Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 29


Republicans, Don’t Settle For Half-Hearted Tweaks To Obamacare

Members of Congress will return on September 5 from their recess. They have a lot on their agenda: reforming the tax code, repairing the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and raising the debt ceiling. President Trump wants to add another item to that agenda. He recently implored Congress to “keep its promise, ...
Health Care

Which Is More Efficient: Employer-Sponsored Insurance Or Medicaid?

An old disagreement between Uwe Reinhardt and Sally Pipes in Forbes is a teachable moment. There’s a dearth of confrontational debates in health policy and education is worse off for it. Crux of the issue is the more efficient system: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) or Medicaid. Sally Pipes, president of the ...

Single-Payer Health Care Is Dead — For Now. Californians Shouldn’t Let It Come Back

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, has shelved Senate Bill 562. The bill aims to create a government-run, single-payer health care system in California. But, as Rendon noted, “This action does not mean SB562 is dead.” The California Legislature is still in the first half of a two-year session. The Senate ...
Government Spending

Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...
Business & Economics

Free Market Would Do More to Protect California’s Environment Than State Regulation

California is home to six of the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the country. This seems inconceivable, given that the state has the strictest environmental rules in the nation. Clearly, policymakers have been making the wrong choices. Of course, there’s little chance they’ll admit error. Their response ...

Putting The CBO’s Score Of The American Health Care Act In Perspective

The Congressional Budget Office’s new analysis of the American Health Care Act seems to provide plenty of ammunition for Obamacare’s defenders. But if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that we shouldn’t put too much faith in the CBO’s predictions — especially about the future. The report simultaneously ...
Health Care

Bay Area Obamacare Critics: Are They Happy Now?

But are they happy now that GOP leaders in the House of Representatives have finally announced their plan to replace the law? The reaction from Obamacare critics in the Bay Area ranges from hopeful to cautiously optimistic to downright disgusted — no doubt an indication of why the House Republicans’ ...

Republican Plan Will Give Young People A Break On Health Insurance

The left’s latest complaint about House Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare is that it unfairly raises insurance premiums for older Americans. The GOP’s draft bill, which leaked on February 24, would do away with Obamacare’s community rating rule, which prevents insurers from charging older patients any more than ...

Fears Of GOP Plan To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare Are Unfounded

If President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress succeed in repealing and replacing Obamacare, 20 million Americans will lose their health insurance — or so the conventional wisdom goes. Of course, predictions about Trump have tended to be wrong. This one is no different. In fact, repealing Obamacare and replacing ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...

Republicans, Don’t Settle For Half-Hearted Tweaks To Obamacare

Members of Congress will return on September 5 from their recess. They have a lot on their agenda: reforming the tax code, repairing the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and raising the debt ceiling. President Trump wants to add another item to that agenda. He recently implored Congress to “keep its promise, ...
Health Care

Which Is More Efficient: Employer-Sponsored Insurance Or Medicaid?

An old disagreement between Uwe Reinhardt and Sally Pipes in Forbes is a teachable moment. There’s a dearth of confrontational debates in health policy and education is worse off for it. Crux of the issue is the more efficient system: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) or Medicaid. Sally Pipes, president of the ...

Single-Payer Health Care Is Dead — For Now. Californians Shouldn’t Let It Come Back

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, has shelved Senate Bill 562. The bill aims to create a government-run, single-payer health care system in California. But, as Rendon noted, “This action does not mean SB562 is dead.” The California Legislature is still in the first half of a two-year session. The Senate ...
Government Spending

Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...
Business & Economics

Free Market Would Do More to Protect California’s Environment Than State Regulation

California is home to six of the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the country. This seems inconceivable, given that the state has the strictest environmental rules in the nation. Clearly, policymakers have been making the wrong choices. Of course, there’s little chance they’ll admit error. Their response ...

Putting The CBO’s Score Of The American Health Care Act In Perspective

The Congressional Budget Office’s new analysis of the American Health Care Act seems to provide plenty of ammunition for Obamacare’s defenders. But if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that we shouldn’t put too much faith in the CBO’s predictions — especially about the future. The report simultaneously ...
Health Care

Bay Area Obamacare Critics: Are They Happy Now?

But are they happy now that GOP leaders in the House of Representatives have finally announced their plan to replace the law? The reaction from Obamacare critics in the Bay Area ranges from hopeful to cautiously optimistic to downright disgusted — no doubt an indication of why the House Republicans’ ...

Republican Plan Will Give Young People A Break On Health Insurance

The left’s latest complaint about House Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare is that it unfairly raises insurance premiums for older Americans. The GOP’s draft bill, which leaked on February 24, would do away with Obamacare’s community rating rule, which prevents insurers from charging older patients any more than ...

Fears Of GOP Plan To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare Are Unfounded

If President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress succeed in repealing and replacing Obamacare, 20 million Americans will lose their health insurance — or so the conventional wisdom goes. Of course, predictions about Trump have tended to be wrong. This one is no different. In fact, repealing Obamacare and replacing ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...
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