New PRI Book Explores The Great Parent Revolt Against Classroom Indoctrination

GreatParentRevolt CRT Cover

Book profiles grassroots agents of change from different backgrounds and ideologies who are fighting back against the education bureaucracy

SACRAMENTO – Exploring the instruction of critical race theory in public schools – which has been popularized through controversial curriculum such as the 1619 Project – the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today released The Great Parent Revolt, a new book that profiles ordinary people who have taken on the extraordinary task of defeating the most divisive doctrine to ever threaten America’s children.

“This book tells the story of individual parents, students and school board members who are fighting the ideological indoctrination of critical race theory,” write co-authors Lance Izumi, Wenyuan Wu, and McKenzie Richards.  “Almost none of them is an expert on political philosophy or social sciences but they are motivated by a common desire to stop a fringe and divisive dogma from preying on our society and its most fragile members:  America’s kids.”

The Great Parent Revolt features interviews with parents, grandparents, educators, students and community leaders who have been impacted by the sweeping forces of thought conformity and political indoctrination in public schools.  Among those profiled in the book are:

  • An African American widowed mother of five children who lives in poverty and who filed a federal lawsuit to strike down school-imposed critical race theory requirements
  • A 15-year-old son of an immigrant father and an American mother attending public school in San Francisco, who had a front-row seat to view the transformation of the classroom from a center for learning to a racial indoctrination camp
  • A survivor of the Cultural Revolution in Communist China, who garnered national attention when she spoke out against policies that amounted to political indoctrination being promoted by her local school district that had similarities to what she experienced as a youth in China
  • A Muslim woman whose father marched with Mahatma Gandhi, who spoke out when her local school district wanted to change the admissions system of her son’s school to a race-based system that would take away opportunities for Asian American students.
  • A woman whose grandparents escaped from the Holocaust and another whose family fled Communism in Eastern Europe who teamed together to start an organization fighting antisemitism in California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum.

The book also includes policy tools and strategies that frustrated parents and community members might employ in their local schools to stop the spread of critical race theory and classroom indoctrination.

The Great Parent Revolt is available now for purchase at or your favorite online bookseller.

If you would like to interview Lance Izumi about the book, please contact Tim Anaya at (916) 389-9774.

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