Room For Improvement — But Still Better Than Obamacare

In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama threw down a gauntlet for Republicans opposed to his health reform law. “If you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, increase choice, tell America what you’d do differently,” he said. “Let’s see if the numbers add up.” ...

Ronald Reagan’s Education Legacy

SACRAMENTO, CA – While Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy changed the face of the world, it shouldn’t be forgotten that his leadership also dramatically changed the face of issues at home. Top among those was education. In 1983, the Reagan administration released the groundbreaking report “A Nation at Risk.” Using a ...

The Lifesaving Promise Of The Pharmaceutical Drug Pipeline

There was a time not long ago when patients suffering from rare diseases had little hope of finding a medicine that could cure their ills. But in the 30 years since Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act, research into “orphan drugs” — defined as those treating diseases that affect fewer ...

Those Misleading World Health Rankings

The federally chartered Institute of Medicine issued a comprehensive report last month on the state of American health. Saying that “Other high-income countries outrank the United States on most measures of health,” the report concluded that the U.S. “is among the wealthiest nations in the world, but it is far ...
Business & Economics

Charity’s Unseen Benefit: It Protects Civil Society From The State

Charities and other nonprofit institutions perform a vast array of altruistic works yielding benefits for both the direct beneficiaries and for society writ large. Most such activities are obvious: medical services for the indigent, educational services for the disadvantaged, support for the arts, and the like. But such organizations serve ...
Business & Economics


Facebook’s stock price is currently hovering just above its all-time low. Shares have lost nearly half their value since they hit the market in May. The social network’s executives, employees and investors aren’t the only ones disappointed by the stock’s underperformance. The state of California was hoping for roughly $2 ...
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