Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 21


Gavin Newsom’s single-payer commission is doomed to fail

Last week, Gavin Newsom’s Healthy California for All Commission convened for the first time. The commission has been tasked with figuring out how to install a single-payer healthcare system statewide. The commission’s 13 voting and five non-voting members represent a who’s-who of big-government academics, union leaders, and public health officials. ...

States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate

Several states have resurrected the most-hated part of Obamacare—the individual mandate. Residents of California, Rhode Island, and Vermont must secure health insurance or pay a fine as of the beginning of this year. New Jersey and the District of Columbia implemented their mandates in January 2019. And Massachusetts’s state-level mandate has been in force since 2006. These mandates will fail to ...

California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s

A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...

Capping State Home Mortgage Deduction Won’t Increase Home Affordability

Housing affordability is once again at the top of Sacramento Democrats’ policy agenda this session.  Several bills have already been proposed to try and bring down state housing costs. Addressing the state’s housing crisis is now running into conflict with another perpetual top priority for many liberals at the State ...

Bernie Sanders’ Resurgence Is Bad For America’s Health

Just three months after suffering what many thought was a campaign-ending heart attack, Senator Bernie Sanders is on a roll. According to the latest polls, he leads nominal front-runner Joe Biden in California and is within a percentage point in both Iowa and New Hampshire. On top of all that, his campaign is bringing in record ...

Enacting UBI Would Bust Federal Budget, Rob Americans of More Prosperous Future

I have written before on the benefits and drawbacks of the various universal basic income (UBI) proposals bubbling up the last few years in the American political scene, specifically the economic, political, and moral dimensions of these policies.  All share the same essential structure: cash payments sent to all American ...

California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit

A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...

Support PRI on #GivingTuesday

Thanks to the support of hundreds of liberty-minded individuals, 2019 was a banner year for the Pacific Research Institute. The generosity of our supporters is what allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. Over the past 12 months, PRI scholars have given dozens ...

It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...

Gavin Newsom’s single-payer commission is doomed to fail

Last week, Gavin Newsom’s Healthy California for All Commission convened for the first time. The commission has been tasked with figuring out how to install a single-payer healthcare system statewide. The commission’s 13 voting and five non-voting members represent a who’s-who of big-government academics, union leaders, and public health officials. ...

States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate

Several states have resurrected the most-hated part of Obamacare—the individual mandate. Residents of California, Rhode Island, and Vermont must secure health insurance or pay a fine as of the beginning of this year. New Jersey and the District of Columbia implemented their mandates in January 2019. And Massachusetts’s state-level mandate has been in force since 2006. These mandates will fail to ...

California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s

A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...

Capping State Home Mortgage Deduction Won’t Increase Home Affordability

Housing affordability is once again at the top of Sacramento Democrats’ policy agenda this session.  Several bills have already been proposed to try and bring down state housing costs. Addressing the state’s housing crisis is now running into conflict with another perpetual top priority for many liberals at the State ...

Bernie Sanders’ Resurgence Is Bad For America’s Health

Just three months after suffering what many thought was a campaign-ending heart attack, Senator Bernie Sanders is on a roll. According to the latest polls, he leads nominal front-runner Joe Biden in California and is within a percentage point in both Iowa and New Hampshire. On top of all that, his campaign is bringing in record ...

Enacting UBI Would Bust Federal Budget, Rob Americans of More Prosperous Future

I have written before on the benefits and drawbacks of the various universal basic income (UBI) proposals bubbling up the last few years in the American political scene, specifically the economic, political, and moral dimensions of these policies.  All share the same essential structure: cash payments sent to all American ...

California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit

A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...

Support PRI on #GivingTuesday

Thanks to the support of hundreds of liberty-minded individuals, 2019 was a banner year for the Pacific Research Institute. The generosity of our supporters is what allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. Over the past 12 months, PRI scholars have given dozens ...

It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

Elizabeth Warren misleads Americans on harm and costs of ‘Medicare-for-all’

Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren promised to release her plan to pay for “Medicare-for-all.” Throughout her campaign, Warren has come under fire for refusing to say whether she would raise taxes on the middle class to fund her health care plan. Many of her fellow Democrats —  including “Medicare-for-all” architect Bernie Sanders — ...
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