Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 23


Single-Payer Will Fracture Democrats’ 2020 Coalition

Earlier this month, Senator Bernie Sanders released a new version of his plan for “Medicare for All.” Four of his competitors for the Democratic presidential nomination — Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker — quickly signed on as co-sponsors. They all think Medicare for All is their ...

It’s Raining IPOs, Hallelujah!

Silicon Valley and Wall Street aren’t the only ones celebrating IPOs this year – Sacramento is doing its share of the partying.  That’s because the state is expected to receive a deluge of tax dollars over the next several years thanks to capital gains generated by the current hot IPO ...
Business & Economics

To reduce inequality, lawmakers must end government-created burdens to entrepreneurship

Many Sacramento lawmakers have named reducing poverty and economic inequality among their top priorities this session.   They have unveiled a variety of proposals to address these issues, most center around new government programs, increased state spending, and new mandates. As history has shown, bigger government usually doesn’t solve the problem.  ...
Electric Vehicles

George Will Cites PRI Study on Electric Car Subsidies in National Column

The electric-vehicle tax credit should be taken off the road Some government foolishness has an educational value that compensates for its considerable cost. Consider the multibillion-dollar federal electric-vehicle tax credit, which efficiently illustrates how government can, with one act, diminish its already-negligible prestige while subtracting from America’s fairness. Sen. John ...
Business & Economics

Regulatory Burden Threatens California’s Entrepreneurial Roots

California has been a red-hot destination, and comfortable home, for entrepreneurs at least as far back as the mid-19th Century, when 300,000 fortune hunters swarmed West during the Gold Rush. In 2019, it is still attracting business pioneers. But at the same time, Sacramento operates one of the most obstructionist ...

Does California Have a Future?

Republican California State Assemblyman Vince Fong recently tweeted about California’s 19 percent poverty rate, which he said “is driven by the extreme high cost of living here.” “Yet,” said Fong, “Sacramento continues to pass policies that make it even more expensive.” In a story illustrated by an artist’s rendering of a family in ...

The Haves vs. The Have-Nots

A dominant narrative in recent American politics, on full display as the Democratic presidential candidates race left to do battle in their upcoming primaries, is that America is a land of inextricably fixed “haves” and “have nots.” The challenge of our generation is to tackle income inequality and social mobility, ...

Americans Who Want Socialism Should Consider Moving to California

Trump adviser and distinguished economist Larry Kudlow wants to put socialism on trial, challenge it, debate it, rebut it — and convict it. “I don’t want us to stand idly by,” Kudlow said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. “I don’t want to let this stuff fester.” It ...

Well-Meaning Government Anti-Poverty Programs Actually Hurt the Poor

I recently explained in these pages how government welfare programs keep people at a sustainable level of poverty instead of helping people escape poverty. Little of the actual results of welfare policies resemble the promises made by their proponents at their outset. But the insidious effects of persistent government intervention ...

The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive

New York’s progressive lawmakers are getting more ambitious with their plans for socialized medicine. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Ricardo Rivera, the chief sponsors of the New York Health Act, just expanded their proposal for installing the state government as the sole payer for health care in New York and outlaw private ...

Single-Payer Will Fracture Democrats’ 2020 Coalition

Earlier this month, Senator Bernie Sanders released a new version of his plan for “Medicare for All.” Four of his competitors for the Democratic presidential nomination — Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker — quickly signed on as co-sponsors. They all think Medicare for All is their ...

It’s Raining IPOs, Hallelujah!

Silicon Valley and Wall Street aren’t the only ones celebrating IPOs this year – Sacramento is doing its share of the partying.  That’s because the state is expected to receive a deluge of tax dollars over the next several years thanks to capital gains generated by the current hot IPO ...
Business & Economics

To reduce inequality, lawmakers must end government-created burdens to entrepreneurship

Many Sacramento lawmakers have named reducing poverty and economic inequality among their top priorities this session.   They have unveiled a variety of proposals to address these issues, most center around new government programs, increased state spending, and new mandates. As history has shown, bigger government usually doesn’t solve the problem.  ...
Electric Vehicles

George Will Cites PRI Study on Electric Car Subsidies in National Column

The electric-vehicle tax credit should be taken off the road Some government foolishness has an educational value that compensates for its considerable cost. Consider the multibillion-dollar federal electric-vehicle tax credit, which efficiently illustrates how government can, with one act, diminish its already-negligible prestige while subtracting from America’s fairness. Sen. John ...
Business & Economics

Regulatory Burden Threatens California’s Entrepreneurial Roots

California has been a red-hot destination, and comfortable home, for entrepreneurs at least as far back as the mid-19th Century, when 300,000 fortune hunters swarmed West during the Gold Rush. In 2019, it is still attracting business pioneers. But at the same time, Sacramento operates one of the most obstructionist ...

Does California Have a Future?

Republican California State Assemblyman Vince Fong recently tweeted about California’s 19 percent poverty rate, which he said “is driven by the extreme high cost of living here.” “Yet,” said Fong, “Sacramento continues to pass policies that make it even more expensive.” In a story illustrated by an artist’s rendering of a family in ...

The Haves vs. The Have-Nots

A dominant narrative in recent American politics, on full display as the Democratic presidential candidates race left to do battle in their upcoming primaries, is that America is a land of inextricably fixed “haves” and “have nots.” The challenge of our generation is to tackle income inequality and social mobility, ...

Americans Who Want Socialism Should Consider Moving to California

Trump adviser and distinguished economist Larry Kudlow wants to put socialism on trial, challenge it, debate it, rebut it — and convict it. “I don’t want us to stand idly by,” Kudlow said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. “I don’t want to let this stuff fester.” It ...

Well-Meaning Government Anti-Poverty Programs Actually Hurt the Poor

I recently explained in these pages how government welfare programs keep people at a sustainable level of poverty instead of helping people escape poverty. Little of the actual results of welfare policies resemble the promises made by their proponents at their outset. But the insidious effects of persistent government intervention ...

The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive

New York’s progressive lawmakers are getting more ambitious with their plans for socialized medicine. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Ricardo Rivera, the chief sponsors of the New York Health Act, just expanded their proposal for installing the state government as the sole payer for health care in New York and outlaw private ...
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