Search Results for: wealth tax – Page 13


Health Care NEW BRIEF: Biosimilars Save Patients Over $11 Billion Annually, Fixing Broken System Would Help Patients Save More August 22, 2022 NEW BRIEF: Establishing An Efficient Health Insurance Market July 26, 2022 NEW STUDY: U.K. Vaping Regulations Based on Risks of Vaping Relative to Smoking Provide Lessons for U.S. ...

Who Controls Spending Often More Important Than How Money is Spent

“While many Californians are struggling to pay rent and put food on the table, Prop. 30 does not guarantee low income families will be able to buy (Zero Electric Vehicles).  Most ZEVs are purchased by wealthy and upper middle-class Californians.” If you think that quote is from the latest report ...

Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report The year 2022 was a year of many challenges for America and, in particular, California.  At the federal level, we saw inflation ravage Americans’ pocketbooks and an economy at the brink of recession due to bad government policy.  In California, more people were struggling to make ends ...


Scholars Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D Senior FellowBusiness and Economics Steven Greenhut Senior Fellow Free Cities Center Bartlett Cleland Senior Fellow Tech and Innovation Sal Rodriguez Fellow Free Cities Center Kenneth P. Green, D.Env. Senior Fellow Environmental Studies Steven Smith Senior Fellow Urban Studies Kerry Jackson William Clement Fellow in California Reform ...

Lawmakers Pass a Budget Bill, But No Deal Yet on Gas Price Relief

On Monday, Senate and Assembly Democrats passed their version of the 2022-23 state budget. While patting themselves on the back for adopting “a budget that puts California’s wealth to work for individuals, families, and businesses throughout our state,” there was one thing missing from their announcement – the support of ...

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities Inspired by California’s “green energy” agenda, the Biden Administration is pushing a #Justice40 agenda, which aims to improve minority communities, but will actually impose huge new mandates, costs, and taxes on the very communities they aim to help. ...

A look under the hood of ‘Medicare for All’

“Medicare for All” is back. For the fifth time in the last decade-plus, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced legislation that would launch a government takeover of the U.S. health insurance system. “Health care is a human right, not a privilege,” he insisted from the Senate floor May 12. But Americans also ...

Single-Payer ‘Medicare for All’ Would Inflate Americans’ Healthcare Bills

Inflation is ripping through every sector of the U.S. economy. But there’s one curious exception: healthcare. The cost of medical care is up 3.5% in the last year. The overall inflation rate, by contrast, is nearly two-and-a-half times higher — 8.3%. So why are Sen. Bernie Sanders and 14 of ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Generous Obamacare Subsidies Expire At The End Of The Year. That’s A Good Thing.

At the end of the year, the generous subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges that were enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act last March are set to expire. People may start receiving notices that their premiums are increasing in October, just a few weeks before this fall’s midterm ...


Health Care NEW BRIEF: Biosimilars Save Patients Over $11 Billion Annually, Fixing Broken System Would Help Patients Save More August 22, 2022 NEW BRIEF: Establishing An Efficient Health Insurance Market July 26, 2022 NEW STUDY: U.K. Vaping Regulations Based on Risks of Vaping Relative to Smoking Provide Lessons for U.S. ...

Who Controls Spending Often More Important Than How Money is Spent

“While many Californians are struggling to pay rent and put food on the table, Prop. 30 does not guarantee low income families will be able to buy (Zero Electric Vehicles).  Most ZEVs are purchased by wealthy and upper middle-class Californians.” If you think that quote is from the latest report ...

Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report The year 2022 was a year of many challenges for America and, in particular, California.  At the federal level, we saw inflation ravage Americans’ pocketbooks and an economy at the brink of recession due to bad government policy.  In California, more people were struggling to make ends ...


Scholars Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D Senior FellowBusiness and Economics Steven Greenhut Senior Fellow Free Cities Center Bartlett Cleland Senior Fellow Tech and Innovation Sal Rodriguez Fellow Free Cities Center Kenneth P. Green, D.Env. Senior Fellow Environmental Studies Steven Smith Senior Fellow Urban Studies Kerry Jackson William Clement Fellow in California Reform ...

Lawmakers Pass a Budget Bill, But No Deal Yet on Gas Price Relief

On Monday, Senate and Assembly Democrats passed their version of the 2022-23 state budget. While patting themselves on the back for adopting “a budget that puts California’s wealth to work for individuals, families, and businesses throughout our state,” there was one thing missing from their announcement – the support of ...

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities

Been There, Done That on Imposing New Energy Burdens on Minority Communities Inspired by California’s “green energy” agenda, the Biden Administration is pushing a #Justice40 agenda, which aims to improve minority communities, but will actually impose huge new mandates, costs, and taxes on the very communities they aim to help. ...

A look under the hood of ‘Medicare for All’

“Medicare for All” is back. For the fifth time in the last decade-plus, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced legislation that would launch a government takeover of the U.S. health insurance system. “Health care is a human right, not a privilege,” he insisted from the Senate floor May 12. But Americans also ...

Single-Payer ‘Medicare for All’ Would Inflate Americans’ Healthcare Bills

Inflation is ripping through every sector of the U.S. economy. But there’s one curious exception: healthcare. The cost of medical care is up 3.5% in the last year. The overall inflation rate, by contrast, is nearly two-and-a-half times higher — 8.3%. So why are Sen. Bernie Sanders and 14 of ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Generous Obamacare Subsidies Expire At The End Of The Year. That’s A Good Thing.

At the end of the year, the generous subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges that were enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act last March are set to expire. People may start receiving notices that their premiums are increasing in October, just a few weeks before this fall’s midterm ...
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