Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 24


The Canadian prescription for inefficient health care

Hours after taking office in January, California’s new governor, Gavin Newsom, asked federal officials for permission to create a statewide single-payer health care system. Other states are contemplating similar moves. Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced his plan for a state-sponsored public health insurance option. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis ...

Welfare Programs Promote Bureaucracy Rather Than Self-Sufficiency

Welfare programs treat the symptoms of poverty, not the cause. As a result, they will never be the solution to ending poverty, nor are they designed to be a lasting solution. We have created a massive, cumbersome bureaucracy to administer an ineffective welfare state that, at best, locks millions of ...

The GND: Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization

By Andrew I. Fillat and Henry I. Miller The latest public policy bandwagon is the “Green New Deal,” or GND, whose acronym could well stand for Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization. Some of its proposals are so outlandish that they would be more appropriate coming from enthusiastic (but not very smart) ...

Does California Even Know How to Fix Its Housing Problem?

New Gov. Gavin Newsom’s budget asks for $500 million to boost construction of housing for “moderate income” Californians. Housing, he said while introducing his first budget, “is the issue.” He is correct. Everyone is aware of the grim state of housing in California. But no one, at least those with enough political influence to shift policy, seems ...

California’s Doomsday Clock Getting Closer to Midnight

In 1947 a group of scientists unveiled the Doomsday Clock to show how near civilization was to a man-made catastrophic end. Maybe California should have its own doomsday clock, since it seems headed for a wreck. Today’s official Doomsday Clock reads 11:58 pm, two minutes before disaster. The Bulletin of ...

Who Are 2018’s Big Winners and Losers?

As is customary on New Year’s Eve, many are looking back today, compiling their lists of winners and losers and memorable moments from 2018. The PRI “All Stars” (Rowena Itchon, Kerry Jackson, Lance Izumi, Ben Smithwick, and myself) have also gotten in on the act.  This week’s episode of PRI’s ...

Wall Street Journal Cites PRI’s Wayne Winegarden in Electric Car Subsidy Editorial

The Electric Kool-Aid Subsidy Test Tax credits for electric cars are a classic income transfer to the rich. Time to end them. President Trump’s recent blowup over General Motors layoffs was largely misdirected, though it may spur at least one good policy result. Killing subsidies for electric cars and trucks ...

California’s energy mandates amount to state-legislated energy poverty

Every Californian wants to conserve energy and see cleaner air and water in the Golden State. But in their quest to safeguard the state’s environment for future generations, Sacramento policymakers have put in place an overzealous regulatory scheme that negatively impacts poor and minority communities. The new Pacific Research Institute ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

Taking a Long-Term View to Evaluate Trade, Market Policy

As I write this article in late November of 2018, the stock market has fallen significantly from its recent highs.  These losses, which have erased nearly all the gains made thus far in 2018 push us toward official correction territory for both the DOW and NASDAQ for the year. These ...

The Canadian prescription for inefficient health care

Hours after taking office in January, California’s new governor, Gavin Newsom, asked federal officials for permission to create a statewide single-payer health care system. Other states are contemplating similar moves. Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington recently announced his plan for a state-sponsored public health insurance option. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis ...

Welfare Programs Promote Bureaucracy Rather Than Self-Sufficiency

Welfare programs treat the symptoms of poverty, not the cause. As a result, they will never be the solution to ending poverty, nor are they designed to be a lasting solution. We have created a massive, cumbersome bureaucracy to administer an ineffective welfare state that, at best, locks millions of ...

The GND: Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization

By Andrew I. Fillat and Henry I. Miller The latest public policy bandwagon is the “Green New Deal,” or GND, whose acronym could well stand for Glitter, Nonsense, and Devitalization. Some of its proposals are so outlandish that they would be more appropriate coming from enthusiastic (but not very smart) ...

Does California Even Know How to Fix Its Housing Problem?

New Gov. Gavin Newsom’s budget asks for $500 million to boost construction of housing for “moderate income” Californians. Housing, he said while introducing his first budget, “is the issue.” He is correct. Everyone is aware of the grim state of housing in California. But no one, at least those with enough political influence to shift policy, seems ...

California’s Doomsday Clock Getting Closer to Midnight

In 1947 a group of scientists unveiled the Doomsday Clock to show how near civilization was to a man-made catastrophic end. Maybe California should have its own doomsday clock, since it seems headed for a wreck. Today’s official Doomsday Clock reads 11:58 pm, two minutes before disaster. The Bulletin of ...

Who Are 2018’s Big Winners and Losers?

As is customary on New Year’s Eve, many are looking back today, compiling their lists of winners and losers and memorable moments from 2018. The PRI “All Stars” (Rowena Itchon, Kerry Jackson, Lance Izumi, Ben Smithwick, and myself) have also gotten in on the act.  This week’s episode of PRI’s ...

Wall Street Journal Cites PRI’s Wayne Winegarden in Electric Car Subsidy Editorial

The Electric Kool-Aid Subsidy Test Tax credits for electric cars are a classic income transfer to the rich. Time to end them. President Trump’s recent blowup over General Motors layoffs was largely misdirected, though it may spur at least one good policy result. Killing subsidies for electric cars and trucks ...

California’s energy mandates amount to state-legislated energy poverty

Every Californian wants to conserve energy and see cleaner air and water in the Golden State. But in their quest to safeguard the state’s environment for future generations, Sacramento policymakers have put in place an overzealous regulatory scheme that negatively impacts poor and minority communities. The new Pacific Research Institute ...

Under Medicare for All, government may micromanage your pizza order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none. It sounds ridiculous. But look at what’s happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system. To combat the country’s obesity epidemic, British officials just proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods sold in restaurants ...

Taking a Long-Term View to Evaluate Trade, Market Policy

As I write this article in late November of 2018, the stock market has fallen significantly from its recent highs.  These losses, which have erased nearly all the gains made thus far in 2018 push us toward official correction territory for both the DOW and NASDAQ for the year. These ...
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