NEW BRIEF: 340B Hospitals More Profitable, Provide Less Charity Care, Receive Unwarranted Subsidies
So-called 340B hospitals whose mission is to help the vulnerable are more profitable and provide less charity care, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market think tank. Click to download “Profiting from 340B” “The ...
Wayne H Winegarden
November 10, 2021
Health Care
NEW BRIEF: U.S. Patients Could Save Up to $5.8 Billion Through Competition from Humira and Enbrel Biosimilars
Policies that promote biosimilar competition have the potential to save U.S. patients up to $5.8 billion collectively if biosimilars to Humira and Enbrel grow in market share, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market ...
Wayne H Winegarden
November 3, 2021
New PRI Series to Show How Flawed U.S. Health Insurance System Inflates Costs, Decreases Quality and Reduces Health Outcomes
Addressing the ongoing problems with the U.S. health insurance system, the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today announced the release of the first paper in the Coverage Denied series, which will analyze and propose reforms to fix the problems in the current system ...
Wayne H Winegarden
October 21, 2021
Drug Pricing
NEW BRIEF: Focus Groups Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Government “Negotiated” Drug Pricing
Today, the Pacific Research Institute published an issue brief revealing overwhelming public disapproval for Medicare reforms that Congress is considering as part of its $3.5 trillion spending bill. Click here to read the full issue brief, “Drug Pricing Proposals Threaten America’s Most Vulnerable Patients.” “It’s a relief that Americans oppose ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 19, 2021
Business & Economics
NEW STUDY: Harmful Policy Choices Driving Employers, Every Age Group and Income Level Away from California
Documenting California’s growing outmigration problem, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute found that harmful policy choices have increased economic and quality-of-life concerns and are chasing businesses, job opportunities, individuals of every age group and income level, and badly needed tax revenue out of state. ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 23, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Education Landscape: Where We Are and What the Future Holds
DOWNLOAD THE REPORT The following is a speech given by Lance Izumi, senior director of the Center for Education at the Pacific Research Institute, to The Parent Union on August 19, 2021. There is so much going on in education, both in California and nationally, that I thought I would ...
Lance Izumi
September 7, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Slow-Built Rail
Download the PDF One of the Legislature’s jobs in the final month of the 2021 session is to make a high-speed rail funding decision. The question is how many more billions will be wasted this year on a project that sensible lawmakers would have abandoned long ago. The Legislature, which ...
Kerry Jackson
August 31, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: More of California’s Big Cities on the Way to Becoming Next Detroit
DOWNLOAD PDF Two waves have rolled through California in 2021. One so hot that high temperature records were set throughout the state. The other so chilling that stores have shortened their hours and even closed altogether to avoid it. By now, the video of a shoplifter last month filling what ...
Kerry Jackson
July 23, 2021
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is This How California is Solving Its Housing Crisis?
DOWNLOAD PDF Not too terribly long ago, the Legislative Analyst’s Office said that to meet demand, each year the state needed 100,000 new housing units in addition to the 100,000 to 140,000 that are expected to be built annually, an impossibility in today’s political environment. But, intentional or not, policymakers ...
Kerry Jackson
June 17, 2021
Climate Change
PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition
Increased Energy Competition Will Lower Costs, Increase Innovation, Better Address Climate Change Aiming to provide market-based analyses and perspective to educate policymakers and the public about policies impacting competitive electricity markets, the Pacific Research Institute – a California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, today launched the “Electricity Reality Report.” The new ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 1, 2021
NEW BRIEF: 340B Hospitals More Profitable, Provide Less Charity Care, Receive Unwarranted Subsidies
So-called 340B hospitals whose mission is to help the vulnerable are more profitable and provide less charity care, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market think tank. Click to download “Profiting from 340B” “The ...
NEW BRIEF: U.S. Patients Could Save Up to $5.8 Billion Through Competition from Humira and Enbrel Biosimilars
Policies that promote biosimilar competition have the potential to save U.S. patients up to $5.8 billion collectively if biosimilars to Humira and Enbrel grow in market share, finds a new brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market ...
New PRI Series to Show How Flawed U.S. Health Insurance System Inflates Costs, Decreases Quality and Reduces Health Outcomes
Addressing the ongoing problems with the U.S. health insurance system, the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute today announced the release of the first paper in the Coverage Denied series, which will analyze and propose reforms to fix the problems in the current system ...
NEW BRIEF: Focus Groups Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Government “Negotiated” Drug Pricing
Today, the Pacific Research Institute published an issue brief revealing overwhelming public disapproval for Medicare reforms that Congress is considering as part of its $3.5 trillion spending bill. Click here to read the full issue brief, “Drug Pricing Proposals Threaten America’s Most Vulnerable Patients.” “It’s a relief that Americans oppose ...
NEW STUDY: Harmful Policy Choices Driving Employers, Every Age Group and Income Level Away from California
Documenting California’s growing outmigration problem, a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute found that harmful policy choices have increased economic and quality-of-life concerns and are chasing businesses, job opportunities, individuals of every age group and income level, and badly needed tax revenue out of state. ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Education Landscape: Where We Are and What the Future Holds
DOWNLOAD THE REPORT The following is a speech given by Lance Izumi, senior director of the Center for Education at the Pacific Research Institute, to The Parent Union on August 19, 2021. There is so much going on in education, both in California and nationally, that I thought I would ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Slow-Built Rail
Download the PDF One of the Legislature’s jobs in the final month of the 2021 session is to make a high-speed rail funding decision. The question is how many more billions will be wasted this year on a project that sensible lawmakers would have abandoned long ago. The Legislature, which ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: More of California’s Big Cities on the Way to Becoming Next Detroit
DOWNLOAD PDF Two waves have rolled through California in 2021. One so hot that high temperature records were set throughout the state. The other so chilling that stores have shortened their hours and even closed altogether to avoid it. By now, the video of a shoplifter last month filling what ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Is This How California is Solving Its Housing Crisis?
DOWNLOAD PDF Not too terribly long ago, the Legislative Analyst’s Office said that to meet demand, each year the state needed 100,000 new housing units in addition to the 100,000 to 140,000 that are expected to be built annually, an impossibility in today’s political environment. But, intentional or not, policymakers ...
PRI Launches “Electricity Reality Report” Website to Make Case for Increased Energy Competition
Increased Energy Competition Will Lower Costs, Increase Innovation, Better Address Climate Change Aiming to provide market-based analyses and perspective to educate policymakers and the public about policies impacting competitive electricity markets, the Pacific Research Institute – a California-based, nonpartisan, free-market think tank, today launched the “Electricity Reality Report.” The new ...