Impact Magazine — Winter 2016

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This edition of IMPACT includes a special feature on our new study The Clean Power Plan’s Economic Impact by PRI Senior Fellow Dr. Wayne Winegarden – released on November 1st. This important study confirms that big federal government programs like the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) actually hurt low-income communities rather than help them. Dr. Winegarden found that low-income communities nationwide could face higher electricity expenditures under the CPP – in many states, equal to greater than 10 percent of their income. While well-intentioned, PRI’s research makes it clear that the CPP will add to the burdens of working families and perpetuate the cycle of poverty for many Americans. View interactive maps on our site to see how the regulations could impact your local community.


At PRI, we’ve long been a champion for charter schools as all the evidence points to their success in providing students—particularly minority students and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds—with greater opportunities to succeed. And so when the Black Lives Matter movement came out against charter schools, Koret Senior Fellow and Director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi took to the pages of the Philadelphia Inquirer to set the record straight. Izumi’s careful, reasoned analysis of the issue is the perfect antidote to the hysteria, hypocrisy, and manipulation that is all too common on the left. In his op-ed “Black Lives Matter vs. Charter Schools”, Izumi demonstrates that charter schools help black children and other minority students succeed. Indeed, the benefits are almost incalculable. Lance’s op-ed was re-printed in Newsday and cited in various publications.

That and much more in this edition of Impact Magazine

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