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  • Lance Izumi Featured in Washington Examiner Op-Ed on Unions Targeting Betsy DeVos

    Unions target Betsy DeVos as she defends children

    By Rebecca Friedrichs

    Union bosses have tried to run Education Secretary Betsy DeVos out of office since the day she was nominated. Why? Because DeVos champions education freedom scholarships and reductions to the federal education budget that return control to parents.

    Educational freedom empowers vulnerable children trapped in dangerous, low-performing schools to escape to safe, high-performing schools of their parents’ choice.

    But freedom for families means fewer educators paying union dues — a threat to union power.

    Education expert Lance Izumi says, “The growth of federal education funding has led to Washington usurping control over an area that our founding fathers rightly wanted to leave to state and local control. The Trump administration’s proposed education budget would eliminate about half the federal education department’s responsibilities, which would certainly help drain the Washington education swamp” . . .


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