Mission Statement
The mission of the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) is to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility for all individuals by advancing free-market policy solutions.
Since its founding in 1979, PRI has remained steadfast to the vision of a free and civil society where individuals can achieve their full potential. Put simply, public policy is too important to be left just to the experts. Individuals are the real decision makers when it comes to their schools, health care, and environment. PRI reinforces this ideal by providing you with the information, inspiration, and opportunity to make decisions about the daily issues that matter most to you. The Institute’s activities include publications, events, media commentary, legislative testimony, and community outreach.
PRI’s current program advances
policy reform to achieve these goals:
Center for Education
To provide all students with access to a quality education
Center for Business and Economics
To strike down barriers to economic growth and innovation
Center for the Environment
To sustain the trend toward a cleaner environment
Center for Health Care
To provide better quality and access to health care while lowering costs

Center for California Reform
To reinvigorate California’s entrepreneurial, self-reliant traditions
Center for Medical Economics and Innovation
To educate policymakers, regulators, health care professionals,
and the public on new health care technologies
Free Cities Center
To foster new ideas for improving America’s cities