Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 16


Democrats’ Misguided Plan to Expand Medicare Doesn’t Add Up

For weeks, congressional Democrats have been pushing to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60 as part of their $3.5 trillion spending bill. A new paper from the American Action Forum (AAF) by Christopher Holt and Stephen Parente reveals just how radical that change would be. Such an expansion of Medicare would cost ...

Drug Price Controls Inflict Worse Harm Than Even Critics Recognize

It’s no secret that H.R. 3 — the Democrats’ plan to impose price controls on prescription drugs — would have devastating consequences for our healthcare sector. After all, artificially restricting the price of any product invariably leads to shortages, rationing, and a slowdown in both investment and innovation. A new ...

Afghan Refugees Are Being Steered Away From California – It’s Just Too Expensive to Live Here

Thousands of Afghans who escaped as the Taliban was overtaking their country are being relocated in the U.S. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, “proud,” he said, “of the fact that, over the last decade, the state has taken in more refugees than any other state in America,” announced in August ...
Business & Economics

PRI 2018 Electric Vehicle Study Mentioned in the Washington Times

‘Giveaway to the rich’: Dems reject means-test for electric vehicle tax credits By Haris Alic House Democrats blocked an attempt by Republicans to means-test the electric vehicle tax credits in President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare and climate change package, drawing criticism that the subsidies will only benefit the wealthy. ...

Another Warning About Medicare Is Going Unheeded

The annual report from Medicare’s trustees just arrived. The picture it paints is anything but sunny. According to the report, Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is set to be exhausted in 2026. Avoiding this fate, the trustees conclude, will require a massive increase in taxes or decrease in ...

Fact-Checked: Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Have Dared Us

By Kerry Jackson and Wayne Winegarden In an interview performance that has been described as “unhinged,” “odd,” “testy,” and “angry,” Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas ​​middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California.” “Look that up,” he said in a virtual meeting with editorial and opinion writers from ...

Under Dems’ Drug Pricing Plan, Dozens of New Meds Will Never Be Invented

The Congressional Budget Office just released an analysis of House Democrats’ effort to impose price controls on prescription drugs, H.R. 3 — the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. The CBO’s chief finding is grim. By drastically limiting pharmaceutical revenue, H.R. 3 would starve scientists of the funding they need ...

In Bipartisan Vote, U.S. Senate Follows PRI’s Advice in Rejecting ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’

You may have missed it amidst the “vote-a-rama” on dozens of amendments to the Senate Democrats’ $3.5 billion budget reconciliation bill being voted on early Wednesday morning, but a key bipartisan vote could put an end to what PRI has termed “costly subsidies for the rich,” or taxpayers subsidizing electric ...

Biden’s Electric Vehicle Push Shows He Hasn’t Learned from California’s Mistakes

President Biden announced new federal action on Thursday designed to increase the role of government officials as car salesmen.  Politico reports that Biden signed an executive order “setting a target that half of all new vehicle sales by 2030 will be zero-emissions vehicles, primarily electric cars and trucks.” The administration ...

Demystifying RHNA: A Guide for the Perplexed Californian

The state of California is in the midst of a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) cycle. It happens every eight years, and with the sixth cycle currently underway, you’ve no doubt seen headlines about it. For the uninitiated, it probably seems like an alphabet soup of bureaucracy. What exactly is ...

Democrats’ Misguided Plan to Expand Medicare Doesn’t Add Up

For weeks, congressional Democrats have been pushing to lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60 as part of their $3.5 trillion spending bill. A new paper from the American Action Forum (AAF) by Christopher Holt and Stephen Parente reveals just how radical that change would be. Such an expansion of Medicare would cost ...

Drug Price Controls Inflict Worse Harm Than Even Critics Recognize

It’s no secret that H.R. 3 — the Democrats’ plan to impose price controls on prescription drugs — would have devastating consequences for our healthcare sector. After all, artificially restricting the price of any product invariably leads to shortages, rationing, and a slowdown in both investment and innovation. A new ...

Afghan Refugees Are Being Steered Away From California – It’s Just Too Expensive to Live Here

Thousands of Afghans who escaped as the Taliban was overtaking their country are being relocated in the U.S. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, “proud,” he said, “of the fact that, over the last decade, the state has taken in more refugees than any other state in America,” announced in August ...
Business & Economics

PRI 2018 Electric Vehicle Study Mentioned in the Washington Times

‘Giveaway to the rich’: Dems reject means-test for electric vehicle tax credits By Haris Alic House Democrats blocked an attempt by Republicans to means-test the electric vehicle tax credits in President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare and climate change package, drawing criticism that the subsidies will only benefit the wealthy. ...

Another Warning About Medicare Is Going Unheeded

The annual report from Medicare’s trustees just arrived. The picture it paints is anything but sunny. According to the report, Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is set to be exhausted in 2026. Avoiding this fate, the trustees conclude, will require a massive increase in taxes or decrease in ...

Fact-Checked: Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Have Dared Us

By Kerry Jackson and Wayne Winegarden In an interview performance that has been described as “unhinged,” “odd,” “testy,” and “angry,” Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas ​​middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California.” “Look that up,” he said in a virtual meeting with editorial and opinion writers from ...

Under Dems’ Drug Pricing Plan, Dozens of New Meds Will Never Be Invented

The Congressional Budget Office just released an analysis of House Democrats’ effort to impose price controls on prescription drugs, H.R. 3 — the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. The CBO’s chief finding is grim. By drastically limiting pharmaceutical revenue, H.R. 3 would starve scientists of the funding they need ...

In Bipartisan Vote, U.S. Senate Follows PRI’s Advice in Rejecting ‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich’

You may have missed it amidst the “vote-a-rama” on dozens of amendments to the Senate Democrats’ $3.5 billion budget reconciliation bill being voted on early Wednesday morning, but a key bipartisan vote could put an end to what PRI has termed “costly subsidies for the rich,” or taxpayers subsidizing electric ...

Biden’s Electric Vehicle Push Shows He Hasn’t Learned from California’s Mistakes

President Biden announced new federal action on Thursday designed to increase the role of government officials as car salesmen.  Politico reports that Biden signed an executive order “setting a target that half of all new vehicle sales by 2030 will be zero-emissions vehicles, primarily electric cars and trucks.” The administration ...

Demystifying RHNA: A Guide for the Perplexed Californian

The state of California is in the midst of a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) cycle. It happens every eight years, and with the sixth cycle currently underway, you’ve no doubt seen headlines about it. For the uninitiated, it probably seems like an alphabet soup of bureaucracy. What exactly is ...
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