Impact Magazine — Summer 2016

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Letter from the President



America faces many challenges today that threaten the opportunity for her citizens to achieve their full potential. We have a healthcare system where medical decisions are increasingly being made by government bureaucrats instead of doctors and patients. We have unsustainable levels of national debt, an overburdened tax code, and an educational system that prioritizes teachers’ unions over the needs of students. That’s why the Pacific Research Institute remains committed to researching, developing, and promoting free-market policies that will lead to a stronger, freer America.

This edition of Impact includes a special feature on my ongoing efforts to educate policymakers, the media, and the public on the need for meaningful health care reform in America. In January, Encounter Books published The Way Out of Obamacare, a Broadside that provides an actionable blueprint for health care reform in this important campaign season – one that will provide affordable, accessible, quality health care for all Americans. Over the coming months, we will be urging policymakers to coalesce around a single plan that will, unlike Obamacare, lower costs while empowering patients.

We are also pleased to highlight our new study on public sector pension reform in California. California’s Pension Crowd-Out authored by PRI Senior Fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D., is part of PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda, a 12-point plan to address California’s most pressing problems. As outlined on page five, Dr. Winegarden’s study reveals the flaws with the state’s current public pension systems and offers potential reforms. The study has garnered a significant amount of attention in the media, both nationally and in California. We look forward to continuing to promote the study and working with legislators on advancing real solutions.

This fall, I celebrate my 25th anniversary of leading PRI. I am so very grateful for your support of our work. Your generosity allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. I hope you will continue to partner with us in this important election year as we advance workable solutions to replace Obamacare, fight to give parents options for their children’s education, and advance the principles of liberty upon which this great country was founded.


Sally C. Pipes
President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy

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