Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 26

Health Care

Sally Pipes Featured in National Circa Story on Democrats Pushing Single-Payer

Democrats turn to a socialist economic agenda ahead of midterms By Leandra Bernstein Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their ...

Sally Pipes Challenges ‘Medicare for All’ in USA Today

‘Medicare for all’ is a loser Letter to the editor: In her USA TODAY column “Medicare for all is a winner for Democrats, as Ocasio-Cortez and others have shown,” Erica Payne argued that Democrats should endorse Medicare for all because “it’s more than just good policy. It’s good politics.” But ...

The Streets of San Francisco

Lt. Mike Stone: You saw what he did, arrest him! Inspector Steve Keller: No. I didn’t become a cop to arrest street poopers. I quit. Lt. Mike Stone: Oh yeah, where you gonna go? Inspector Steve Keller: I’m going back to school — Berkeley Law. [A conversation between Stone and ...
Climate Change

Wayne Winegarden Electric Car Subsidy Study Featured in Daily Signal Op-Ed

How ‘Green’ Energy Subsidies Transfer Wealth to the Rich By Nick Loris and Bryan Cosby   When the Golden State Warriors, who won three of the last four NBA championships, signed All-Star Demarcus Cousins, sports pundits across the country offered the same opinion: The rich just got richer. In many ...

A Real Life “Up by the Bootstraps” Story Every Student Should Read

When Andy Puzder was 10, he went with his father, a Ford salesman, to deliver a new car to a wealthy customer. “Mr. Humphrey” lived in opulence on the east side of Cleveland. Puzder marveled at the treasure before him, the enormous house, the grand horse stables, the stunning view, ...

Choking on the Cost of ‘Medicare for All’

Last month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an outspoken socialist, beat 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley, the fourth-highest-ranking House Democrat, in the primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district. Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a former organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. She’s also a vocal ...

States Must Save Themselves from Medicaid Expansion

This month, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill that will expand Medicaid coverage to roughly 400,000 low-income, able-bodied adults in the state. The governor praised the expansion as “the right thing for our people.” His heart may be in the right place. But Medicaid has a well-documented history of ...

The Anti-Growth Tariffs Are a Clear and Present Danger to Our Future Economic Prosperity

Without a hint of irony, while announcing the 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and the 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminum on May 31st, Commerce Secretary Ross proclaimed that “we take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security”. In reality, these tariffs will ...

What’s next for housing relief after defeat of SB 827?

A Senate bill that would have helped relieve California’s bleak housing situation has died in the Legislature. It was killed by anti-development groups and local governments that wish to continue dictating the rules of home construction. So what comes next? Senate Bill 827 should have been noncontroversial legislation that sailed ...

Feinstein Foreshadowing

What a difference a few decades make: in 1990, Dianne Feinstein was apparently too far left for California voters, losing a gubernatorial race to Republican Pete Wilson. Nearly 30 years later, she’s not left enough—at least for the state Democratic Party, which has refused to endorse her for a fifth ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Featured in National Circa Story on Democrats Pushing Single-Payer

Democrats turn to a socialist economic agenda ahead of midterms By Leandra Bernstein Self-declared socialists are fueling the energy of the Democratic Party, marked by the rise of figures like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the mainstream of the party is embracing their ...

Sally Pipes Challenges ‘Medicare for All’ in USA Today

‘Medicare for all’ is a loser Letter to the editor: In her USA TODAY column “Medicare for all is a winner for Democrats, as Ocasio-Cortez and others have shown,” Erica Payne argued that Democrats should endorse Medicare for all because “it’s more than just good policy. It’s good politics.” But ...

The Streets of San Francisco

Lt. Mike Stone: You saw what he did, arrest him! Inspector Steve Keller: No. I didn’t become a cop to arrest street poopers. I quit. Lt. Mike Stone: Oh yeah, where you gonna go? Inspector Steve Keller: I’m going back to school — Berkeley Law. [A conversation between Stone and ...
Climate Change

Wayne Winegarden Electric Car Subsidy Study Featured in Daily Signal Op-Ed

How ‘Green’ Energy Subsidies Transfer Wealth to the Rich By Nick Loris and Bryan Cosby   When the Golden State Warriors, who won three of the last four NBA championships, signed All-Star Demarcus Cousins, sports pundits across the country offered the same opinion: The rich just got richer. In many ...

A Real Life “Up by the Bootstraps” Story Every Student Should Read

When Andy Puzder was 10, he went with his father, a Ford salesman, to deliver a new car to a wealthy customer. “Mr. Humphrey” lived in opulence on the east side of Cleveland. Puzder marveled at the treasure before him, the enormous house, the grand horse stables, the stunning view, ...

Choking on the Cost of ‘Medicare for All’

Last month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an outspoken socialist, beat 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley, the fourth-highest-ranking House Democrat, in the primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district. Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a former organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. She’s also a vocal ...

States Must Save Themselves from Medicaid Expansion

This month, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill that will expand Medicaid coverage to roughly 400,000 low-income, able-bodied adults in the state. The governor praised the expansion as “the right thing for our people.” His heart may be in the right place. But Medicaid has a well-documented history of ...

The Anti-Growth Tariffs Are a Clear and Present Danger to Our Future Economic Prosperity

Without a hint of irony, while announcing the 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and the 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminum on May 31st, Commerce Secretary Ross proclaimed that “we take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security”. In reality, these tariffs will ...

What’s next for housing relief after defeat of SB 827?

A Senate bill that would have helped relieve California’s bleak housing situation has died in the Legislature. It was killed by anti-development groups and local governments that wish to continue dictating the rules of home construction. So what comes next? Senate Bill 827 should have been noncontroversial legislation that sailed ...

Feinstein Foreshadowing

What a difference a few decades make: in 1990, Dianne Feinstein was apparently too far left for California voters, losing a gubernatorial race to Republican Pete Wilson. Nearly 30 years later, she’s not left enough—at least for the state Democratic Party, which has refused to endorse her for a fifth ...
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