Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 25


California’s predictably blue midterm elections – and what it means for you

The midterm elections were a rather tiresome affair in California. The Democratic Party maintained its dominance in the state, holding majorities in the Legislature, securing the governor’s mansion yet again, and sending another mass of winning candidates to Washington. As news goes, there’s not much to see here. Conventional wisdom ...

Only in California: Falling Oil Production, Gas Plant Closures Are Reasons to Party

We recently documented California’s sharp fall in oil production, noting that even though only two states have more proved reserves of crude, five are producing more oil. This is not due to an accident or bad luck. Or even poor management. It is by design. The state’s dominant political party ...

Who Gets The Real Credit for the Economy?

This summer, I had the opportunity to interview Andy Puzder on PRI’s “Next Round” podcast.  In chatting with him about his new book Capitalist Comeback, the former Trump nominee for Secretary of Labor and I were both astounded at the speed of the economic turnaround after Donald Trump was elected. ...

Rent Control – Temporary or Not – Won’t Bring Down Sacramento’s Housing Costs

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He announced in June that he opposed a local ballot measure being pushed by labor unions and activist groups to impose new rent control restrictions in Sacramento. That measure, according to the Sacramento Bee, would “cap ...
Business & Economics

CAFE Standards versus Public Opinion

Calls for stricter environmental mandates contradict the broad public consensus on global warming. According to a 2018 report by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, seven out of ten Americans believe global warming is happening and six out of ten say they are at least “somewhat worried”. Other polls differ ...

Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

San Diego Stands Alone as Cities Shake Down e-Scooter Startups

When Ronald Reagan told us that if something moves, politicians want to tax it, and if it keeps moving, they want to regulate it, he was issuing a warning, not providing a how-to manual for government. Yet lawmakers and bureaucrats behave as if that’s what it was. No current event ...

Canadians Pay A High Price For Free Health Care

Senator Bernie Sanders and his army of supporters of government-run health care evidently believe that American workers could use a pay cut. That’s the natural consequence of single-payer health care, as a recent analysis of Canada’s healthcare system illustrates. Last year, Canadian patients forewent $1.9 billion in wages while waiting ...

California Democrats Press For ‘Medicare for All’

By Ashley Herzog Several California Democrats are advancing proposals for “Medicare for all,” or single-payer health care, in their primary campaigns. Current California Gov. Gavin Newsom says single-payer health care will be a key issue in his campaign for governor, and numerous Democratic Assembly and Senate candidates have established single-payer ...
Health Care

Expert says ‘Medicare for All’ plan would cost trillions, result in waiting lists and rationing

By Karen Kidd While some pundits predict early wins by progressive candidates such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York might be translating into a progressive stream into office this November, their advocacy of single-payer health care won’t fly, a West Coast free market advocate said during a recent interview. “Medicare ...

California’s predictably blue midterm elections – and what it means for you

The midterm elections were a rather tiresome affair in California. The Democratic Party maintained its dominance in the state, holding majorities in the Legislature, securing the governor’s mansion yet again, and sending another mass of winning candidates to Washington. As news goes, there’s not much to see here. Conventional wisdom ...

Only in California: Falling Oil Production, Gas Plant Closures Are Reasons to Party

We recently documented California’s sharp fall in oil production, noting that even though only two states have more proved reserves of crude, five are producing more oil. This is not due to an accident or bad luck. Or even poor management. It is by design. The state’s dominant political party ...

Who Gets The Real Credit for the Economy?

This summer, I had the opportunity to interview Andy Puzder on PRI’s “Next Round” podcast.  In chatting with him about his new book Capitalist Comeback, the former Trump nominee for Secretary of Labor and I were both astounded at the speed of the economic turnaround after Donald Trump was elected. ...

Rent Control – Temporary or Not – Won’t Bring Down Sacramento’s Housing Costs

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He announced in June that he opposed a local ballot measure being pushed by labor unions and activist groups to impose new rent control restrictions in Sacramento. That measure, according to the Sacramento Bee, would “cap ...
Business & Economics

CAFE Standards versus Public Opinion

Calls for stricter environmental mandates contradict the broad public consensus on global warming. According to a 2018 report by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, seven out of ten Americans believe global warming is happening and six out of ten say they are at least “somewhat worried”. Other polls differ ...

Advice for Global Climate Summit-goers: Don’t Do What We’re Doing!

Today, thousands are gathering in San Francisco for a so-called “Global Climate Action Summit.”  Co-hosted by Gov. Jerry Brown, several UN organizations and other leaders, it is billed as a “launchpad for deeper worldwide commitments and accelerated action from countries.” The conference will explore “transformational changes” that are the result ...

San Diego Stands Alone as Cities Shake Down e-Scooter Startups

When Ronald Reagan told us that if something moves, politicians want to tax it, and if it keeps moving, they want to regulate it, he was issuing a warning, not providing a how-to manual for government. Yet lawmakers and bureaucrats behave as if that’s what it was. No current event ...

Canadians Pay A High Price For Free Health Care

Senator Bernie Sanders and his army of supporters of government-run health care evidently believe that American workers could use a pay cut. That’s the natural consequence of single-payer health care, as a recent analysis of Canada’s healthcare system illustrates. Last year, Canadian patients forewent $1.9 billion in wages while waiting ...

California Democrats Press For ‘Medicare for All’

By Ashley Herzog Several California Democrats are advancing proposals for “Medicare for all,” or single-payer health care, in their primary campaigns. Current California Gov. Gavin Newsom says single-payer health care will be a key issue in his campaign for governor, and numerous Democratic Assembly and Senate candidates have established single-payer ...
Health Care

Expert says ‘Medicare for All’ plan would cost trillions, result in waiting lists and rationing

By Karen Kidd While some pundits predict early wins by progressive candidates such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York might be translating into a progressive stream into office this November, their advocacy of single-payer health care won’t fly, a West Coast free market advocate said during a recent interview. “Medicare ...
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