Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 19


Nevada Experience Shows Charter and Private Schools Could Lose Out on Covid-19 Funds

On December 3rd, in a live CNN interview with Jake Tapper, president-elect Joe Biden declared his plans to re-open elementary schools nation-wide. After speaking with the leaders of the teacher unions, he determined that sanitization, ventilation, and more teachers (for smaller pods of students) would cost $100 billion nationwide, for ...

Don’t Lower the Medicare Eligibility Age

President-elect Joe Biden wants Congress to lower the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60. That’s long been a goal of Democrats. But even 7 in 10 Republicans have expressed support for expanding Medicare in the direction Biden has suggested, according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Opening up ...

The Numbers Don’t Lie: California Has an Outmigration Problem

Recent Census Bureau data tell a story that surprises no one who keeps up with current events in California: The state is losing residents like few others. According to economist Mark J. Perry, only four other states – New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana – had a greater net outflow ...

Should Joe Biden Forgive Student Loan Debt?

As President-elect Joe Biden continues his transition to the West Wing, the poorly understood issue of student loan forgiveness has appeared again. I still think that the idea of complete student loan forgiveness is disastrous idea that has many flaws. But a “lite” version of student loan assistance should be ...

Biden His Time On Health Care?

It’s all but certain that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. They lost seats in the House. And Republicans appear poised to hold onto the Senate, provided they win at least one of two upcoming runoff ...

Medicare for none – these are the reforms we need to keep program solvent

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is proposing to expand Medicare by lowering the eligibility age from 65 to 60. But the program can’t afford the bill for its existing crop of beneficiaries, much less the $100 billion that would be required to enroll 22 million more under Biden’s plan. That’s among the conclusions to draw from a ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

However You Look at it, Rideshare Drivers Are Independent Contractors

The law that virtually bans independent contract work in California nearly claimed the jobs of the hundreds of thousands it was supposedly intended to help. They were granted a reprieve, but it might not last long. By now, both rideshare drivers and customers are suffering from whiplash caused by the ...

Ending the “Era of Shareholder Capitalism”

Last week, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden unveiled his economic platform in Pennsylvania, calling for an end to the “era of shareholder capitalism.”  It seems that Jack Lew, former treasury secretary and a member of the Biden brain trust, neglected to tell him that more than half of U.S. families ...
Business & Economics

California continues to launch businesses, residents into other states

Elon Musk is not alone in his frustration with the way California treats businesses. But he makes the news, and the announcement that SpaceX is abandoning plans to build rockets in Los Angeles and will instead make them in Texas and Florida is another high-profile setback for the state. One ...

Nevada Experience Shows Charter and Private Schools Could Lose Out on Covid-19 Funds

On December 3rd, in a live CNN interview with Jake Tapper, president-elect Joe Biden declared his plans to re-open elementary schools nation-wide. After speaking with the leaders of the teacher unions, he determined that sanitization, ventilation, and more teachers (for smaller pods of students) would cost $100 billion nationwide, for ...

Don’t Lower the Medicare Eligibility Age

President-elect Joe Biden wants Congress to lower the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60. That’s long been a goal of Democrats. But even 7 in 10 Republicans have expressed support for expanding Medicare in the direction Biden has suggested, according to polling from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Opening up ...

The Numbers Don’t Lie: California Has an Outmigration Problem

Recent Census Bureau data tell a story that surprises no one who keeps up with current events in California: The state is losing residents like few others. According to economist Mark J. Perry, only four other states – New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana – had a greater net outflow ...

Should Joe Biden Forgive Student Loan Debt?

As President-elect Joe Biden continues his transition to the West Wing, the poorly understood issue of student loan forgiveness has appeared again. I still think that the idea of complete student loan forgiveness is disastrous idea that has many flaws. But a “lite” version of student loan assistance should be ...

Biden His Time On Health Care?

It’s all but certain that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. They lost seats in the House. And Republicans appear poised to hold onto the Senate, provided they win at least one of two upcoming runoff ...

Medicare for none – these are the reforms we need to keep program solvent

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is proposing to expand Medicare by lowering the eligibility age from 65 to 60. But the program can’t afford the bill for its existing crop of beneficiaries, much less the $100 billion that would be required to enroll 22 million more under Biden’s plan. That’s among the conclusions to draw from a ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

However You Look at it, Rideshare Drivers Are Independent Contractors

The law that virtually bans independent contract work in California nearly claimed the jobs of the hundreds of thousands it was supposedly intended to help. They were granted a reprieve, but it might not last long. By now, both rideshare drivers and customers are suffering from whiplash caused by the ...

Ending the “Era of Shareholder Capitalism”

Last week, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden unveiled his economic platform in Pennsylvania, calling for an end to the “era of shareholder capitalism.”  It seems that Jack Lew, former treasury secretary and a member of the Biden brain trust, neglected to tell him that more than half of U.S. families ...
Business & Economics

California continues to launch businesses, residents into other states

Elon Musk is not alone in his frustration with the way California treats businesses. But he makes the news, and the announcement that SpaceX is abandoning plans to build rockets in Los Angeles and will instead make them in Texas and Florida is another high-profile setback for the state. One ...
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